Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 933: Not a place

At this moment, Xiao Yu has a feeling, it feels like a person is walking a road, both sides of this road are all kinds of charming scenery, there are infinite money fortune beauty on both sides of the road. It is impossible to resist the attraction. As long as the person looks at both sides, he will be attracted by one glance, then lose himself, and then be destroyed.

Xiao Yu is in the same situation now. If Xiao Yu dare to make his detection spacecraft carry out comprehensive detection of the scenery on both sides of the transmission channel, then these detection spacecraft will be destroyed immediately. Xiao Yu could only pass through the transmission channel without looking at or thinking about the scenery, or without looking at it, without analyzing, and rushing to the road.

It's as if the person blindfolded his eyes to cross the road.

Xiao Yu made extremely strict thresholds for these data, and only allowed the most basic and limited data to be passed to his mind through these data channels. But even so, Xiao Yu still felt the wonder of this infinite three-dimensional world.

The processed scenery presented in front of Xiao Yu is indescribable. Strange and ever-changing, there are infinite colors flowing there, and infinite changes are hidden in them. The flow of every bit of color means all the information of a three-dimensional world, in which there may be trillions of incredible things being performed, each of which is like the universe in which Xiao Yu lives. It's just that after almost unlimited weakening, the entire information of a three-dimensional world is weakened to such a point. And there are infinites of such points. It's hard to imagine a scene before that. Xiao Yu would never imagine that the scenery in the transmission channel would be like this.

Xiao Yu has only a limited look. There is a limit to thinking, although the scenery there is very charming, although Xiao Yu wants to explore the mysteries contained in it, but Xiao Yu can't dare to see it. Unless Xiao Yu wants to die.

This situation lasted for several minutes. In these few minutes, Xiao Yu has passed through an infinite number of three-dimensional worlds. After this strange departure, the scenery in front of Xiao Yu suddenly changed.

Xiao Yu saw a familiar scene. Here the space is chaotic and the matter is chaotic. There seems to be an infinite amount of matter rotating at a high speed around an invisible point around the core. A powerful jet of matter gushes out from the poles of this invisible point, and can eject for thousands of light years. Its powerful strength is revealed, it is like a reduced version of a quasar. Everything is chaotic here. The only thing that is not chaotic is the strangely shaped battleships and spaceships distributed around this central black hole. They are scattered here and there, it seems that they are waiting for some enemy.

"This is the Dark Star civilization ... this is the core black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy." Xiao Yu understood in his heart. Xiao Yu knew that after his unremitting efforts. Supported by intelligence gathering networks throughout the river system, he finally found the right path to his goal. That's right, at this moment I have found out the hidden central black hole.

The scenery here is also wonderful. Xiao Yu can observe that this central black hole, the accretion disk around it, and some other stars. Altogether, they occupy a range of almost a thousand light years in this strange three-dimensional world. It seems that the rules from the three-dimensional universe in which they are located occupy only such a large place here. Outside this central black hole, there are still no rules, no meaning, and no causal space. Do not. There is not even space there, there is complete nothingness. Before. Xiao Yu has seen the wonders of the rest of the three-dimensional world, but the scene here once again challenges the limit of Xiao Yu's imagination-who said that there must be space in the three-dimensional universe? At least, some parts of this three-dimensional universe are so empty that they don't even have space.

"Can there be a place where there is no space, can it still be regarded as a" place "?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, feeling that his thoughts seemed to be insufficient, which seemed to be a contradiction. Generally speaking, the vacuum has It is the limit of the imagination of intelligent creatures, because there is nothing else but space. But if there isn't even space ... what kind of scene should it be? Perhaps this is simply a concept of non-existence, but Xiao Yu knows that there is a real existence, there is nothing there, no material, no space.

Xiao Yu didn't even dare to go there. Mastering the air energy formula will become a seventh-level civilization. As long as there is space, the seventh-level civilization can get unlimited energy supplements. So, even the lack of space means that even a seventh-level civilization cannot survive in such a place?

Here, Xiao Yu felt that his vision was once again widened. The universe seems to contain endless mysteries. Whenever Xiao Yu thinks that she has mastered enough knowledge, the universe will once again present the almost infinite unknown to Xiao Yu in a different way. Let Xiao Yu Know how small you are.

Xiao Yu is not weak now. As long as Xiao Yu is given enough time, Xiao Yu can go to any place in the universe. At the point where Xiao Yu was, destroying a river system was just a matter of order. But in the face of this mighty universe, Xiao Yu still felt a little powerless.

"That may be an area that can only be reached by eight-level civilizations who have mastered the rules ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "How powerful are the spokespersons, defenders, and rebels? I seem to have underestimated them before they……"

Xiao Yu's distraction was only in this moment, just after this moment, Xiao Yu had already reacted. The road must be taken step by step, and things must be done piece by piece. The most important thing now is not to continue to explore the unknown, but to face your current enemies and achieve your goals.

As soon as they entered this strange three-dimensional universe, these detectors of Xiao Yu were completely dispersed, trying to hide. However, it seems that the Dark Star civilization has made a sufficiently detailed arrangement of this space, and they have been discovered by them when they first entered the spacecraft. These spacecraft of their own are only the first to detect formations, and they do not have any powerful combat capabilities. Under the attack of the enemy's fleet like a tide, its detection formation was completely destroyed in less than ten minutes.

However, in just ten minutes, Xiao Yu had collected a lot of information and information about the place, and even had a preliminary understanding of the military arrangement of the Dark Star civilization. Xiao Yu saw the huge fleet deployed here, saw a complete defense network, and even some instruments and bases that he didn't know what it was useful for. Even when his last probe ship was destroyed, Xiao Yu I also felt a wave of information that seemed to be sent from the bottom: "The logical weapon was launched. I ordered that from now on, no Xiao Yu's creations were allowed to enter this three-dimensional universe ... The execution of the order was released for release. Order. "

This is the last message felt by Xiao Yu. After this message, Xiao Yu completely lost his ability to observe the three-dimensional universe in which the central black hole is located. Moreover, the fleet of the Dark Star civilization destroyed all the transmission channels that they had painstakingly created. The magnificent scenery in the strange three-dimensional universe is like a pimple flower. It only disappeared in a moment before Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's heart was silent.

"Is an order issued to prevent me from entering this three-dimensional universe? I don't know what way this logical weapon will be realized? You know, I have mastered the technology of manufacturing the transmission channel, even if that channel is destroyed , I can still create new channels, and then teleport my creation ... "

"The logical weapon possessed by the Dark Star civilization still follows the law of causality, which means that there must be a cause for the result. But ... the power of the Dark Star civilization will not come into this universe, and it has become a spokesperson and a rebel. In the battlefield, it is estimated that there will be no other Level 7 or Level 8 civilizations coming in, that Level 8 civilization in the macro direction is fighting against Level 8 civilization in the universe direction ~ ~ Moreover, there are also agreements between them. Will not come to interfere with the war between our seven civilizations ... then I am curious, how can the result of "not allow any of my creations to enter this three-dimensional universe" be realized? "

Xiao Yu thought about it for a while, and didn't find anything that could stop herself from building a channel again. So, after doing some research, Xiao Yu started to set up the transmission channel again.

When building the first transmission channel, Xiao Yu already had some experience, so for the second transmission channel, Xiao Yu can build it bigger and more stable, meanwhile, the construction consumption and construction time will be greatly reduced. .

In this situation, the busy work begins again. In the empty space after the disappearance of the central black hole, another new door of space gradually emerged. The space inside it gradually began to extend on the four-dimensional level, and continued to extend towards that strange and unknown world.

However, at this time, Xiao Yu once again noticed a strange wave. It was at this moment that Xiao Yu suddenly understood.

"It turned out that this result was achieved in this way ... well, you won." Xiao Yu thought with a grin.

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