Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 934: Performer trap

In some places that should not be watched by Xiao Yu, some subtle changes are happening. They appear to be very normal, and their appearance mechanism also completely follows the laws in the universe and conforms to the law of causality, but this very normal behavior has led to some unexpected results of Xiao Yu.

For example, in a multi-body system, a star suddenly changed its trajectory, traveling towards a place that Xiao Yu could not predict—the movement of the multi-body system was chaotic, Xiao Yu originally It is impossible to predict their next trajectory, so no matter where these stars move next, it seems normal to Xiao Yu.

For example, in a corner that cannot be seen by Xiao Yu, the electrons of an atom in an asteroid are randomly moving around the nucleus, appearing at points a and b at the same time, and then appearing at point c. -There is no way for the motion of an atom to affect objects in the macro world, but the motion of trillions of atoms is different. The motion of electrons is inherently random. This myriad of random motions caused some small changes, which eventually led to the looseness of the material somewhere above the asteroid, and a large amount of high-pressure gas inside it suddenly erupted, and these The eruption gas smoothly changed its trajectory, causing it to hit a planet. Its impact smoothly changed the orbit of the planet, and the change of the planet's motion trajectory smoothly affected the trajectory of the stars around it ...

There are many more of these phenomena. These phenomena have one thing in common: they are very normal and very inconspicuous. If it weren't for Xiao Yu, his detection network had covered the entire river system. Xiao Yu couldn't find these phenomena at all. Even though Xiao Yu has now discovered these changes in advance, Xiao Yu cannot distinguish these changes from normal changes, because they are already normal. These changes show no trace of human manipulation.

However, it is these normal changes that have caused some abnormal results. Just like most stars in the entire river system cooperated to push the central black hole into another three-dimensional world. At this moment, the gravitational changes brought by the motion of another part of the stars have once again affected the curvature space. The core of this river system.

The transmission channel constructed by Xiao Yu was suddenly destroyed by these changes. Xiao Yu's detection fleet was also lost in an endless three-dimensional world. Eventually disconnected from Xiao Yu.

It's like Xiao Yu has been building a skyscraper, and in the process of building this skyscraper, a butterfly thousands of kilometers away from Xiao Yu fluttered his wings. then. A hurricane formed quietly, and eventually blown down the skyscraper that Xiao Yu built, letting Xiao Yu's efforts ruined.

There are countless causal relationships that play a role in this process, and these countless causal relationships finally connect two seemingly incompatible matters. For example, butterflies flap their wings and a hurricane is enough to destroy skyscrapers. For example, the motion of a star in the distance and the transmission channel constructed by Xiao Yu were destroyed by gravitational fluctuations. Xiao Yu can't say that these things are abnormal, because their source is unpredictable random motion events, they follow any physical law known to Xiao Yu, and they have no trace of paradox at the level of causality.

But Xiao Yu also knew that these things were abnormal. After the Dark Star civilization issued a logical weapon to prohibit all its creations from entering the three-dimensional universe, the universe achieved this goal in an extremely ingenious and imperceptible way. No matter how normal their process is, they will always be The passage that they built was destroyed. The teleportation channel was destroyed. There is no way for me to enter the three-dimensional world where the Dark Star civilization is located and achieve my strategic purpose.

Xiao Yu can of course continue to build the transmission channel. But the universe itself has many ways to destroy the transmission channel built by Xiao Yu. Even Xiao Yu can be sure that if he continues to try to build a transmission channel, these unpredictable random events will continue to occur in the universe and continue to drag his hind legs. The channels connecting different three-dimensional worlds are too precise, and the requirements on the environment are too high. Xiao Yu managed to do this with his strong technology foundation, but could no longer afford some that seemed to be deliberately aimed at himself. Accident.

This is a very helpless thing. Xiao Yu knows that at least here, at least at this moment, destiny is on the other side of it. It will fight against itself everywhere and try to enter the three-dimensional world where the Dark Star civilization is located.

This is the situation after being attacked by logical weapons.

Looking at the construction equipment affected by the destruction of the transmission channel under construction, Xiao Yu stood still. Except for the high-speed operation in his mind, Xiao Yu did not perform any action.

Until this matter is thoroughly considered, Xiao Yu does not intend to take any further action. Without finding a solution, Xiao Yu's actions could not be achieved.

"Unable to enter the three-dimensional world where the Dark Star civilization is located, there is naturally no way to destroy the central black hole of the river system. So, how can I achieve my purpose?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "Is there any way in my Destroy the central black hole without any creation reaching that three-dimensional world? "

If there is such a method, then Xiao Yu will bypass the limitation of logical weapons. This is a logical solution. It works the same way as "Don't leave the quasar but stay away from the quasar". However, here, Xiao Yu's thinking encountered a dead end. Nothing Xiao Yu can think of can achieve this goal.

This is indeed a very difficult thing to do, just like allowing Xiao Yu to be outside the stellar system, but destroying a certain star in the stellar system. Of course, in this case, Xiao Yu can strike the weapon accurately through long range and destroy the target star at a long distance, but here, Xiao Yu does not have the ability to destroy the central black hole with a cross-world weapon.

At least for Xiao Yu at this stage, developing a weapon that can be used across the world is still a distant dream, which cannot be achieved in the short term.

At this time, Xiao Yu began to think about another issue. Before Xiao Yu arrived at the Flying Kite Galaxy, Xiao Yu had already thought very deeply. In the end, Xiao Yu regarded this problem as one of the possible ways to deal with logical weapons.

It is currently known that the universe does not allow causal faults to occur, that is to say, results are not allowed to appear for no reason. If there is a result, there must be a cause. Of course, in this example, the most powerful, the second logical weapon that can lead to results without reason is not included. The first logical weapon possessed by the Dark Star civilization is still within the limits of causality.

It is for this reason that after the first logical weapon is launched, it will need an executor to help it achieve its purpose, so that the emergence of the results can conform to the laws of the universe and the law of cause and effect. In the event that the Large Magellanic Cloud was destroyed, Xiao Yu played the role of executor. Under the current circumstances, the universe will let itself act as an executor without the power of an executor like Xiao Yu. It is precisely because of this that these weird and inexplicable changes in the Flying Kite Galaxy have destroyed the transmission channels that they have constructed.

Xiao Yu also knows two things. One is that the use of logical weapons will have certain backwash effects. This reason is exactly why Xiao Yu inferred that the rebel alliance handed over logical weapons to the Dark Star civilization for use. Second, if you act as an executor, you will get some reward from the universe after completing the task. At the beginning, Xiao Yu had doubted whether it was because he acted as the executor of the destruction of the Large Magellan Galaxy, that he would encounter the micro-civilized escape team under almost impossible circumstances, and thus acquired the technology of micro-civilization. .

In the present situation,, it is the universe itself that acts as the performer. So ... Here, Xiao Yu can grab the role of the performer? For example, now, after the Dark Star civilization issued an order prohibiting any creation of Xiao Yu from entering the three-dimensional world, Xiao Yu immediately stopped any attempts to enter this three-dimensional world and no longer established a transmission channel. Is the executor Xiao Yu himself?

And being an executor is rewarding. Using logical weapons, there is backwash.

This is how Xiao Yu might conceive of a logical weapon. Improve your own luck by constantly acting as an executor, and in the process, the Dark Star civilization is constantly being backwashed by the universe. They must pay for the use of logical weapons.

Such continuous accumulation may lead to the demise of the Dark Star civilization due to constant back-bite, even without Xiao Yu's shot at all.

This approach was described by Xiao Yu as an executor trap. It's as if the sly hunter has laid down traps one by one, constantly killing the strength of powerful opponents, and finally achieving the goal of destroying large prey at a small price.

"Maybe, in this helpless situation, I now only have to play the role of a performer." Xiao Yuman thought helplessly, "However, in the current situation, it seems to use the performer trap, it seems Not a good time ... "(To be continued ...)

ps: It seems that Rainbow has also been attacked by logical weapons ... Why is there something that can't be changed more or more every time I recommend it ... Well, this is the only change today. . .

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