Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 928: Battle of rules

"Is the eighth level of civilization in the macro direction? It's been a long time since I have played against your type of civilization ... Before the battle begins, how about an agreement?"

In the quiet flying kite galaxy, a piece of information passed from one nothingness to another. There is clearly nothing here, but there is a message here, and there is nothing there, but there is a response to this message: "Our opponent this time is you ... the direction of the universe The eight-level civilization is really rare ... what agreement do you make with us? We are very interested to hear it. "

"The agreement is very simple. In the battle between us, no matter who wins or loses, no one can attack to interfere with the war between these two seventh-level civilizations?" The eighth-level civilization called the direction of the universe Said.

"It seems that you already have the certainty to win ... but we are curious, where does your faith come from? Do you really think that you can defeat us and destroy this river system? Really? A good abacus. Defeating us and destroying all the stars can also be considered as destroying the river system. If we can't defeat us, we must rely on the agreement to restrain us from shooting at Xiao Yu and let him destroy the central black hole. To achieve the purpose of destroying this river system ... In these two wars, as long as we lose, we will be defeated, and you, as long as we win, will we be victorious? " It seems a bit of a joke to reply, when they reply to the message. In the nothingness that sent the message, there seemed to be constant appearance and disappearance of stars, and their appearance showed no signs. It left no trace when it disappeared.

These stars are generally very large, but their shapes are not uniform. Some are in the shape of a sphere, small as large as a dwarf planet, and large as a star, and others in various weird shapes, some like a smashed car, and some like It's a collapsed house. Some even look like twisted twists, strange and strange.

This has some similarities with alien beast civilization. Maybe these macro-civilized intelligent creatures have gained the ability to make themselves more and more evolved by studying alien creatures.

Analysis from the information of the universe civilization. It seems that the Rebel Alliance is trying to preserve the Flying Kite Galaxy and make it its own area of ​​rules, where it adheres to its own rules. The endorsement side hopes to prevent the rebel alliance from occupying the river system by destroying the river system.

The destruction of a river system can be viewed in two ways. One. Destroy the stars of this river system. Stars are an essential element of the river system. Without stars, nature cannot be regarded as a river system. Second, destroy the central black hole of this river system. Without the gravitational restraint of the central black hole, this river system would be plunged into a total chaos.

In both respects, as long as one side succeeds, the endorser side is a victory. Therefore, the macro civilization will have the words "We only fail if one side fails, and you only win if one side wins."

"Yes. We just made this idea." The eight-level civilization in the direction of the universe replied, "But. Making this agreement with you is just to convey the opinions of our camp. Our civilization itself does not mean this. Of course, we also We will abide by this agreement, but after we defeated you and achieved a victory and laid down the big picture, we will be happy to help the little fellow of Dark Star Civilization to teach Xiao Yu ... "

"It seems that you have a profound prejudice against Xiao Yu. This is very important news. Does it mean that some of your spokesperson camps have shown a tendency to split?" Macro civilization said faintly.

"You don't need to pay attention to these things. Your duties and tasks are lost to us, and then Lisuo rolls out of this river system, taking back your dirty hands trying to touch the rules of the universe ... Is it great to be big?" Talking, it seems that macro civilization is not seen at all.

The confrontation between the two words ends here. Macro civilization did not respond to the sarcasm of cosmic civilization. The space they were in became quieter and quieter, as if nothing had ever existed there. But in these quietness, a strange atmosphere was spreading.

The war has begun.

"Can you already fuse your small universe with the large universe to a certain extent, and then change the rules of the universe within a certain scale? Trying to rely on the rules to destroy us ... you think too simple. Since this is the case, we Just break the rules you have made and let your little universe completely collapse. "The message of coldness without any emotion echoed here, and as this message was sent out, suddenly, some of this star field Out of sight, weird things started happening.

In this space, endless microscopic particles began to emerge at the same time-this phenomenon is not strange, it is nothing more than vacuum fluctuations, and there will be continuous particle pairs in the vacuum, a Particles carry a positive mass, a particle carries a negative mass, and after a short period of time, they will both disappear and become invisible. It is for this reason that the universe adheres to the law of conservation of mass and energy at a macro level, and no increase or decrease in mass occurs for no reason.

However, the vacuum fluctuations appearing here at this moment have reached a limit violently. Even the particles appearing in the vacuum have not begun to follow the law of conservation of mass energy at a macro level. At some point, these vacuum fluctuations The mass of the falling particles began to be greater than the number of negative particles, that is, some energy or mass was born into the universe for no reason.

This is a violation of the rules and the laws of the universe. This phenomenon is very strange, but it seems so unusual that they happen here. Because around them, more violations are happening ...

A few light years away, a star is quietly orbiting the central black hole in its orbit. Around it, a planet is orbiting it. But all of a sudden, everything was reversed, the planet suddenly stopped, and the star started to spin around the planet ...

An asteroid is violently impacting towards it due to the gravitational influence of this planet, but just after this reversal situation happened, I do n’t know why, this asteroid suddenly was much higher than when it came Speed, suddenly turned around and walked away, just like a trampoline in front of it, and it was rebounded away.

Countless weird things happen here. In some inexplicable spaces, countless giant stars or other weird things are quietly there, and a lot of energy flows out of them, but these energy do not know where it flows -After leaving their bodies, these energies disappeared out of thin air, and they seemed to have penetrated deeper into the universe, enough to touch the depths of the origin of the universe.

Just when this rule was rewritten and everything started to become chaotic, some macro-civilized creatures of huge size did not seem to be affected by these chaotic rules, but they seemed to be as fish-like as water—obviously, compared with ordinary The rules of the universe, the rules now make them more comfortable, they can play a more powerful combat here. They are looming in this chaotic universe, which may or may not be curvature navigation, and some even reach hundreds of thousands of times the speed of light by conventional navigation. They are advancing violently. From the level of the rule and the level of the visible universe, he launched a fierce blow to his enemies.

"Since we know that we are an eight-level civilization in the direction of the universe, it is impossible not to know that rewriting and formulating new rules are our best. So why do you try to gain an advantage at the rule level?" Accompanying this voice Faintly sighing, some weird and unspeakable phenomena happened again in this cosmic space.

I do n’t know why, some macro-civilized creatures are routinely sailing at the speed of hundreds of thousands of times the speed of light. Suddenly they are melted into a soft mass ~ ~ In progress Some macro-civilized creatures that resemble curvature navigation disappeared from the visible universe and never appeared in the visible universe again. I do n’t know where they went or if they were dead or alive.

Some stars suddenly dimmed, but the speed of their nuclear fusion increased. I do n’t know how much. They consumed all their energy in a very short period of time, and then calmly shrank into a ball. In this process There was no explosion. Some planets suddenly start to glow, and they are brighter than stars ...

In this universe of space, the rules are chaotic and unstable, and everything in the visible universe, including interstellar dust, including stars and planets, is governed by physical rules. The laws of physics were changed, and the first thing they felt was them.

The area where the rules have been rewritten seems to be very large, and there are at least 30 million stars of different masses in this area. At this moment, these stars are like clay sculptures, being pinched by regular forces.

The war between the two eighth-level civilizations is clearly just beginning. (To be continued ...)

ps: Well ... good luck, and got the second chapter out. .

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