Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 932: Transmission channel

(There was an error in the previous chapter. What Dark Star Civilization has is not the second logical weapon, but the first type, which is the Rainbow Records. Thank you, book friend IP Jun, for correcting.)

Even Xiao Yu had to admit that this mechanism is really ingenious to a certain degree. In the process, if there is a slight deviation in the operation of a star, its influence will spread to the entire whole, and then cause the entire mechanism to fail. . This trillion stars, in the past thousands of years, have moved precisely like the hands of clocks and clocks without any errors, and finally jointly created this situation-under their influence, this The central black hole in the river system disappeared.

Even if the current Xiao Yu is unable to achieve this goal, the Dark Star civilization is undoubtedly unable to possess this ability. But they did it. With the first logical weapon in their hands, after specifying the result, the universe itself acted as the performer of this operation. It controlled most of the stars of the Flying Kite Galaxy in concert without any trace. This goal was finally achieved. If it weren't for Xiao Yu's powerful computing power, and relying on the huge amount of data collected by the newspaper network for analysis, Xiao Yu would not have realized this.

Even if Xiao Yu was not analyzing those neutron war stars captured by himself, and obtained some 4D technology, Xiao Yu would not be able to understand what this change means.

Yes, it is 4D Technology. At this moment, the central black hole of this river system has entered the four-dimensional space. This is a different technology from cutting the universe.

Xiao Yu already knows that an infinite two-dimensional world constitutes our three-dimensional universe, and an infinite three-dimensional world constitutes a four-dimensional world. Xiao Yu was once fortunate to see the mysteries of the rest of the three-dimensional world while crossing the millions of light-years between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy through the star gate created by the eight-level civilization.

Except for the three-dimensional universe we are in, the rest of the three-dimensional world is meaningless. There are no rules, no cause and effect, anything, in the real sense, anything can happen at any time without any reason-suddenly a person appears and then this person suddenly becomes a tiger, this tiger A breath swallowed a sun. Such absurd things can happen. If you want to ask why? Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a causal law. There is not even a physical quantity of time in the real sense.

At this moment, the central black hole of this river system is in such a world. Since there are no rules, it is natural to make some rules there by some unknown force. And obviously. The logical weapon in the hands of the Dark Star civilization completes this matter. It sets the rules there, so that the gravity of the central black hole can continue to be transmitted and continue to dominate the operation of the stars of this huge river system.

Since it is a different three-dimensional world, even if Xiao Yu completely destroys the three-dimensional universe he is in, it will not affect the three-dimensional world in which the central black hole is located. No, maybe not. Under the same rules, Xiao Yu currently knows that both gravity and light can pass between different three-dimensional worlds. Then, different three-dimensional worlds can affect each other, and it is not necessarily, but Xiao Yu doesn't know the specific method.

"I have mastered some 4D technologies. Then, through these 4D technologies. It seems that it is not impossible to invade my fleet into the 3D world where the central black hole is located. Maybe I can try to do this. "Xiao Yu thought secretly.

The four-dimensional technology derived from the extreme astral civilization comes in handy again here. After restoring all the details of the disappearance of the central black hole, as well as its causes and effects, Xiao Yu can obtain the position information of the central black hole through precise calculations and combine these four-dimensional technologies. Channels open between two different worlds. After that. Naturally, a large-scale warship invasion destroyed the central black hole.

"Just ... will this process be as smooth as I expected? After perceiving my intentions, what kind of response plan will Darkstar Civilization use logical weapons? Or don't think about it so much, no matter how successful Whether or not, it is necessary to try first. "Xiao Yu secretly made up his mind.

In this empty cosmic space after the central black hole disappeared. Xiao Yu once again started the construction of new instruments. Xiao Yu has limited knowledge of four-dimensional technology. Even the four-dimensional technology mastered by the extreme astral civilization is only for reforming the interior of the neutron star or white dwarf without breaking the outer shell. Although the technology is the same, However, the direction of the exhibition did not meet Xiao Yu's requirements. No way. It is only here that Xiao Yu has started the research work on science and technology, and Xiao Yu ’s experimental plan is to see if these technologies can meet his own requirements and allow him to smoothly connect to the three-dimensional world where the central black hole is located.

This is a weird thing. In simple terms, it is like a two-dimensional creature in a two-dimensional world on a piece of paper. It wants to leave this piece of paper and jump to another piece of paper. This is an unbelievable behavior, and it is possible to realize it under the science and technology foundation of Xiao Yu at the moment.

The scientific and technological principles for achieving this behavior are still energy. Reducing the space from three dimensions to two dimensions will release energy, and by applying a certain amount of energy to the two dimensions, it can also be upgraded to three dimensions. What Xiao Yu needs to do is to use enough energy to create a channel connecting different three-dimensional spaces. The principle is very simple to say, but in the actual research and implementation process, it is complicated by more than ten billion times. Even with Xiao Yu's technology foundation at the moment, the research is very difficult.

Because this technology involves too many facts, energy, space, curvature, rules, four dimensions and so on. It is even more difficult than mastering the air energy formula.

But Xiao Yu finally developed this technology. Just in the open space, a star-like thing appeared like a star gate connecting the universe. It does not lead to another small universe, but to another three-dimensional world.

"I don't have the mature transmission technology, and the transmission channel is not very stable, so I can't transmit too many warships at one time. Let some probe ships pass by first, let's take a look there Situation, so that I can take early measures. "Xiao Yu considered this.

An infinite number of three-dimensional worlds can constitute a four-dimensional world. The word infinite is a wonderful existence in mathematics. Take a very simple analogy. If you do a simple mathematical operation that compares sizes, then "infinitely" and "infinitely divide by two", which one is more and larger?

According to the usual thinking, it seems to be "infinitely divided by two" smaller. But don't forget, even if "infinitely many" is divided by two, even if it is divided by ten thousand, one hundred thousand, it is still infinitely many. So they should be equal. This kind of comparison and calculation doesn't make much sense, but in the process of Xiao Yu's transmission, this wonderful mathematical phenomenon is fully revealed.

Since it is infinite, and infinite is divided by any specific number, this means that even if Xiao Yu moves in the four-dimensional direction even a distance of one trillionth of a centimeter, the three-dimensional distance that Xiao Yu traverses The world is still infinite. Xiao Yu's leading detection unit observed this amazing phenomenon. This transmission channel is outside these three-dimensional worlds. Xiao Yu can observe these three-dimensional worlds in a higher dimension. The moment these probe ships entered the transmission channel, there was already infinite data coming towards Xiao Yu. At this moment, all of the first detection spacecraft sent by Xiao Yu in the early stages were destroyed.

Xiao Yu suddenly felt a palpitation. Xiao Yu knew that his spaceships were not actually destroyed by any tangible enemies, but even so, he had already traveled a circle from life to death at that moment. An infinite number of three-dimensional worlds means an infinite number of observation data. This vast amount of data, in the true sense, is infinitely much data, even if Xiao Yu's computing power is even one trillion times stronger. Xiao Yu will die instantly.

Fortunately, ~ these data have no chance in Xiao Yu's mind at all. Because Xiao Yu ’s detection spacecraft also has its own data calculation module, an infinite amount of data instantly burns these data calculation modules, and these spacecraft are burned out, so naturally they cannot pass data to Xiao Yu.

"In the process of exploring the universe, it ’s really thorns and traps ... Slightly unnoticed, it is the end of death." Xiao Yu sighed secretly, and once again sent to this transmission channel. Corresponding detection power. Only this time Xiao Yu has learned his lesson, so he has made corresponding arrangements.

Most of the spacecraft's detection instruments were turned off by Xiao Yu during the transmission process, and only a few of the simplest detection instruments were used to observe here. Xiao Yu also made logical restrictions for these detection instruments, limiting the upper limit of the data that can be entered in a unit time, preventing excessive data influx from causing bad consequences.

Under these circumstances, Xiao Yu's spacecraft formation finally successfully entered the transmission channel, and presented to Xiao Yu a wonderful scenery ...


There will be a second change before 12 o'clock. . .

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