And because Chen Qiang was afraid of trouble, he set the number of applicants to 1,500, which was exactly five times that of Anderson. In fact, there is also a reporting window in Xingkong Bio, all employees of Xingkong Bio will enter this window, and all his information will become false. This is set up to monitor some corruption issues in the company.

In order to make up the 1,500 people, this department of the personnel department also looked for people everywhere, and it seemed that there were quite a few people who were rejected. In less than an hour, 1,500 people were gathered under the bombardment of phone calls, short messages, and WeChat from the personnel department. An application of 1,500 people, this may be the largest application for a star creature.

This directly alarmed Anderson and other executives. They hurried down to appease these people, but after they understood the reason of this incident, they let them go. So an application with 2,050 people on the Xingkong official website was hung up high.

As for why they didn't go directly to Chen Qiang, it was because Chen Qiang was in the laboratory at this time. There has always been such a warning in the starry sky creatures, that is, don't get close to the boss's laboratory. Although Chen Qiang's laboratory has been relocated, some of the instruments have not been moved there. At this time, he was staring at the rows of test tubes in a daze, and the colors of each of the rows of test tubes were different.

When Chen Qiang was in a daze, his watch started to vibrate.

"Xiaolong, what's the matter? It's so urgent." Chen Qiang pressed his middle finger on the watch screen before asking.

"Boss, your employees are going to rebel." Xiaolong said jokingly.

"What, rebellion, they resigned collectively? How many people have left?" Chen Qiang frowned.

"No, they petitioned collectively, which triggered your awakening mechanism. Hahahaha." Xiaolong endured a little hard.

"Petition? These bastards are about to turn against each other." Chen Qiang thought of the mechanism he had set up at the beginning, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Because after the establishment of this mechanism, he was the first person to eat crabs, and he set his number to 1,500 in order to prevent the company's employees from playing around.

Chen Qiang put down the experiment in his hand, came outside the laboratory, clicked on his own management system next to the computer, and looked at the petition letter. Every star creature has this system, and it is also the communication and communication system within the star creature. It was upgraded by Xingkong Research Institute on the basis of Xingkong APP. This system is like a collection of QQ and DingTalk. However, it is only used within the starry sky creature. If someone leaves the starry sky creature, all information about this person in the system will be deleted.

"Oh, so many people have signed up." After reading the petition letter, Chen Qiang also understood the reason, so he used his authority to enter the management system of the starry sky creature to check the number of people who applied to enter the starry sky creature this time. When Chen Qiang saw it, he was almost startled, because there were 15,600 people displayed on this interface. This already accounts for almost seventy to eighty percent of the starry sky creatures. This also means that all employees who meet this condition have applied to live in Starry Sky City.

"Xiaolong, if you pass all these people, can the current Starry Sky City's facilities accommodate them?" Chen Qiang asked after thinking for a while.

"Yes, but it will cause confusion if you enter all at once." Xiaolong replied after three minutes of simulation.

"Then accept them all. We will spend half a year digesting the 10,000 people." Chen Qiang said after receiving Xiao Xiaolong's affirmative answer.

Everyone in Starry Sky Biology is waiting for an answer from the boss. They all understand that if they don't go to Starry Sky City with the boss this time, they will be abandoned by Starry Sky Creatures, so this is their last chance. Time passed very slowly, as if at this moment time was counted in seconds.

Finally, everyone's mobile phones rang. It was a message from the Xingkong APP. Everyone quickly picked up their phones and clicked on the message to read it.

"My colleagues in Starry Sky Creatures, thank you for your support. At first, I thought that there would be at most 5,000 people applying to live in Starry Sky City, but I didn't expect all my colleagues to trust me like Chen, so I decided that all the applications this time will be approved. However, the time to enter Starry Sky City is somewhat different. After all, Starry Sky City is newly built, and many places are still not perfect, so it takes some time to buffer it, but I guarantee that within half a year, all 15,600 people will enter Starry Sky City." Signed by Chen Qiang, chairman of Starry Sky Bio.

After reading the news, everyone in the starry sky jumped up excitedly. And Anderson and others are also enjoying all this in their own offices. After all, these people are very good, it would be a pity to give up like this.

After getting excited, all the employees of Xingkong Biology entered the list on the official website of Xingkong Biology to see if they had their own names. Fill in the list of more than 10,000 people at a time.

"Hey, everyone, go and check the Starry Sky official website. Am I dazzled? The list of starry sky creatures has more than 15,000 people."

"It's not that there are only more than 5,000 people, why did it suddenly become 15,000 people. I'll go and see."

"Let me just say, Xingkong Biology is the company with the lowest turnover rate in China. How can a company with 25,000 pairs of employees only have 5,000 people?"

"Really, it really has become more than 15,000 people." Netizens who thought they ran over to see it came back and sent such a message. Immediately afterwards, several people who were curious about the past also said the same thing, and only some people in this forum began to believe it, so they also ran over to check it out, and the traffic on the official website of Starry Sky Creatures increased again.

Such a big news, the media will not know so much. After Star Creatures issued a list of 5,000 people, they had already thought about the theme of this issue, and even made fast media.

Not surprisingly, "the starry sky creature encounters employee Waterloo"

'As the company with the lowest turnover rate in the world, employees can be like this'

'Starry Sky City - A Ghost City Built with One Trillion'

Such headlines will occupy the headlines in tomorrow's news, but this time, more than 10,000 star creatures suddenly appeared, which completely turned the press release they had prepared into waste paper.

In fact, not only gossip netizens and unscrupulous media are paying attention to this matter, people like Lao Ma are also paying attention to Xingkong City. They stayed in Starry Sky City for two days. Although the time was not long, it did not prevent them from being good to this place. Especially after watching some factories under construction, they became more determined.

Their keen sense of smell tells them that this place will become the leader and promoter of the world. They also vaguely expressed to Chen Qiang many times that they planned to build a company headquarters here, but Chen Qiang rejected them all. For the 20,000 employees of Starry Sky Biology, only more than 5,000 people applied to enter the Starry Sky City, and they were happy to see it. Only in this way could they have a chance to win a piece of land from the stubborn Chen Qiang.

But this reversal made them a little unexpected.

Today's second chapter, thank you for your support.

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