Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 108 Petition

This is an opportunity, maybe the only opportunity, and all the star creatures are thinking about it. All the executives of Starry Sky Creature filled out the application form immediately without any hesitation. As high-level executives, they more or less knew some secrets of Starry Sky Creatures, such as the watch owned by a few people.

Starry Sky City is the forbidden descendant of the boss Chen Qiang. They have already observed from the details of the company's expenditure and shift of focus, which means that if they don't enter Starry Sky City, they will become peripheral personnel of starry sky creatures. Benefits will be much reduced. Coconut Oil of Star Biotech Every employee of Star Bio Bio will get 1000ml every month. Although it is not much, the fragrance of this oil is irresistible, and another advantage is that this oil seems to be able to strengthen the body. Many people with hidden diseases in their bodies recovered completely after taking it for a period of time.

When this happens to only one person, we can consider him an accident, but when this happens to many people, it is not an accident, so now the employees of Starry Sky Bio are precious to this oil abnormal.

On the project of Starry Sky City, Chen Qiang spent all the company's cash flow, not only a little to meet the company's expenses, but Chen Qiang spent the rest and replaced it with various metal equipment. If it weren't for the starry sky creature's strong gold-absorbing project, the starry sky creature's executives would have resigned long ago.

In this project, Chen Qiang invested too much. The Starry Sky Research Institute stopped a new round of project applications, and all of them were invested in the construction of the Starry Sky City. Chen Qiang's requirements for the Starry Sky City are 'safe, intelligent, green, and energy-saving. '. In order to meet these requirements, the Xingkong Research Institute racked their brains, and all kinds of whimsical ideas were put forward. After several revisions, Chen Qiang approved the thirteenth revised draft.

Starry Sky City is located in the center of the desert, surrounded by deserts, so there is a two-kilometer-wide windbreak on the periphery of Starry Sky City. Starry Sky City was short of water, so the Starry Sky Research Institute dug out several lakes that were very close to each other in the desert to form a large lake. There is no electricity here, so the Xingkong Research Institute uses a genetically engineered algae to generate electricity on this lake, and there is a solar power plant on the right side of the Xingkong City, and the power storage is a metal-based bio-battery, and in the Xingkong The glass of all buildings in the city is a kind of power-generating glass on the market. Although the price is more expensive than ordinary glass, it is relatively cost-effective.

In order to save electricity, Starry Sky Research Institute has made plants that can emit light, and beside the streets of Starry Sky City, no matter whether it is flowers, grass or trees, they can all emit light, and the brightness of these combined lights can reach that of a 60-watt light bulb. brightness.

This is a big training and a big test, and the target is the Starry Sky Research Institute. Chen Qiang was a little surprised by the creativity of the Xingkong Research Institute this time. Luminous plants and power-generating microalgae are all imaginations for the future in biology books, but he did not expect to be used by the Xingkong Research Institute for less than half a year. Time has been conquered, which makes him very happy, which means that with the current technology of starry sky creatures, they can still live well without his guidance.

Three days have passed, and the application for Starry Sky City's occupancy quota of Starry Sky Creatures has officially ended, and many people are paying attention to this matter. Although they discussed the cruelty on the Internet, they said they really wanted to go. But who wants to go to that kind of remote place? The scenery deep in the desert is indeed very good, but who can endure loneliness.

The list is automatically screened. Although Chen Qiang did not say the number of people recruited this time during the meeting, based on his guess, it should not exceed 5,000 people, so he set the upper limit of the list at 5,000 people. So half an hour after the end of the application for a complete cessation, the list of 5,000 people who moved in had been screened by 'Nvwa' and published on the official website of Xingkong Biology and the mobile app of every Xingkong employee.

"Let me just say, no one goes to that kind of remote place. You can see that the list released by the starry sky creature is only 5,000 people."

"Hey, maybe society is like this, there is no one who can't stand loneliness."

"What's on the floor?"

"I'm just sighing."

Although the discussion on the Internet was very lively, the starry sky creature was full of gloom, because many people's applications were not approved.

"No, I want to see why I failed." An employee from the personnel department slapped the table and shouted.

"Okay, 'Nuwa' can't make mistakes, so don't waste your efforts." Another employee also said weakly, and his application was also withdrawn.

"Hey, don't talk about it. Didn't you read it? Your face is already dark, and he hasn't had one before." A person sitting opposite said in a low voice.

"What, no way." Everyone carefully turned their heads to where their heads were, and it was really gloomy.

"No, I'm going to check." The employee who patted the table said, picked up his mobile phone and entered the Xingkong Bio APP to apply for the details of his own review.

Because the starry sky creature app is controlled by 'Nvwa', its speed is very fast. The employee received a document detailing the application details in less than two seconds.

The guy really looked at it, even if it was a punctuation mark, he had to see it very clearly. But what puzzled him was that he met all the known conditions on this document, and it was marked as passed. When he saw the end, two sentences made him suddenly realize.

"The number of people has reached 5,000, and the star coin ranking is carried out."

"The number of star coins ranks 6652. If you don't enter the 5,000 or less, you won't pass."

"I found the reason, I found the reason." The employee suddenly raised his head and said.

"Really, tell me." After hearing this sentence, everyone looked over with interest. And the employee's boss also looked at this side with great interest.

"Hey, actually the reason is very simple, that is, there is a limit to the number of places this time, a total of 5,000, and our star coin rank is beyond 5,000, so we were swiped down. It seems that there are people who signed up this time. A lot." The employee cleared his throat.

"What. There is a personnel restriction. Mr. Chen didn't mention this restriction at the meeting." Everyone was blown away immediately. There is a personnel restriction. This is a sad story.

"No, no, Mr. Chen didn't say it at the beginning, we can tell Mr. Chen. Who wants to come with me." The employee said a little unwillingly.


"Count me in."

There is such a rule in Starry Sky Bio that when the number of employees applying reaches a certain value, the head of the department where the applied event is located must come forward to resolve it. Anderson's application value is 300 people, that is to say, when 300 people apply to Anderson for re-examination of one matter, then Anderson must personally handle the matter and give these employees an explanation.

I'm really sorry, it's a little late today.

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