Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 936: Rule loophole

The rule is the battlefield environment, and having the ability to master the battlefield environment, no matter which civilization or army, it will increase its own combat power by hundreds of thousands.

Such as war on ancient earth. The enemy you are facing is a highly mobile cavalry unit. When you fight in the plains, you will be defeated, but you suddenly have the ability to change the plain battlefield to a mountain battlefield ... Another example, the enemy fights in small teams. , Has a strong jungle battle experience, and you change the battlefield to the ocean ...

What a huge advantage? The eight-level civilization war tools in the direction of the universe may not be the most powerful, but they have the ability to change the rules. At any time, the environment of the battlefield in which they are located is most suitable for them. Their fighting power will be enhanced here , And the enemy ’s combat power will decrease. Because they are cosmic civilizations, their specialty lies in making rules. Although the other eight types of civilizations also have the ability to change the rules, together with the rules, which civilization will be the opponent of the universe civilization?

It's like Xiao Yu's combat power is stronger than micro civilization, but when it comes to research and understanding in the micro, Xiao Yu can't catch up with micro civilization.

War is going on under such weird circumstances. It is undeniable that at this time the macro civilization was completely suppressed by those huge warships of the universe civilization.

"Your curvature navigation ability is stronger than our civilization? So good, re-formulate the rules, change the curvature constant, and prohibit any objects with a certain level of energy from entering the curvature space ..." Cosmic civilization once again formulated a new rule. After this rule came into effect, all entered into the curvature space. Macro-civilized intelligent creatures trying to avoid the speed limit of light are all out of the curvature space at this moment. This advantage of them has also been wiped out.

"Now that you know that you should not fight against our cosmic civilization, how about you withdraw from the battlefield here? The rebels and spokesmen are fighting at a higher level, as long as we can destroy the river system within a thousand years. We will You have achieved your goal, and judging from the current situation, it is very difficult for your macro civilization to stop us from destroying the river system ... Do n’t make unnecessary sacrifice. Our civilization is not interested in the war of life and death to completely destroy your civilization ... "

"We have to admit that at the level of rules, you are indeed extremely powerful. However, are there no loopholes in the rules you have formulated? As long as we find your loopholes, what you have developed All rules will collapse. You will completely lose the ability to master the rules ... wait, this moment will come soon ... "

Cosmic civilization is like hearing the most funny joke in the universe. They said in an ironic tone: "Want to find the loopholes in the rules we made? Well, when the life of the universe is exhausted. You It should be possible to achieve this goal. Our civilization has reached the eighth level for more than 100 million years. We have fought a total of thirty-seven level eight civilizations, and these thirty-seven level eight civilizations all want We found loopholes in the rules we made, but they all failed. Of course, macro civilization, we are very optimistic about you and wish you success. "

The universe is a highly self-consistent system. Different rules and laws can be deduced between them. Conversion, and the results of these derivations and conversions. It is bound to coincide with the actual observation. If the derivation result does not match the actual observation result, then the formula is generally wrong, the data is wrong, or the observation is wrong.

This situation is unlikely to exist, the original data is correct, and the derivation results are correct, but the derivation results do not match the actual observations. For example, through some constants of micromechanics, the freezing temperature of water under a certain pressure can be derived. Then after these constants have been verified by actual observations and proved to be accurate, they are then passed through a derivation process that has also been proven to be correct and perfect. It is deduced that under this pressure water should freeze at zero degrees, and actually observed The freezing temperature of the water will turn out to be below zero. After ruling out any remaining errors, this is the inconsistency between the rules. That is, one rule contradicts another. Such a contradiction is fatal to the entire rule system.

It took 13.7 billion years to prove that the rules in the big universe are perfect and self-consistent, so it can be pursued to this day. And this set of rules formulated by the universe civilization has not been tested for so long. Of course, they may have loopholes, but according to cosmic civilization, they seem to be quite confident in the rules they have made. After being suppressed at the rule level and the performance of his own combat tools was severely limited, macro civilization seemed to try to destroy the rule system of the universe civilization by looking for loopholes in the rules.

"Don't be too confident ... even if you change the physical formulas, derivation formulas, and mathematical formulas that are pursued here? How can you change the rules so randomly, we don't believe that every data you change can let you The entire rule system is highly self-consistent. We will surely find loopholes in your rules and then destroy your rule system ... "said macro civilization.

"Very well, we are waiting for your results." Cosmic civilization responded.

These secret confrontations have not affected the external macro world. In the battle of the macro world, macro civilization is still suppressed, and cosmic civilization still has the absolute upper hand.

The war is going on at both levels. And among these normal, it seems that some weird fluctuations are gradually spreading in secret.

Macro-civilized intelligent creatures seem to be making some adjustments to better adapt to the current battlefield environment. These changes are secret and very hidden, and the cosmic civilization seems to have adapted to the psychology that all rules are in my hands, and they seem to be unaware of these changes in macro civilization.

The situation on the battlefield changed after the war continued for decades. At this moment, everything changed. The macro civilization that had been suppressed at this moment suddenly became sharper like being beaten up.

In this short period of time, many huge warships were destroyed by macro-civilized creatures. In the calculation of cosmic civilization, these warships could have avoided these deadly attacks, but they did not.

The rules are still under the control of the universe civilization, and the macro-civilized warships still have no performance improvement, but their combat power has almost improved several times at this moment. These improvements in combat effectiveness come from the adaptation and familiarity with the battlefield environment, not from the improvement of its own hardware.

It's like you lead a group of enemies suitable for mountain operations to the sea and start a naval battle with them. But all of a sudden, you find that these enemies are also very proficient in naval warfare. They can even pervert to the point where one person can kill a shark in the water. In the most suitable environment, they are even better than their own. Suitable for the current environment.

It also seems that you brought a group of enemies who were suitable for plain combat into the jungle, but after you brought them to the jungle, you found that the enemies in the jungle were so smart that they could grab bananas with monkeys to eat ...

The macro civilization suddenly adapted to the battlefield environment stipulated by the universe civilization, and was more adapted to this than the universe civilization itself. And even if they are limited, their war tools are more powerful than those of spaceships ...

The change in the battlefield situation reversed in this moment.

"What's going on!" At this moment, the universe civilization finally got a little panic. They immediately changed the rules in the battlefield again, but they were shocked to find that in the new rules, the macro civilization is still more adaptable to the battlefield environment than its own ...

"We haven't been stupid enough to destroy your rule system by finding loopholes in your rules ~ ~ After all, you are a cosmic civilization, and your specialties are these things. Yes, we just use these Things to cover up our attempts to distract your attention so that we can get enough time for transformation and adjustment ... these offensives are our real hole cards. "Macro civilization is in the midst of a fierce attack. Began to use that kind of ridiculous tone to say, "After learning that our enemy is you, we are collecting your information through all means and channels. All of the 37 and eight civilizations you defeated Have established a cooperative relationship with us, we have analyzed almost everything for you ... we have trained tens of thousands of years in advance in order to better adapt to every battlefield environment that you may formulate ... do n’t struggle anymore, unless You have developed a battlefield environment that is completely unsuitable for your battle, and in that environment we will be in the same place. But our civilization fighting talent than you high, even at the same starting point, we are absolutely sure of victory ...... "

"In order to defeat you, we have prepared for tens of thousands of years and consumed countless resources. You should not be ashamed when you are defeated by us like this ... Get out of the Flying Kite Galaxy and take your The original sentence was returned, and our civilization also has no interest in completely destroying your civilization. All we want is the Flying Kite Galaxy ... "(To be continued ...)

ps: OK, go to bed. . .

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