Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 107 Try

This is just an attempt by Chen Qiang to determine a currency inside the starry sky creature or even the currency of the starry sky city. If this attempt is successful, then he will open up some benefits to the interior of the starry sky creatures, such as cell activators and other things. At least its function of curing 90% of immune diseases will not be rejected by anyone. The purchase of these benefits is done with star coins, not with Chinese dollars.

"That's the end of today's meeting. Everyone, think about it tonight. There will be an application column on the Xingkong Bio APP tomorrow. If you want to enter Xingkong City, go ahead and apply, but the premise is that your number of star coins has reached three. More than a thousand." He is not worried about the number of star coins at all, because almost all employees have received more than 3,000 star coins in Xiaolong's assessment, and the highest is Ouyang Mingyue, who has reached 13,000. thousand star coins.

Regarding Chen Qiang's meeting, all the employees of Xingkong Biology who participated in the meeting understood what he meant at this moment, that is, to send people to Xingkong City, but there are conditions for going to Xingkong City, and the amount of all star coins must be more than 3,000.

The concept of biological hierarchy in the starry sky is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially after the s-series and g-series are completely popularized in the starry sky, this concept of hierarchy is deeply rooted in the hearts of all employees. Among the starry sky creatures, rank is everything, not status. When the starry sky creatures send out year-end benefits, they use their ranks to distinguish objects. In this way, a fair platform will be given to all Xingkong employees.

As long as you work hard, you can get a high level, even if your position is very low, especially after the introduction of 'Nv Wa' as a rater, this craze for being proud of your level is getting hotter and hotter.

"Mr. Chen, I would like to ask, is it possible to apply for any level?" An aunt asked.

"Aunt Zheng, because this is the first time, all levels are open. After this time, only those with a level above level 5 can apply." This is the cleaner of the starry sky creature, who has been there since the starry sky creature was first established, but Because the work she does is relatively repetitive, her level has been built up over time, and she is now at level six.

"Mr. Chen, did the whole family go there together?" After Aunt Zheng asked a question, the employees who had many questions began to express their questions one by one.

"Yes, the staff living quarters we built for Starry Sky Biology are based on families. The house has four bedrooms and two living rooms, which is big enough. If you still think it's not enough, you can apply for a duplex house, but this kind of house is relatively expensive Already." Chen Qiang explained the problems of these employees very seriously.

"Mr. Chen, must the whole family go there?"

"The whole family must go. I believe you will not be disappointed if you go."

"President Chen."

. . . . .

In fact, Chen Qiang did not place his hopes on these people. Among the more than 1,000 people in the research institute, all of them have already planned to move, and they have already got the keys to their own houses. The total of these 1,000 people and their families is 5,000 Too many mouths is actually almost the same. He didn't want so many people to appear in Starry Sky City all at once. Although the current infrastructure of Starry Sky City is very complete, the influx of so many people at once would cause some inevitable congestion.

"Dad, should we move there? Starry Sky City is too remote. I checked it just now. My star coins are around four thousand. I think we can buy the house we live in." The staff of Starry Sky Creatures was a little uncertain.

"Go, why don't you go, don't forget, your life is given to you by the starry sky creatures, and people are needed over there, maybe it's a little remote, it doesn't matter." The old man took a puff of the flue, looked The shape of his face was that of the old man selling Liangpi. The old man has the wisdom of the old man. Maybe you will say that he can't keep up with the times, but his experience makes him understand that this may be an opportunity.

"But, what if I go to my little sister's school over there." The young man asked, his sister is already a sophomore in high school now, so there is no delay.

"Then let the little girl stay. But we must go to Starry Sky City." The old man said firmly.

This kind of dialogue is going on in every family of starry sky creatures. The most talked about is the remoteness of Starry Sky City. You must know that in the past, that area was full of yellow sand.

"Xiaoqian, let's get married." As the general manager of Xing Kong Bio, Anderson had already developed an aura of a superior, but at the moment he was proposing to his girlfriend who had been dating for five years.

Looking at Anderson kneeling on the ground, Li Qian covered her mouth with tears streaming down slowly.

"I promise you." The five-year relationship has finally come to fruition, which is very exciting and gratifying. Anderson and Li Qian have already met their parents, and both parents are in favor of their being together, and now they are only a step away from getting married.

On the second day, Anderson and Li Qian received their certificates. After receiving the certificate, Anderson solemnly took a photo of the marriage certificate and sent it to the application materials. This is an application process. All employees of Xingkong Biotech must indicate their family members and relatives and friends within three generations when applying. Wives, parents, etc. can enter Starry Sky City directly with employees, but relatives cannot. However, if they want to enter Starry Sky City after being recorded, they will be defined as friendly people by Starry Sky City's management brain.

There are quite a lot of people detained at this meeting, and there are even more reporters. At this time, when the employees of Xing Kong Biology were applying for occupancy qualifications, the outside media had already reported the meeting.

"The first fully informatized, unmanned city."

"This is the future."

"No one sells goods, come in and have a look."

The titles are more powerful than the other. The Starry Sky City was built completely according to Chen Qiang's drawings, and part of the technological support needed was also solved by the Starry Sky Research Institute. With the current technology of Starry Sky Creatures, it is completely easy to do this. . In the final analysis, unmanned is a problem of positioning. As long as your positioning accuracy is high enough, one of the tasks of Xingkong Precision is the research of positioning sensors. With the huge investment of Chen Qiang, it has gradually achieved results, and the application of the results is this. city.

So Starry Sky City is actually a city with a high technological content in the world. Chen Qiang handed over all the management of this city to the central intelligent 'Nuwa'. In the future, driverless cars and unmanned buses will appear in Star City. In Chen Qiang's plan, everything else in Star City must be intelligent and informatized except for the necessary service industry.

Netizens should not be surprised by the awesomeness of the starry sky creature, but they were still shocked by the starry sky creature's generosity.

"If there is another anti-gravity car, it will be perfect." Some netizens posted on the Internet.

"What the upstairs said makes sense."

"want to go."

I'm sorry, I'm a little busy, so I dragged it until now. Also, the two chapters tomorrow will be at night, please forgive me.

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