Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 103 Green Energy

Of course, I don’t know about these discussions on the Internet. After a pause, I continued to say: “The role of oil is more than that. All the plastic products we use now, as well as nylon and other things are extracted from oil. Yes, it can be said that oil has penetrated into every aspect of our lives, but if one day the oil is exhausted, what should we do? Some people may say that we can find another synthesis method, but have you ever thought about it? How about the price? It is possible that plastic will become a luxury at that time, but it is also a good thing.” Lao Ma joked.

"Actually, the easiest way is to turn oil into a renewable resource, and the product we launched today is the oil-producing coconut palm." As Lao Ma's voice fell, the big screen behind Lao Ma A picture of an oil-producing coconut palm appeared above.

Everyone's mouths fell open because it was such a shock. Petroleum has become a renewable resource, is this a joke? If you know that no one in the world can fully determine the mechanism of oil production, and the most widely accepted is because humus passes through under the action of microorganisms and plates. It takes a long time to turn into oil, but this also has flaws, and shale oil is the biggest flaw.

This is serious news. Just after this old horse paid attention to this news, all oil trading prices in the world fell immediately, and the price fell to five dollars. With just one sentence, the price of oil in the world has been abruptly lowered by one-tenth. Perhaps this will be the most bragging thing for Lao Ma in the future.

"Next, I would like to invite Ouyang Mingyue, the person in charge of the oil-producing tree project, to introduce us to the specific performance of this plant." Lao Ma said straightforwardly without even being too wordy.

Ouyang Mingyue was dressed very beautifully today, and her work attire made her look intellectual.

"The oil-producing coconut palm project is one of the four major projects at the beginning of the establishment of the Starry Sky Biological Research Institute. After these years of development, some oil-producing plants have been developed one after another, but their output is very small, and the oil produced is too turbid, which is not conducive to large-scale promotion." Ouyang Mingyue introduced to everyone with data and pictures one by one. development of oil-producing plants.

"We at Xingkong Biology used genetic mutation and other technologies to sum up some of the previous failed experiences. It took more than a year and invested more than one billion Chinese yuan to develop the oil-producing coconut tree. As the name suggests, the oil-producing coconut tree is to produce oil. We all know that coconuts have a large water storage capacity, and in oil-producing coconuts, the coconut juice will become a mixture of lipids." Ouyang Mingyue introduced to everyone with a laser pointer in his hand Various parts of the oil-producing coconut palm.

"Currently, an oil-producing coconut tree can produce 0.3 tons of lipid solution every year. After refining, it can get 0.2 tons of gasoline or 0.15 tons of diesel oil, or 0.5 tons of ethylene. Thank you everyone." Finally, Ouyang Mingyue said: The data of some oil-producing plants was displayed on the big screen, and she also knew that these reporters were most concerned about these data.

"Okay, thank you, Ms. Ouyang, for introducing us to some information about oil-producing coconut trees. Today our press conference is a product of Xingkong Biology, but why am I the host? Because I won't tell you now, and now I invite Chen Boss, Xiao Ma, Boss Lei came up to unveil the green energy company that will be established soon." Lao Ma bought a pass and said.

The names that Lao Ma read are all the larger shareholders of Green Energy Company. There are more than a dozen of them in total, and these people hold 170% of the shares of Green Energy Company.

After going up, everyone came to a crystal ball under the guidance of the hostess.

"I announce that our green energy company is established today." Following the voice of Lao Ma, Chen Qiang and others pressed their right hands on the crystal ball, and after everyone's hands were pressed on the crystal ball, it appeared on the big screen. A newly germinated seed gradually turned into a big tree, and then the camera gradually zoomed out of the earth. Then came the green energy logo.

"Okay, I know that everyone has a lot of questions to ask, please follow the staff to the press meeting next door, and let's prepare here." After the establishment of the green energy company, it means the release The zone is over, and the reporter's questioning session is next door.

Although the reporters were puzzled by this arrangement, they followed it. In fact, Lao Ma did this for a purpose. When all the reporters left, Lao Ma brought Chen Qiang to the guest area to meet these people. These are all allies of Lao Ma who came in. ah.

Chen Qiang got acquainted with these people one by one, but at this moment, there was no slight fluctuation in his heart. After the starry sky creature was invaded last time, and this time the starry sky creature was discredited, Chen Qiang finally understood a truth, that is, others are unreliable, and it is best to rely on oneself. The cruelty of the business world, Chen Qiang, has really learned. After the collapse of the Du family, those companies that have always had a good relationship with the Du family were the first to rush forward to get a share of the pie. This made Chen Qiang shudder a little. Maybe there is no emotion in this shopping mall. It can be said that everything is an interest.

With the introduction of Lao Ma, Chen Qiang remembered all these people in front of him one by one. It's not for easy contact in the future, but for good defense. Who knows if that person will stab Chen Qiang in the back.

These people are all well-established entrepreneurs in China, accounting for about two-thirds of the top of the Huaguo businessman pyramid. If the power of these people is united, even the country will be afraid, but this may never be the case. First of all, the country will not allow it.

It may be said that Green Energy has achieved it, but one of the conditions for Green Energy is personal investment. Except for Xingkong Biology, the company does not accept shares, and the transfer of shares needs to be approved by two-thirds of the shareholders, so the state allows it. If some of these entrepreneurs do not have the company behind them, their influence will be greatly reduced.

Green Energy is just a sales company, a means to integrate a certain amount of power for the starry sky creature to resist external pressure. A single sentence from the starry sky creature can make him fall apart. But why do these people invest, because it can make money, although they are not short of money, but who thinks there is too much money.

You know, people's desires are endless. This is also human nature.

A chapter of the weekly daily summary, thanks to all the readers who supported me last week, thank you for your support. .

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