Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 937: Who is the waste?

"Just one executor trap is obviously not enough for the Dark Star civilization to die out. However, with the transmission channel blocked, I have no way to intersect with the Dark Star civilization. The situation seems to have entered a certain In a desperate situation. "Xiao Yu secretly thought about this issue.

"Perhaps, this problem should still be solved from a logical level ... but how can we destroy the central black hole without entering the three-dimensional universe? Or, how can we In contact with the Dark Star civilization, continue to intersect with them so that I can use the rebel trap? "

So far, Xiao Yu has been thinking about this issue for several days. In these days, Xiao Yu has not gained much. According to the current situation, in a short time, Xiao Yu could not find a solution at all.

At this time, there was a sudden wave of fluctuation in the void space beside Xiao Yu, and the nearby stars also shifted a little at this moment, as if a black hole passed by here. When Xiao Yu's heart moved, she immediately focused her attention there.

"Little guy, we are an eight-level civilization in the direction of the universe. You can call us the universe civilization for short." A message was passed to Xiao Yu's mind. "Although we hate you very much and are very reluctant to admit it, we still have to Do n’t say, we are on the same front as you. Yes, we are the civilization where the spokesperson is responsible for fighting against the Rebel Alliance at the rule level. We are here now, and there is a very important news to tell you. That is ... "

"We failed." Cosmic civilization said lightly. "When we fought against macro civilization, we lost ground and based on rules and agreements. Unless we want to provoke a final battle between the endorsers and the rebels, we can no longer exert any influence on the Kite galaxy. We even It is not possible to destroy any star. This means that the Flying Kite galaxy was eventually acquired by the Rebel Alliance and became their private territory, or the Flying Kite galaxy was eventually destroyed, leaving the Rebel Alliance with nothing. This decision is already in your hands, depending on whether you can achieve the strategic goal of destroying the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy ... "

"There are 500 years left in your time. After 500 years, the Rebel Alliance will transform the flying kite galaxy at the level of rules. That is to say, you must complete you within 500 years. Task. Although we deeply believe that the seemingly powerful combat force you have formed is just a bunch of black people, but in the current situation, we have to put the hope of ultimate victory on you as a waste. "

"Waste, you listen to me. The agreement and rules only stipulate that we must not influence this galaxy after failure. And you do not belong to this galaxy, that is, to teach you a meal or to destroy you directly. It will not violate the rules. And we are happy to do it. Obviously, failing to achieve the set strategic goals is a good reason for us to shoot. So waste. Be careful, you better complete the task . Otherwise, after the mission fails, the first one to be destroyed is you. With sufficient reasons, even the spokesperson has no reason to settle accounts with us afterwards. "

Cosmic civilization said faintly. In this message, there was a breath of superiors. He seemed to be an emperor and was giving orders to a humble slave under his command.

There was a burst of anger in Xiao Yu's heart. But this mood did not affect Xiao Yu's intellectual and analytical ability. In this message sent by the universe civilization, there is also a lot of information and information. What Xiao Yu is doing now is to analyze the information so that he can better evaluate his current situation and find out Response.

Xiao Yu keenly noticed that “with sufficient reasons, even the spokesperson did not settle accounts with us afterwards.” This sentence. After a simple logical transformation, Xiao Yu can come to such a result.

"Well, does this sentence explain that if you shot at me without sufficient reasons, the spokesperson would have a reason to settle accounts after the fall?" Xiao Yu thought silently, "Obviously, this sufficient reason means that My mission failed. And now, my mission has not failed, that is to say, the cosmic civilization is still unable to shoot at me, as long as they still worry about being accounted for by the fall. "

"That is to say, I have nothing to worry about yet." Xiao Yu sneered in his heart and responded without hesitation: "Cosmic civilization, although I respect your eight-level civilization, but there is a sentence We still have to say. That is, you are just a loser, you have no chance to come back. If you want to win, you can only look at me. So, in this case, what is the mentality that allows you to do so Unbridled? Cosmic civilization, pay attention to your own position! Respect me! "

"Obviously, this cosmic civilization hates me." Xiao Yu thought silently. "The reason is probably what the music civilization told me ... I have no reason to respect such a guy, nor do I They intend to change their views on me. Anything that hates me is probably a nail that prevents Chen Mo from exerting absolute **** over the entire spokesperson's power. After I become a eight-level civilization, I will clear you all ... "

Xiao Yu naturally knows that destroying the Flying Kite Galaxy is related to the overall strategic layout of the spokesperson. This is the general trend. If this time fails, it will likely affect Chen Mo. Therefore, the things to be done are still to be done, but this does not mean that Xiao Yu will have to accept the cosmic civilization and look down.

"Frankly, I hate the name of waste. You have failed, and I have not failed yet, and I still have a chance to win." Xiao Yusenran said, "So now, I want to hear you acknowledge that the civilization of the universe It's waste! "

In response to Xiao Yu, there was a period of silence. It seems that universe civilization did not expect it at all, and Xiao Yu would make such a tough answer. Cosmic civilization is an eighth-level civilization, and it is also a more powerful one. Even war-related macro civilizations have to make tens of thousands of years of preparations before facing cosmic civilizations. Xiao Yu is just a seventh-level civilization. The difference between seventh-level and eight-level civilizations is the rules. Even if Xiao Yu's fleet expanded tenfold, Xiao Yu could not be an opponent of universe civilization.

"We are curious, what exactly gave you such confidence and confidence. You are an insult to our cosmic civilization. Xiao Yu, we remind you to take back this sentence, otherwise, even if you have a spokesperson to support you? He is the spokesperson, and he cannot oppose the opinions of most members of the alliance! "Cosmic Civilization said in a more affirmative tone.

"Just because I'm not a loser now," Xiao Yu said lightly, "and your actions have given me a reason not to care about the current situation. You might as well think about it, if I leave here now and give up The mission you are currently performing has led to the ultimate loss of the Flying Kite Galaxy. What kind of end will you encounter when you return to the power of the spokesperson? "

"I don't know the reason why contemporary speakers failed to perform their own tasks, but also threatened another task performer, causing another task performer to abandon the task, and eventually leading to the overall failure of the plan. When punishing you, the rest of the civilizations in the alliance Will it be for you to oppose punishment? "Xiao Yu said lightly," Now, immediately! Immediately! Who the **** is the waste! Is it me or is your universe civilization a waste! "

"You ... do you dare to give up performing the task? Do you know how great pressure this spokesperson will cause if the task fails this time, the spokesperson has been under tremendous pressure to help you, you, you have the heart to let the spokesperson The hard work is gone? "The universe civilization said incredulously ~ ~ It was your civilization that threatened me, which led me to give up the task. "Xiao Yu said lightly," Even if this mission fails in the end, the ultimate responsibility will rest on you ... And, just a flying kite galaxy, the universe is so vast, the spokespersons, rebels, defenders are watching It's all in the universe, and it's not necessarily because of the failure of a flying kite galaxy to bear as severe a blame as you say ... the blame lies on you, what does it have to do with me and the spokesperson? "

"Who the waste is?" Xiao Yu said slowly, "Is your civilization a waste, or am I a waste?"

Xiao Yu's meaning is obvious. Not to mention that he is a waste, Xiao Yu will immediately abandon his current task and pursue accountability later, and the responsibility is all cosmic civilization. Xiao Yu has this grasp and the universe civilization will surely be subdued. Although this is just that Xiao Yu is scaring the universe civilization. Xiao Yu's purpose is to complete the task. Xiao Yu will not let Chen Mo bear too much pressure.

"Well, I said." Cosmic civilization sent a message. "We solemnly take back the insulting words we just said to you and solemnly apologize to you. We are waste."

A pause, the cosmic civilization continued, "In order to complete the task, we have to say these words. Xiao Yu, you should understand how much hatred you have made with our cosmic civilization. If you can't finally complete the task, You should understand what will be waiting for you in the end ... "

"It's my business, I'll do it myself, and don't bother." Xiao Yu said lightly. (To be continued ...)

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