At this time, the country took action and notified a huge espionage case.

"I'll go, are there any spies now?"

"Are you stupid upstairs? You don't know what the CIA in the United States and the KGB in Russia are. I guessed it a long time ago."

"Hey, the second floor is so good at guessing, it's impossible to predict the number of the next double-color ball."

This was unleashed all at once, and it was all over the web.

But all of this has nothing to do with Chen Qiang. After he finished the press conference, he went directly into the laboratory. Chen Qiang didn't tell anyone what he was going to do, but just informed Anderson, Mu Bing and others that he would stay in the laboratory for a while.

"Xiaolong, let's test." Chen Qiang threaded a transparent diamond-shaped thing with a rope and hung it on a hook.

"Yes, the electronic cannon has started charging, 30 percent, 60 percent." Xiaolong's voice spread throughout the underground base.

"Touch." A metal projectile was rushed out by the electromagnetic gun, and rushed straight to the transparent crystal shaped like a diamond. But when the projectile was about to approach the transparent crystal, the metal projectile suddenly stopped in mid-air, circling incessantly, and finally its kinetic energy was exhausted, and then fell directly to the ground.

"The data has been calculated. The projectile launch speed is 2.3 times the speed of sound, and the magnetic field collapses at a distance of 10 centimeters. After calculation, it can resist 99% of external damage if used." After calculation, Xiaolong hugged out such a set of data. road.

Chen Qiang frowned when he heard this data, because the calculation result was 99%.

"What's the reason for the remaining one percent?" Chen Qiang asked.

"When the protected person suffers a nuclear or biochemical attack, this device cannot resist it." Xiaolong replied solemnly.

This is one of Chen Qiang's own gadgets. It is a special type of cell modified by genetic modification technology, and then a lot of cells are condensed using the technology of immobilized cells, and finally a transparent crystal-like structure will be formed. The structure of this transparent crystal has only one function, which is to change the magnetic field around it. Of course, its force changes with the size of the crystal structure.

So Chen Qiang used this principle to make a protective device. This time, Chen Qiang completely annoyed the Japanese government. The intelligence system that Japan had worked so hard for many years was uprooted by Chen Qiang. This is already a mortal enmity. Although Chen Qiang is not afraid of Japanese revenge, Chen Qiang has family members.

The time has come to December 3, 2021. Although this day is not a big day, after today, history will always remember this name.

"Chen Qiang, you are a little late today. You are going to give a speech later." Lao Ma was standing at the door of the Lotus Hall of the Great Hall of the People to welcome the guests, but when he saw Chen Qiang coming, he walked over to blame him road.

"Hey, I'm not suitable for this occasion today. Isn't there Anderson on the starry sky creature?" Chen Qiang refused. All Chen Qiang's experiments were over three days ago, and a total of 30 such devices were made. Two billion Chinese yuan was raised. Fortunately, Xingkong Biology is very large, so Chen Qiang didn't say anything when he squandered Anderson like this. If it were any company other than Xingkong Biology, it would be strange if the management of this company didn't resign collectively.

"That's fine, but you must attend the press conference later." Lao Ma urged. In fact, this press conference has been planned for a long time, but because the main owner Chen Qiang is still in the laboratory and no one can be contacted, it has been delayed until today. Because the country knows what the product of this press conference is, it directly lent the Great Hall of the People to Lao Ma and the others to hold this press conference.

This press conference has been publicized for a long time. Not only Lao Ma, but also all entrepreneurs who participated in this project have participated in the publicity, which has made this press conference known to all people in China. So there are many Chinese people paying attention to this press conference today, and even many foreign media have bought the rights to broadcast this conference.

No media will not pay attention to this press conference that gathers two-thirds of the entrepreneurs and rich people in Huaguo. You must know that the current Huaguo is a super economy comparable to the United States, and these entrepreneurs and rich people are the spokespersons of this super economy, and every move of these people will attract attention.

At the start of the press conference, Lao Ma was still the first one to speak: "As we all know, there are three kinds of formal businesses in the world that are the most profitable: one is arms. It goes without saying that even in the generally peaceful world it is It is also very violent; the second is the Internet, the Internet is now very developed, as long as you have a good idea, that will be where your dreams start; the last one is energy, although countries are now vigorously developing clean energy, But non-renewable resources such as oil and coal still account for about 90 percent of our energy consumption."

The one of the old horse general is eloquent and cadenced. But at this time, the only thought in the reporter's mind is that Ali is going to enter the energy field. These years, Ma has been playing the role of a shit-stirring stick. Using an Alipay to change the bank, and then turning the toll stations across the country into unmanned, this time it is going to enter the energy field.

"Hahaha, the three big oil barrels are finally punished by someone, just wait for Papa Ma to change the three big oil barrels."

"What you said above is right. The three big oil barrels are too annoying. The global oil price is falling, but the price of gasoline in our country is actually increasing."

Discussions on the Internet are in full swing. It seems that the people of Huaguo have deep resentment towards the three oil barrels.

I have something to do today, so I will send it earlier today

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