Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 935: rich experience

Xiao Yu very simply cancelled the attempt to continue to build a transmission channel to advance to the three-dimensional world where the central black hole is located. Because Xiao Yu knew that under the circumstance that logical weapons were still in effect, he could not achieve his purpose anyway. Countless small-probability events will occur, and these events will eventually destroy the teleportation channel that they painstakingly built.

The most important point is that before the final result appears, Xiao Yu cannot know which small-probability events are directed at himself and which small-probability events are naturally evolved by the universe. This means that Xiao Yu has no way to kill the butterfly that caused the hurricane by intervening in advance.

So Xiao Yu had to give up. At this moment, Xiao Yu became the "executor" who stopped himself. If Xiao Yu's understanding is not wrong, Xiao Yu knows that the universe at this moment should have assigned a little benefit to himself.

But there was another very serious problem before Xiao Yu.

The question is, Xiao Yu gave up the attempt to enter the three-dimensional world. Then, how to destroy the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy? Xiao Yu didn't think that he had only acted as the executor this time. The Dark Star civilization used this time logical weapons, and they would have enough cosmic backfire to cause their own destruction. The passage into the three-dimensional world has been blocked, and there is no way for him to directly attack the Dark Star civilization ...

So how do you accomplish your task?

These neutron war stars are not Xiao Yu's own creations. According to the order given by the dark star civilization to logical weapons, it seems that neutron war stars should not be within this limit. But don't forget. In order to control these neutron war stars, Xiao Yu will inevitably make some modifications to these neutron war stars in order to make them more in line with their own habits of use, and these transformations will certainly be regarded as Xiao Yu's creation. Send these neutron war stars into that three-dimensional world without restriction. It seems that Xiao Yu should remove these creations from the neutron battle star. But ... Is this dismantling process a process of transformation? And the neutron war stars have been transformed, so these neutron war stars are not Xiao Yu's creations? Are they also restricted?

Xiao Yu was not interested in trying these logical twists and turns. Because these things don't make sense. Even if these neutron war stars are sent to that three-dimensional world, what about? Xiao Yu doesn't think that with these neutron war stars, he can defeat the current Dark Star civilization and destroy the central black hole.

"So, how do I do it?" Xiao Yu silently pondered the question.

When Xiao Yu was struggling to do nothing, in another corner of the Flying Kite Galaxy, in the vast world of stars composed of trillions of stars. A new war is going on.

Numerous massive stars incarnate from macro-civilized creatures are emerging here and there. Their enemies are huge warships that are smaller than them. If these huge warships are seen by Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu will definitely think that these warships are completely unscientific. Furthermore, Xiao Yu was very doubtful whether these seemingly mighty warships could show their combat effectiveness in actual wars.

Such as their size. After mastering space folding technology, is it necessary for a warship to be so large? Large warships mean a wider range of attackable surfaces, and their mobility is bound to be affected. Such a specification thing. More suitable as a space base. Rather than being a warship facing various situations directly on the battlefield.

Beyond that, one of the most obvious features is that there are many more unusual conventional thrusters. In wars at the scientific and technological level of the seventh or eighth level of civilization, navigation on the regular level is actually not very important, because these warships can enter the curvature of the road at any time. So, equipped with so many conventional thrusters on these warships is undoubtedly a great waste in Xiao Yu's opinion.

But the next war was beyond Xiao Yu's imagination. In these chaotic battlefields, these huge battleships have completely displayed their disproportionate flexibility and at the same time. Driven by the many extraordinary conventional thrusters, the speed of these warships directly passed the barrier of the speed of light. At the regular level, the infinite climb of speed began, and even reached a speed of nearly a thousand times the speed of light. Moreover, in the constant high-speed movement, they are not affected by inertia at all, it seems that inertia does not exist at all here.

At the same time, those huge macro-civilized creatures are also moving at a high speed, and their movement speed is even faster than these huge battleships, reaching almost 2,000 times the speed of light. In this high-speed movement, macro-civilized creatures are entangled with these huge warships. Under the role of different rules, all kinds of weapons of Level 6 civilization or Level 7 civilization have also played a different role here.

Although laser weapons have various advantages, such as simple construction and strong attack power, they have a fatal disadvantage, that is, the highest speed can only be the speed of light. The speed of light is too slow in the battlefield of advanced civilization. In order to overcome this shortcoming, Xiao Yu and other advanced civilizations have developed a variety of weapons that can move at super-light speed, such as space cannons, space bombs that can navigate with curvature, space wave weapons, and so on.

However, in the battlefield of the eight-level civilization, laser weapons once again glowed. Because here the upper limit of the speed of light has been cancelled or greatly expanded. This also led to the rapid advancement of laser weapons. Without this shortcoming, laser weapons are actually a very useful weapon.

In addition to laser weapons, there are force field weapons, negative material weapons, and even kinetic energy weapons. This is a weird war. In this war, there is no doubt that the macro-civilized creatures have the upper hand. They move faster and attack more widely. They can even hit these huge warships directly at 2,000 times the speed of conventional navigation, carrying unparalleled huge energy. Their fighting method is somewhat similar to that of beast creatures, but they also combine the advantages of scientific and technological civilization. Physically, technology-based weapons are also in the minority ...

Cosmic civilization was completely suppressed.

"Since your maneuverability is two thousand times the speed of conventional cosmic light ... Our maneuverability is one thousand times the speed of conventional cosmic light ... then let's set the speed of light here to one thousand times the speed of conventional cosmic light." A deep sigh The voice appeared here, "We are an eight-level civilization in the direction of the universe, and our specialty is to master the rules. We can wipe out your advantages by making targeted rules and maximize our advantages."

A mysterious, yet incomprehensible force of Xiao Yu spreads in this cosmic space, all the matter existing in this space, including every atom, every electron in every atom is Began to be limited by this power. This is the power of rules. Everything in the universe is subject to rules.

As a result, the speed of those large macro-civilized intelligent creatures suddenly decreased. Their mobility was originally two thousand times the speed of conventional cosmic light, but the speed of light here has been modified to one thousand times the speed of conventional cosmic light. The rule that the speed of light is insurmountable has not been modified. Therefore, at this moment, the mobility of the intelligent creatures of the macro civilization was pulled down to the same level as those of the eight-level civilization ships in the direction of the universe. They have faster speeds, but under the rule of rules, their faster speeds cannot be exerted at all.

Their advantages have been wiped out.

"Is your quality great? So good, re-enact the rules, strengthen gravity, strong, weak, reduce electromagnetic forces ..."

The rules in this space are once again modified. Under these rules, the stars in this space are immediately affected. Just at this moment, their volume began to shrink abruptly ~ ~ and their luminosity began to increase. Gravity, strong, weak are attractive, and electromagnetic is repulsive. These are the four basic forces of the microcosm. It is precisely because of gravity and repulsion that in such a balance, stars and matter can exist smoothly. Now, gravity is strengthened and repulsion is reduced. Their size is bound to shrink. In order to resist the increasingly powerful gravity and maintain their own balance, the nuclear fusion of these stars will intensify again, to create more light and heat repulsion to maintain themselves.

It's not just these stars that are affected. Macro-civilized intelligent creatures also have a very large mass, and they will also be affected by this new rule. At this moment, their size also began to shrink, and their speed slowed down suddenly, as if they had lead blocks tied to their feet. The macro-civilized warship, although huge in size, is of a far worse quality than those of big guys. They have not been affected by this new rule at all.

"Sure enough ... no war against any kind of civilization, don't fight against civilizations in the direction of the universe." Macro civilization is sighing slightly, "because universe civilization will use the rules to make any enemy's tools of war Pull down the performance to the same level or lower than yourself, and then use the rich experience to defeat the enemy ... It is really not a good thing to fight against the universe civilization. "(To be continued.)

ps: Second, probably more than an hour later

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