Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 101 Artificial intelligence joins the war

At the same time, they also realized Chen Qiang's ruthlessness. Especially those who were already thinking about the creatures in the starry sky, suddenly broke out in cold sweat. Fortunately, they didn't do anything. With the current size of Xingkong Bio, none of them can resist it. Even if it is the world's most valuable company, you must know that Xingkong Biology currently holds more than one trillion yuan in cash. The figures have exceeded the GDP of many countries.

The ordinary people who watched this press conference also learned for the first time the cruelty of shopping malls. How much hatred would it take for a company to retaliate against another company with such fanfare.

This press meeting will give a great shock to everyone who pays attention, whether it is Chen Qiang's domineering and stubbornness or the financial war he started, it will give everyone a bloody feeling that everything will be done.

"Chen Qiang, you are too high-profile. Do you know that you will offend a lot of people by doing this?" After the press conference, Lao Ma immediately called.

"No, we have so much time to fight with those people. If you want to provoke me, then you must be prepared to be killed by me." Chen Qiang said seriously.

"Hey, do you know that your meeting today was full of too much blood. You have exposed the entire business world to the naked eye." The old horse hated iron and steel.

"Since it's decayed, break it and build another one." Chen Qiang said proudly.

"Hey, I don't know what to say to you. I'll try to hurry up here, and you should also prepare. Let's use oil-producing coconut trees to divert our attention." I still know Chen Qiang's old horse quite well, and he is a rookie in shopping malls. What's more, he said that he would not understand the unspoken rules of the market.

"Alright, if there is a need, the starry sky creatures will cooperate with you." Chen Qiang knew that the old horse was also for his own good, so he agreed.

Just after Chen Qiang finished chatting with Lao Ma, Secretary Xu called.

"Chen Qiang, what you did this time was a bit reckless. The Prime Minister asked me to tell you that the country will suppress this incident. I hope you will not do this again in the future." Secretary Xu's tone revealed exhaustion.

"Thank you, Secretary Xu, I understand, but Secretary Xu, I want to tell you a piece of news. Du's side may be related to Mitsubishi, and the country can investigate it." Chen Qiang knew that he was indeed making a big fuss this time, and he was also betting. He bet that the country would make a move, and now that he heard that the country had already made a move, his heart was relieved when he mentioned it in his throat.

"What, Chen Qiang, do you know what this means? Are you sure your news is reliable?" Secretary Xu said in a serious voice after hearing Chen Qiang's words.

"I'm sure, this is not retaliation." Chen Qiang also replied very seriously. Chen Qiang knew the seriousness of this matter, so his tone was extremely serious.

After Secretary Xu got the news from Chen Qiang, he immediately reported it to the Prime Minister.

"Check." After the Prime Minister thought for a while, the secret departments of the entire Hua Kingdom began to move. The power of the country is huge, and they found a trace of clues in less than a day.

At this time, the war on the Hong Kong stock market is still going on, but both sides in this war have shown their cards and invested huge amounts of money in the fight.

"Baga, continue to invest in me, these three companies cannot be lost." A Japanese about 1.6 meters tall gave orders.

This is the captain of the action team of the Secret Ninja Department of the Ministry of Defense of Japan. After receiving Du Xun's call for help, he was appointed to give guidance. This captain was a very talented trader before entering the secret ninja department.

These three companies were established by the Ministry of Defense of Japan with great difficulty, and a lot of information has been passed back over the years of their establishment. It is becoming more and more difficult to obtain intelligence in modern society. The intelligence network established by Japan in China has been completely lost under the attack of China's security department over the years. These three companies are the last straws.

"Captain, I have invested in it, and the answer is that it has not improved much." A subordinate came over and said to the captain.

"Baga, what's the use of you." The captain scolded angrily. The people who are operating now are not Du's group, they are all from Japan.

"Have you tested the opponent's bottom line?" The captain said to ease his mood.

"No, the star creatures seem to be fighting us regardless of the cost this time." The subordinate directly reported. He has two guesses, one is that the starry sky creatures have a master manipulator, and the second is that the starry sky creatures are indeed fighting regardless of cost. And the famous traders in the world have all investigated, but they have not found any one who has cooperated with the star creature, so the first guess is ruled out. But what they didn't expect was that the star creatures had a low-level artificial intelligence life.

"We don't have that much money, and the Ministry of Defense has run out of funds. Let him assist you by turning on 'Baqi Dashen'." The captain said directly after thinking carefully.

"Captain, this." The subordinate was a little embarrassed. Because when Chen Qiang sent out the Chinese language, a special agreement on the use of artificial intelligence was signed at the United Nations, in which artificial intelligence was not allowed to enter the stock trading market.

"Auxiliary, do you understand auxiliary?" The captain growled again.

"Hey, I'm going to connect to 'Baqi Dashen' right now." Seeing that the captain got angry, the subordinate quickly responded.

During the operation, as the subordinate entered a secret key into the computer, a program began to run automatically. At this time, on the stock trading board, the trading speed of Du Shi Holdings' stocks was dozens of times faster than before. At this time, the star creatures also increased the transaction speed.

"Artificial intelligence has joined the war." This is an idea that came to everyone who was concerned about this war, so the country's intelligence took action, directly closing the trading channels of these three companies, and closing the market.

Not long after the closing, a press meeting was held at the China Securities Regulatory Commission to explain the reasons for closing the trading channel.

"From yesterday morning to three o'clock in the afternoon today, a financial war broke out in the Huaguo Hong Kong stock exchange center, but after three o'clock in the afternoon today, the trading speed of the Hong Kong stock exchange market suddenly accelerated, causing market chaos, so the Securities Regulatory Commission closed Its trading channels." The spokesperson of the China Securities Regulatory Commission said righteously. After announcing the results of the China Securities Regulatory Commission's handling, the spokesperson left directly without asking questions from the reporters.

But there will always be people who are well-informed, so an anonymous netizen sent a message: It is reported that the anomaly in the stock trading center this afternoon is due to the participation of artificial intelligence. The 'Baqi Great God'. After this news was sent out, it was forwarded by many netizens, and in the end, basically all news distribution channels had traces of this news.

"How can the little devil's 'Baqi Dashen' wreak havoc in our country? Does the country's 'Fuxi' eat dry food?" This is very exciting news, because Japan's artificial intelligence actually joined the war in China, So the national government website was directly blasted by netizens.

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