Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 929: Trial and guess

Xiao Yu's intelligence network system is rapidly expanding. Until now, the space under Xiao Yu's surveillance has accounted for one-half of the entire Flying Kite galaxy, and the proportion is still expanding rapidly.

Under these circumstances, Xiao Yu noticed this dramatic change in the Flying Kite galaxy almost instantly, and felt the strange changes that existed there. Such a scenario, observed by a sixth-level or lower civilization, may cause their entire physical theory system to collapse, but for Xiao Yu, these changes can only make Xiao Yu understand the rules more deeply. Mystery.

"Obviously, this is a rule-level war between two eighth-level civilizations. Because the rules have been rewritten, all these tens of millions of stars and more planets and other stars have been affected. The stars have gathered due to their own gravity Together, they are balanced because the pressure created by nuclear fusion keeps them from shrinking too much. And if the characteristics of gravity are changed, the star will burst suddenly, and it will not be able to reunite into a mass. If the mechanism of pressure is changed, the star will suddenly shrink infinitely and eventually become a black hole. "

"This is the eight-level civilization's way of war." Xiao Yu sighed silently, "They are not just fighting on the level of mysterious rules as I thought before. The war between them will also affect the visible universe. . "

Xiao Yu recalled what happened after he destroyed the small universe of the Andromeda Civilization Alliance. He recalled what he saw when he completed the journey from the Milky Way to the Andromeda Galaxy through the Stargate. Same situation as here. The rules have changed in the Flying Kite galaxy at this moment. It's just that there are some differences. Xiao Yu can now only destroy the rules, not the rules. After the rules were destroyed, Xiao Yu could not interfere with them. You can only watch them slowly evolving there.

"Perhaps this is the difference between a seventh-level civilization and a eight-level civilization. The eighth-level civilization can already rewrite the rules to create a more favorable universe environment for itself ... Just like the eighth-level civilization in the direction of the extreme stars, by changing the speed of light Changing the characteristics of black holes that cannot be entered to create black hole war stars, just like the current macro-oriented civilization, we can create more convenient conditions for ourselves by rewriting gravity and the speed of light ... "

"The war between eight-level civilizations has begun. Then. The war between seventh-level civilizations should also begin." Xiao Yu thought for a moment and put his attention on the nothingness in front of him again.

Yes. Presenting to Xiao Yu at the moment is nothing but nothing, no stars, no planets, no interstellar dust. Nothing at all. but. According to Xiao Yu's previous observations and the situation inferred from the surrounding environment, here should not be a void, here ... It should be a huge black hole, it will have a very large accretion disk, and When entering it, it will release extremely powerful energy. The energy released by this black hole system is enough to compare with the entire river system ...

But there is nothing here. Although the nearby stars are still orbiting around here rapidly. Although the entire river system is still stable, the central black hole has disappeared.

All signs observed by Xiao Yu indicate that this black hole should be here. But there is nothing here. The goal of Xiao Yu's trip ... is to destroy this black hole.

Now, even this black hole can't be found, how can Xiao Yu destroy it?

"Oh? It seems that Dark Star Civilization has mastered some unexpected technology ... They have hidden a whole black hole. So, what technology did you use to hide it?" Xiao Yurao Thinking with interest.

Finding the hidden central black hole is a challenge for Xiao Yu. Because even Xiao Yu himself hasn't mastered hiding a black hole with a mass of nearly 7 billion times the sun, while keeping its gravity to maintain the normal operation of the entire river system.

"According to my current level of theory, space technology is most likely to happen, and it is extremely clever space technology. For example, through the continuous folding, breaking, repetition of space, and finally concealing an entity But ... is there really any use for this? As long as you still exist in this space, even if I can't find you, then what? "

To cope with this situation, Xiao Yu has a very simple and rude but very effective method, which is to directly destroy this space. It's like an ant hiding in a wrinkled towel. If this towel has too many wrinkles and dead knots, then you don't really need to open the dead knots and smooth the wrinkles to find this. An ant-you just need to throw this towel into the stove and burn it directly. In this way, no matter how clever the ant is hiding, it will eventually die.

This is what Xiao Yu wants to do now. In the vast expanse of the middle of the river system, Xiao Yu began to make his own arrangements in an orderly manner. It was a huge number of super-chain reaction space bombs. Here, this strategic-level weapon developed by Xiao Yu once again has its place.

"The central black hole of the flying kite galaxy has a limited gap compared to quasars. It completely hides such a behemoth and the accretion disk around it. Your dark star civilization really is a big deal." Xiao Yu thought slowly, "you It may have been studied in depth at the spatial level, but I do n’t like coming here to compete with you. "

During Xiao Yu's exploration, in the core of this flying kite galaxy, about 500 light-years of matter have disappeared. As a result, the super-mega chain reaction space bomb arranged by Xiao Yu also occupied a space of 500 light-years in diameter. The deployment of these strategic weapons has consumed Xiao Yu for about half a year.

During this half year, the core of the entire Flying Kite Galaxy has maintained this kind of quietness. Somewhere in the flying kite galaxy, the battle between eighth-level civilizations is still ongoing, and Xiao Yu has been closely monitoring the movement there. During this period of time, this lonely battlefield situation was still maintained there, the rules were constantly changed and then determined, and the natural stars in the cosmic starry sky were constantly constrained by new rules-to be honest, Xiao Yu didn't know much about the form of engagement between the eight civilizations, and Xiao Yu couldn't even analyze which side had the advantage at the moment.

"For us, the situation is that you only need one victory to get a complete victory. Even if I fail, there will be an opportunity for the eighth level civilization in the universe. However, I will not pin my hope on them. Chen Mo's situation in the endorser camp does not seem to be very good. I need to prove my own value to improve her environment for her ... "Xiao Yu thought silently.

"Well, launch a giant chain reactive space bomb, launch it, completely destroy this space, and expose the dark star civilization hidden in the dark and the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy ... without these shelters, I See how you can hide it? "Xiao Yu sneered in his heart.

A sufficient number of super-mega chain reactive space bombs have been arranged by Xiao Yu in the right place. Now they are just waiting for an instruction from Xiao Yu. Now, this order was solemnly issued by Xiao Yu.

Before detonating these big guys, Xiao Yu had left a safe distance far enough here. Under the close attention of Xiao Yu, the endless energy gushes out from this area.

Everything is as expected by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu has carried out many blastings like this. All the consequences of such blasting and the phenomena that can occur during the blasting have all been deeply studied. Everything is normal, just like these experiments that Xiao Yu has done before.

However, everything is normal means abnormal. Because in the many normal tests that Xiao Yu has conducted before, there is no hidden black hole in the central system of the river system with a mass of several billion times the mass of the sun.

If a big guy of this size really hides here, then in this blasting test, Xiao Yu will definitely observe something wrong. Xiao Yu didn't observe that this is where things are weird ~ ~ Yes, after the huge space explosion of this scale, the hidden black hole did not show up. The Dark Star civilization did not show up. They ... don't seem to be hidden in a way that Xiao Yu understands.

"Isn't they hidden by space technology?" Xiao Yu thought about this question silently. "If not space technology, what other technology can hide such a big guy? You know, the gravity of this huge black hole is still The many stars that dominate this river system indicate that it must still be here and that it has not left here ... "

It's like you can feel someone standing next to you, you can touch him, feel his temperature, hear his voice and heartbeat, you can smell the smell of him, but ... you just look for it You can't see him until you see him.

The situation is weird.

Gradually, an idea emerged in Xiao Yu's mind: "Can it be ... a logical weapon? Dark Star Civilization hid this big guy through a logical weapon?" (To be continued ...)

ps: Sorry, that's all changed today ...

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