Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 931: Chaos is not chaos

This is a very simple thinking. If a mountain peak on the earth collapses, people will think about whether it was an earthquake or a monster came out and pushed it down instead of looking for an ant to press the charge. On its head.

Similarly, the central black hole has disappeared, and Xiao Yu should not look for a supernova explosion or a small black hole quietly devouring a star and so on. Instead, he should look for something with the same level as the central black hole. Powerful existence.

So, in a river system, what has a powerful force comparable to the central black hole?

There was a misunderstanding in Xiao Yu's thinking before. Xiao Yu has been looking for a single thing, but which single star can be compared with the central black hole? So Xiao Yu could not find this thing. Now, this misunderstanding has been broken by Xiao Yu. When Xiao Yu's sight was placed on this vast galaxy and above the thousands of stars, Xiao Yu suddenly felt the carrier of this powerful force.

This carrier is the river system itself. A star is very small, but if trillions of stars are combined, it will become a stronger force than the central black hole. The mass of the central black hole plus the accretion disk around it is about ten billion times the mass of the sun, and the billions of stars of the flying kite galaxy have no less than one trillion times the mass of the sun.

This is the only black hole in the river system that has sufficient qualifications to influence it.

If the central black hole disappears, it is not because of the intervention of advanced civilization. Not because of the power of the central black hole itself, then only this one is possible. The disappearance of the central black hole is a consequence. To achieve this result requires an enforcement mechanism. Among the mechanisms that can act as a carrier is the Flying Kite Galaxy itself.

"If my guess is correct, because of the weird movement of this river system that caused the disappearance of the central black hole, then there must be traces. These traces may be tiny on each individual star. I can't even detect it at the smallest level, but if we analyze it from the big picture level, we can definitely find them out. "

Xiao Yu quickly determined his strategy for the next step. After constant thinking, experimentation, and failure. Xiao Yu has found a new way out. This path is very promising and leads to the ultimate smooth road.

"The trillions of detectors I made have now covered two-thirds of this vast expanse of the river. Almost every galaxy of considerable mass is within my scope. So, now it is time to What I did was to analyze it from the overall level ... I want to comprehensively analyze the orbits, gravitational effects, stellar material composition, photometric changes, radiation intensity, and other data of these nearly one trillion stars. , To find the clues hidden behind this. "Xiao Yu thought silently.

This may be the right path. It's like a social change. To find the cause of this social change, there is no reason for it from a single intelligent creature. For example, a college student suddenly has a little more idea about the nation, a worker suddenly has a little awareness of the unfair situation, and a distressed web writer suddenly has a little Cynical thoughts ... all these are trivial matters. But these billions of ideas add up. In the end, a torrent that is enough to destroy the world will be formed.

Every star is an individual. The disappearance of the central black hole is a huge social change. It is not impossible for these billions of stars to make a little change to each of them, and this force converges to eventually cause the central black hole to disappear.

The huge intelligence network laid out by Xiao Yu in advance finally played a role at this moment. The trillion detectors correspond to the trillion stars. They are measuring in detail all the data they can face, and then aggregate these data and send them to Xiao Yu's mind, and Xiao Yu will make the final analysis. And judgment.

If not in the war with the virtual life civilization, Xiao Yu has acquired more advanced computer technology, which has caused his computing power to rise sharply once again. This huge torrent of data will be enough to flush Xiao Yu's main computer immediately. Crashed. Even if Xiao Yu is no longer in the past, these data streams have made Xiao Yu's computational usage rate almost to a dangerous level.

"The operation of this star seems a little weird ... Its rotation speed has been reduced by three millimeters per second for the past five thousand years. The reason is due to the pull of the planet's gravity, and the cause of this pull of the planet, It is because it suffered an asteroid impact that caused the orbit to change. The reason for the asteroid impact ... The impact in the asteroid belt is too chaotic. There is no way to judge it. Well, this line ends here. . "

"The luminosity of this star seems to have increased by 0.2% over the past 5,000 years. The reason is ... the rate of nuclear fusion has increased? What is the reason for the increase? Well, there are nova explosions around ..."

"The spatial curvature here is a bit abnormal ... Six-body motion? Multi-body motion is unpredictable, that is to say, that kind of motion trajectory is possible. After a fixed period of time, the probability of it showing a result and b result is Equivalently, this is an excellent place without traces to complete the layout. Even if a logical weapon is used to specify that it will have a result in the future, this is completely invisible-because I have no way to determine that it is natural Should it have evolved a result or b result ... "

In Xiao Yu's detection and analysis, huge data streams flowed through, useless data was discarded, and useful data was intercepted by Xiao Yu for further analysis.

From the perspective of Xiao Yu, these things are all trivial matters, and each thing does not make much sense. However, after these many things were united, Xiao Yu discovered a mystery hidden behind this.

For example ... the rotation speed of a star is reduced by 3 millimeters per second, for example, the luminosity of a star has increased by 0.2%, and for example ... these things alone are not meaningful, but these few The union of stars will cause some changes in another open star cluster that is not far away from them. The change of this open star cluster will affect another huge globular cluster, and eventually more stars. And among these more stars, many of them are also changing. These endless changes are intertwined and will eventually converge into a terrible torrent.

Every star is participating in the incident, and at the same time is being affected by the incident. The consequence of this situation is that the results are almost unpredictable. But they faced Xiao Yu. By virtue of his huge computing power, Xiao Yu has restored all of this in a stupid way, clarified each of the contexts between their interactions, and restored what they changed this time. In every role played in the

This is chaos, but Xiao Yu's infinite computing power has completely removed this chaos.

It's like a butterfly flapping its wings over the rain forests of South America, and it finally caused a storm on the Atlantic Ocean. This is chaos theory, it is unpredictable. What Xiao Yu did was to grasp all the meteorological data on the earth at the same time through these countless detectors, including where temperature, pressure, humidity, wind direction, etc., and then through calculation, The outcome of this accidental event of the butterfly fan wings was predicted stiffly.

Xiao Yu's computing power is such a horror.

In the process of this calculation, Xiao Yu also encountered some contradictions, but Xiao Yu immediately ruled it out.

It ’s only five thousand years. According to common sense, these infinite stars have the most impact. Most of them can be transmitted beyond five thousand light years away, because the speed of light is the upper limit of conventional navigation. For comparison, the entire Kite galaxy has a diameter of one million light years. Compared to the entire galaxy galaxy, these effects do not seem to reach the entire river galaxy.

However, in this incident, Xiao Yu also discovered another strange phenomenon. The changes in these stars seem to cause some bending in space, and these effects are transmitted through these curved spaces. In other words, the stars have created a certain curvature space with their own power. These effects are propagating at the speed of light. They are not limited by the speed of light.

This contradiction was ruled out, and the last obstacle in front of Xiao Yu was also removed.

Xiao Yu has been computing for nearly a hundred years. In the past hundred years, Xiao Yu has restored the movement trajectory of each star he has detected in the past five thousand years ~ ~ What changes have occurred, and these changes will What kind of impact will be caused, what kind of consequences will be caused ... Xiao Yu calculated all of them.

From this moment on, the flying kite galaxy has no secret in front of Xiao Yu. It is like a specimen pinned to the wall by a pin, and Xiao Yu can use any instrument to observe it at any time.

Under such circumstances, a clear context was sought out by Xiao Yu. That's right, through the observation of nearly a trillion stars in the past century, Xiao Yu has found that the central black hole has disappeared, but still uses gravity to rule this river system, and finds out what caused this situation. Based on what mechanism ... (to be continued ...)

ps: A book friend sent a screenshot to Rainbow, which is a screenshot on Weibo, and the content was "Rebirth Super Battleship, pretty good, rarely see this type of book." Yes, the idea of ​​writing an undefeated Ares ...

Excited, Fang Xiang was also reading Rainbow's book and recommended it on Weibo. Rainbow suddenly felt very happy, hehe.

But looking at the time on the screenshot, August 9th ... and today looks like 8.24 ... well, I found it late ...

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