Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 930: Natural phenomenon

In his heart, Xiao Yu has always attached great importance to this logical weapon possessed by the Dark Star civilization. Even in Xiao Yu's strategic arrangement, most of the resources are used to deal with this logical weapon, and only a relatively small part of it is used to combat the Dark Star civilization. Yes, Xiao Yu did not look at the Dark Star civilization at all. What Xiao Yu valued was only this second logical weapon.

However, Xiao Yu really did not expect that before the war had officially started, he had encountered the difficulties laid down by logical weapons for himself-the central black hole must be here, but he could not find it anyway, which could cause this For this effect, apart from logical weapons, Xiao Yu did not believe that Dark Star civilization had this ability.

"So ... how to find out the central black hole?" Xiao Yu was silently thinking about this question.

Presenting to Xiao Yu is an empty universe. The most violent explosion has passed, and because it is just an empty space without any stars, this time the explosion test will calm down faster than any previous time. Under the healing power of the Universe itself, calm is rapidly being restored here. Through this, Xiao Yu once again saw the stars in the distance. The violent explosion has destroyed any matter in this starry sky, so after calming down, it has become clearer. It was a pitch-black, almost pure color, except for the shining stars. But Xiao Yu knew that the central black hole was hidden somewhere here, and he couldn't find it.

"Analyze according to the available information. The most likely cause of this is the logical weapon. Then, I will use the logical weapon to analyze it according to the Dark Star civilization. Currently known. Dark Star civilization What I have is the second logical weapon, and after the result is specified, the second logical weapon needs an implementation process, which requires an executor. I used to be the executor of logical weapons. So, What kind of execution mechanism does logical weapon use to achieve the purpose of hiding the central black hole? "

Xiao Yu tried to restore the disappearance of the central black hole. The logical weapon possessed by the Dark Star civilization. After all, it is not the first logical weapon. The first logical weapon does not require a cause for its results, and the second requires a cause. After finding the reason, Xiao Yu can rely on the same mechanism. Find out the central black hole.

"This execution mechanism has two possibilities. First, in this event, the universe itself is the performer, which means that it achieves this purpose through some" natural phenomena ". Second, the performer is An advanced civilization. This advanced civilization achieves this purpose through some technology that I have not yet understood. If it is the first possibility, I still have hope for victory, and the second possibility ... I have no hope. ... because natural phenomena can be reproduced, and advanced civilization cannot be mastered. "

"But further analysis, it is unlikely that the executor of this incident is a high-level civilization. Because here is the battlefield of spokesmen and rebels, the two civilizations have agreed to send only one eight-level civilization to participate in the war. In this case, it is unlikely that the Rebel Alliance will send another eight civilizations to intervene in the war-the reason is simple. If they send the remaining eight civilizations to intervene in the war, the spokesman camp can do the same. Do. Well? I do n’t know if the help of music civilization helped me intervene in this war? ”

Just in this thinking. The name of music civilization suddenly broke into Xiao Yu's mind. This immediately made the whole thing full of uncertainty. Because Xiao Yu didn't know that the help of music civilization to himself was regarded as an intervention in this war. If it was an intervention, then the rebel alliance sent eight civilizations to help the Dark Star civilization, which seems to be justified.

"There is no definitive answer to this question. The ratio of calculated or not is about three to seven. This ratio is still worth trying for me. I hope the performer of this event is the universe itself, not advanced civilization ..." Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart.

Xiao Yu began a careful exploration of this space, trying to find some "natural phenomenon" specified by the law of causality. According to the implementation mechanism of the logical weapon possessed by the Dark Star civilization, if the actor is the universe itself, then it is these "natural phenomena" that have caused the disappearance of the central black hole. This natural phenomenon must be very rare and very rare, because Xiao Yu has never encountered this phenomenon in many other river systems. There is no theory in Xiao Yu's physical system that would allow this phenomenon to occur. This is the difference between this river system and the rest, and by analyzing this difference, Xiao Yu can achieve his purpose if it really exists.

Xiao Yu's numerous probes made detailed observations of the holes left after the central black hole disappeared, as well as those surrounding the central black hole that are still affected by gravity. Xiao Yu measured in detail the space curvature, gravitational fluctuations, star luminosity, structure, whether it was affected by some unexpected situation, material density, temperature, etc., trying to find a little clue from the vast data.

But the result disappointed Xiao Yu. All the stars, all the space, and all the data here are very normal to Xiao Yu, without any abnormality. This once again made Xiao Yu into confusion.

"Perhaps I was looking in the wrong direction." Xiao Yu thought silently. "The kind of natural phenomenon I speculated may not have anything to do with these surrounding stars and space."

After this road was blocked, Xiao Yu tried to find a solution to the problem from the other ways.

"Since no trace can be found from the actual detection, then it may be a feasible way to find a solution from a logical level." Xiao Yu thought, "then now you need to complete a logical reasoning-it can affect a What is the most likely big guy with a mass of billions of times the mass of the sun? "

"In other words, what is in this river system that has the power to affect the central black hole?"

This is a very simple question, but because of its simplicity, it is even more weird in the current situation. The logic is very simple. For example, when a mountain peak collapses, do you doubt an ant when you think about what influence caused the mountain peak to collapse?

An ant is too weak. One billion, ten billion ants can't bring down a mountain. When thinking about this, you will only consider the sources of power that match the "mountain collapse" event, such as earthquakes, asteroid impacts, and so on. Simply put, it is the mismatch between the strength of the ants and the collapse of the mountain.

However, in the place where Xiao Yumu has seen, and in this entire river system, Xiao Yu can't find the power that matches the incident of "the central black hole disappeared". Is the supernova explosion fierce enough? But its power is not worth mentioning compared to the power of the central black hole. Is the neutron star collision fierce enough? But it also fails to reach the level that affects the central black hole. Black holes devour stars? Stellar collision? Light-induced metamorphism, or instability against supernovas? None, neither of these things, they are far worse than the central black hole.

Xiao Yu's eyes carefully searched in this huge river system, trying to find the huge power hidden in this river system, which could affect the speculative central black hole. But Xiao Yu was disappointed. The eyes are thousands of stars. Among these thousands of stars, there must be hidden countless extreme stars, but their power levels are too weak compared to them.

Xiao Yu could not find any culprit in this river system that might have caused the "central black hole to disappear". Perhaps it was the central black hole itself that caused the disappearance of the central black hole. This may not be without, if this is the case, Xiao Yu's path will also be blocked.

"Doesn't this road work?" Xiao Yu sighed secretly, "Maybe the help of music civilization for me can really be regarded as intervening in this war, and the incident that caused the disappearance of the central black hole is really some level eight. Civilization. Even if it is not advanced civilization, this may be the influence of the central black hole itself-only these possibilities, in addition to these three possibilities, what else can affect a huge guy like the central black hole of a river system? "

Xiao Yu felt that his thinking seemed to have entered a dead end ~ ~ and it was during this continuous thinking and experiment that hundreds of years had passed.

Under the watchful eye of Xiao Yu, the war between the two major eight-level civilizations continued. Xiao Yu, as always, did not know the situation between them, and did not know who had the upper hand. The situation there, the rules, and the confusion as always. Xiao Yu knew that as long as the eight-level civilization of the spokesperson succeeded, it would be irrelevant even if he failed, but Xiao Yu was not reconciled. His victory will help improve Chen Mo's position in the endorser camp, which is very important to Xiao Yu.

At the same time there is another reason, that is Xiao Yu's arrogance.

"As a unique living body in the universe, is there any problem that can hardly catch me? Now that you have done something, how can I not solve it?" Xiao Yu thought.

Just then, Xiao Yu's heart suddenly moved. Because Xiao Yu thought of another possibility.

"In this flying kite galaxy, there is really a powerful force that is comparable to the central black hole ... well, I have found you." (To be continued ...)

ps: The second is probably before eleven thirty. . .

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