Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 938: Pull back

"At least, you are now facing a dilemma that you can't seem to solve." Hearing Xiao Yu's statement, the universe's civilization responded with a sinister meaning, "Will you ask us? If you ask us, we can give you a The solution."

"The problem I'm facing?" Xiao Yu responded with amusement. "If I don't understand it wrong, you are restricted by the rules and cannot influence the war of the seventh-level civilization. If you point me , Then we can be sure, the rebel side, the macro civilization will also give instructions to the Dark Star civilization, eventually leading to the situation completely out of control. So do not use these words to shake me. And ... you really think that I am in a difficult situation now Living?"

"I have found a solution to the current problem," Xiao Yu said lightly, "don't bother you."

In response to Xiao Yu, there was a long silence. When Xiao Yu almost thought that the cosmic civilization had left here, Xiao Yu received a response message from the cosmic civilization: "Very good, very good, your performance is beyond our expectations. Then, Xiao Yu, let yourself go. Let ’s do it ... but there is one thing you do n’t forget. You have settled a grudge against our civilization. After this matter is finished, be careful ... ”

"We will always look at you in the dark, Xiao Yu, be careful, don't let us find opportunities and reasons to deal with you ..."

This is the last message of cosmic civilization. After this message, the civilization of the universe disappeared. They may be gone, or they may be hidden in the dark-anyway, the science and technology of the universe civilization is higher than Xiao Yu, they want to hide. Xiao Yu couldn't find them anyway. But this doesn't matter, as long as the cosmic civilization no longer jumps out, it will hinder Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu was already satisfied.

"It's inexplicable ..." Xiao Yu murmured to himself, "jumped out like a lunatic and disappeared like a lunatic ... What did you gain in addition to the insult? What about? "

"However, this period of 500 years should be true." Xiao Yu thought, "Is it possible to destroy the central black hole within 500 years? It is indeed a challenge. Now, let's solve the current situation first."

Xiao Yu has indeed found a solution to the current problem. That is how to "destroy the central black hole without entering the three-dimensional universe". Suddenly when communicating with the universe civilization. Xiao Yu came up with such an idea. This idea was considered feasible by Xiao Yu after countless inspections and improvements by Xiao Yu.

This approach is also derived from the logical level, and. The situation is similar to when Xiao Yu fled the quasar. When escaping from a quasar. Xiao Yu's approach is that since I can't stay away from quasars, keep quasars away from me. At this moment, Xiao Yu ’s approach is that since I ca n’t go to the three-dimensional universe where the central black hole is located, it is good to let the central black hole return to the three-dimensional universe where I am.

That's right, it's that simple. It's just a logical change of thinking, and suddenly the situation is very different.

It was because of confidence that a solution was found. Xiao Yu would be so confident and cosmic civilization, a civilization that is stronger than itself, uses a tougher attitude.

However, this method still has some difficulties to overcome. For example ... how to pull the central black hole back into the current three-dimensional universe? How to prevent Dark Star civilization from using logical weapons to issue commands such as "prohibiting the central black hole from leaving the present three-dimensional universe"?

"I already have a general charter on how to pull the central black hole back into the current universe. This method has a high success rate at the technological level I understand. But how to prevent the Dark Star civilization from using logical weapons Destroy my plan? Perhaps, I can achieve my goal through some deception and concealment. This means that I need to hide my true purpose from the dark star civilization. And ... Constantly construct the transmission channel and exhaust The transmission channel that can be constructed seems to be a good cover-up method. Pulling back the central black hole is the only way I can think about. If it works or not, I only know it if I try it. "Xiao Yu thought silently .

The only way to destroy the central black hole is a super-equivalent chain reaction space bomb. To use this strategic weapon, the central black hole must be pulled back. To pull the central black hole back, it must first intersect with the central black hole. And when Xiao Yu can't enter the three-dimensional universe, how can we generate intersections?

This may seem difficult and logical, but it is not. You know, the central black hole is still using its own gravity to rule this huge river system. In other words, the gravity of the central black hole can also be transferred to this three-dimensional universe. Doing a mind change also means that the gravity in this three-dimensional universe can also affect the central black hole in the rest of the universe?

This is a crucial thing. What Xiao Yu was afraid of was that there were no channels of intersection. With this channel, the situation is much simpler. Xiao Yu's plan was successfully released. The plan is very simple. In this three-dimensional universe, create a super-strong source of gravity that can affect the existence of tens of billions of times the mass of the sun.

Making such a strong source of gravity is not technically difficult for Xiao Yu. Just the source of gravity, all the four civilizations that have mastered the unification theory can be created. However, in terms of specific operations, even for a seventh-level civilization like Xiao Yu, it is also a certain challenge. The main thing is that this strong source of gravity is too large and the power is too strong. This will bring a lot of difficulty in craftsmanship and details.

For example, it is not difficult to launch a rocket to carry several tons of materials into geosynchronous orbit, and humans in the earth era can do it. But what about taking a trillion-tonne mountain into space? The situation is naturally quite different.

"My science and technology reserves are enough, so start this plan now. At the same time, some preliminary arrangements must be made. The chain reaction space bombs must be arranged first. As soon as the central black hole is pulled back, they will be detonated immediately. Just now Back to the dark star civilization in the current three-dimensional universe, it is estimated that it is still unclear. When they were dizzy and turned, they detonated the bomb in one fell swoop and settled down! At the same time, the concealment plan should also be officially launched, and large-scale transmission channel construction should be raised It's on the agenda. It's impossible for the Dark Star civilization to not deploy investigative forces in the current three-dimensional universe. My actions will be detected by them, and then my true purpose will be hidden ... well, start now. "

Under the control of Xiao Yu, large-scale construction activities were launched again. The construction of the transmission channel is extremely tedious, after all, it is a bridge connecting two different universes. For an ordinary seventh-level civilization, it takes a lot of time to build such a channel, but at the moment, Xiao Yu has begun the construction of nearly a thousand transmission channels at the same time! Xiao Yu has turned this vast interstellar space into a huge construction site. There are countless spacecrafts shuttle here, countless stars and planets are transported over, and then instrumented into building materials or energy. For this reason, Xiao Yu had to invest a considerable amount of computing power.

At the same time, the logic weapon once again showed its power. The stars, nebulae and everything in the flying kite galaxy have masses that can interact with space once again and start to stir. These commotions started between the micro-ends, they were hidden in some seemingly normal changes, and Xiao Yu had no way to distinguish them from the normal universe evolution. You have to wait until Xiao Yu has identified the cause of the destruction of a certain space transmission channel, and then trace the root cause, then Xiao Yu can distinguish which changes have affected him ~ ~ This is not possible. Xiao Yu was full of anxiety and thought, "If the sudden blasting operation is not successful when pulling the dark star civilization and the central black hole back from that three-dimensional universe, I will certainly stalemate with the dark star civilization. , And the Dark Star civilization will inevitably use logical weapons again. The executor trap will be an effective countermeasure against logical weapons. However, the prerequisite for the executor trap is that I must know the order given by the Dark Star civilization to the logical weapon, and only then can I respond to it in a targeted manner. "

Changes caused by logical weapons cannot be stopped. It ’s like now, even if Xiao Yu knew where the change caused the space transmission channel to be destroyed, Xiao Yu could n’t stop it—obviously, even if Xiao Yu knew where the butterfly that caused the hurricane was and killed the butterfly Death, but in the rest of Xiao Yu's unknown, new butterflies will still appear to cause hurricanes. This process is inherently chaotic, unpredictable, and unstoppable.

The purpose of Xiao Yu is not to stop the results, but to find out the source of these results through his powerful intelligence network and computing power, and what will eventually lead to them without interfering with their changes The result-that is, the analysis of what orders Darkstar Civilization issued to logical weapons. Only by knowing the orders received by the logical weapon, Xiao Yu can launch targeted actions.

"This means that I need to build a more comprehensive intelligence network to analyze the consequences of any change in the stars in the universe ... This task is really onerous." Xiao Yu sighed. (To be continued ...)

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