Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 104 Zhang Jian

After exchanging pleasantries with these people, Chen Qiangcai and Lao Ma came to the scene of the next meeting. At this time, the other major shareholders of Lvneng have already prepared, waiting for Chen Qiang and Lao Ma.

After Chen Qiang and Lao Ma entered the scene, they went straight to the middle seats and sat down.

"Okay, the press conference will start now, and you can talk freely today." After sitting down, Lao Ma announced directly.

After the meeting started, the reporters were eager to talk about it. Because there were supporters for this press conference, the reporters all raised their hands high.

The supporter of the press conference seemed to be a very experienced person, and he controlled the rhythm of the entire meeting very well. This is what Chen Qiang didn't feel in the starry sky creature, but he just thought about it, it was too troublesome and a waste of time.

"Mr. Chen, may I ask if the starry sky creatures released the oil-producing coconut trees this time, is it because the starry sky creatures can no longer withstand the pressure from the outside world?" The male reporter thought he stood up and asked.

"No, the reason why star creatures do this is because I don't want to enter this field. I don't think fossil energy is the direction of future energy development. One day it will disappear completely. Although this time will be very long, it is still necessary to plan ahead. .In fact, another reason is that the starry sky creatures can't do it, and the starry sky creatures don't have any extra money now." Chen Qiang said helplessly.

"Thank you Mr. Chen." The reporter thanked Chen Qiang after getting back.

"Mr. Chen, the starry sky creatures have tampered with the global energy structure without authorization. I don't know what you think of this sentence." A blonde woman stood up after being pointed by the host.

The smell of gunpowder was Chen Qiang's first impression, but he was angry even in Japan, and he was afraid of a reporter, so Chen Qiang cleared his throat and said, "You proposed the petrodollar. At that time, the United States still imported oil. China, so at that time the United States hoped for world peace in order to maintain oil hegemony, so you fought the Iraq war, and the Kosovo war tightly held the pricing power of oil in your hands and guaranteed the country's oil security. After 2015, the United States Developed shale oil mining technology, so the United States changed from an oil importing country to an oil exporting country, and then a civil war broke out in Syria. For you, the United States, oil is now a tool, a tool used to contain China. Hua Is there anything wrong with China using it to protect its own energy security?"

Chen Qiang's words were a little hypocritical, but everyone present understood them. And that reporter stood there in embarrassment. The host made a timely rescue at this time and called up another reporter.

Ever since Chen Qiang lashed out at the reporter, the other reporters tried to avoid Chen Qiang when asking questions, and he was happy to be at ease.

The meeting ended quickly, and Chen Qiang declined Lao Ma's invitation to the dinner, and left the capital directly to return to the starry sky.

Because the first phase of Starry Sky City over ALS has already been built, Chen Qiang plans to transport Xiaolong there tonight. Xiaolong's chassis is a cell culture pool, which may be discovered by some interested people during transportation during the day, and although they may guess at night, they can't guess anything.

"Zhang Jian, you have a very heavy task today. I need you to send this cell culture pool to ALS without fail. After you go there, don't come back, just stay there." Chen Qiang told the security guard of the starry sky creatures in the office Minister Zhang Jian said.

"Yes, boss, I promise to complete the task." Zhang Jian has always maintained a soldier's habit. This was also specifically requested by Chen Qiang, and the security department of Starry Sky Creatures should be precisely the army, and all the training was done according to the army's standards.

"Zhang Jian, choose employees with high loyalty. I hope you will help me train a force that can fight. As for recruiting personnel from the society, I don't need soldiers. What I want are people who are completely loyal to me. "Chen Qiang handed a box to Zhang Jiandao.

"Yes, boss, it must be finished. This is it?" Zhang Jian has long made up his mind to follow Chen Qiang, and he is very happy and happy now. Seeing Chen Qiang handing him a box, he took it and asked.

"Then open it and have a look." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"This is." Zhang Jian called the box and saw a watch and a blue reagent. There is such a legend in the starry sky creature, as long as you can wear a watch that day, it means that you have entered the real top management of the starry sky creature. No one else could have been there.

"That legend is not wrong, but there are some discrepancies. This watch is a communicator. You can contact 'Nvwa' in any area. As for this blue liquid, it is the biggest secret of the starry sky creature, the cell activation liquid. Improve the quality of the human body in an all-round way, and have a healing function for all current immune diseases." Chen Qiang picked up the watch from the box Zhang Jian opened and said.

"Ah, boss, this..." Zhang Jian was a little at a loss, he was a bit straightforward but he was not stupid, he knew what Chen Qiang meant at this time.

And Chen Qiang picked up the watch and kept staring at Zhang Jian's reaction. This was a test. Zhang Jian and Chen Qiang have too little contact, he has no way to trust a person he is not familiar with, but after the analysis of 'Xiaolong', Zhang Jian is the best and most suitable person, he has no other candidates , so I plan to take a gamble.

"Thank you, boss, for trusting me. I'll be absolutely heartbroken in the future." Zhang Jianzhan said in a loud voice.

Chen Qiang nodded in relief, his efforts were not in vain. Chen Qiang pulled up Zhang Jian's left arm, and then gently put the watch on Zhang Jian's wrist.

"Come on, drink this." After putting on the watch, Chen Qiang picked up the cell activation solution and handed it to Zhang Jiandao.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Jian picked it up and drank it in one gulp. As the liquid in his mouth slowly dropped, Zhang Jian felt that his whole body began to heat up, and then he even felt that his body was sticky, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, you go take a shower. Then select people and fly to ALS tonight." Chen Qiang saw Zhang Jian's discomfort, so he said with a smile.

"Promise to complete the task." Zhang Jian gave Chen Qiang a military salute, and then hurried out of Chen Qiang's office. What Chen Qiang gave Zhang Jian this time was another kind of cell activation solution, which can quickly increase his physical fitness. However, what Mu Bing, Mu Jianguo and others took was a kind of cell activation solution that changed subtly.

After Zhang Jian left, Chen Qiang also came to the laboratory for preparations.

"Xiaolong, get ready, let's go to ALS, and you can start to act on the plan we made." Chen Qiang said after entering the underground base.

"It's ready, and I'm finally looking forward to this day." Xiaolong cheered happily on the big screen.

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