Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 124 Meeting 3

"Okay, you are right, but I would rather not do it based on the pursuit of profit based on blood. Tell me, the purpose of your visit today." Although Chen Qiang heard Rothschild's words After a sentence, his mind almost lost his grip, but he recovered at the last moment, so he asked directly. He was afraid that if this continued, he would have the idea of ​​disbanding the star creatures.

"Mr. Chen is really quick to talk. Actually, I don't want to go around like this. In fact, Mr. Chen should have guessed our purpose." Rothschild sat up straight and said at this time, as if he was about to hunt. Like a real lion, the whole body is accumulating strength in order to kill with one blow.

"Tell me, what do you want, I don't like this kind of people who are always playing charades." Chen Qiang waved his hand directly.

"We don't want much, we want to join this newly established virtual network company." Rothschild said directly, and there was a hint of irresistibility in his tone.

"Impossible, I can't make the decision. The virtual network is one of the most important components of the future world. I still can't afford it as a star creature." Chen Qiang was surprisingly angry.

"Mr. Chen, everyone is well aware that the controller of the virtual network is the 'Nu Wa' of the starry sky creature, and as the creator and actual controller of 'Nu Wa', you should be able to do this little thing. "Rothschild stared straight at Chen Qiang. Their family has already had artificial intelligence. After Chen Qiang released the Chinese language, their family has already started research. Although they came up with a mature artificial intelligence a little later than Ali, Ali got the starry sky creature. help. Therefore, the technical strength of these big families is no worse than that of outside companies.

We must know that before Chen Qiang announced the Chinese language, there were only three companies in the world who were most likely to first research artificial intelligence, and that was Google, Ali, and Microsoft. As the predecessor of artificial intelligence, the cloud computing of these three companies is the best in the world, and they occupy 80% of the world's cloud computing market, but among them, Microsoft and Google are under the control of these big families of.

Don't underestimate these families that have been passed down for hundreds of years. If they don't have a certain philosophy of survival, then they will have been abandoned by this society that tells development. They have a better sense of the development of technology than anyone else. This is not a compliment but a fact.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rothschild, I can't agree to your idea. The leaders of various countries are meeting in Starry Sky City not far away. No matter what decision they make in the end, I will follow it. If your If you have enough power, you can directly influence their thoughts. Wouldn’t it be better to directly attribute the virtual Internet to all mankind.” Chen Qiang directly rejected the request of these people, and the virtual Internet is a key node in his plan.

"Mr. Chen, do you think we haven't thought about it. Of the 43 countries in Europe, we can directly affect 30 of them. How do you think this kind of international conference is held, and how much trouble those small African countries have caused. ’ Morgan sneered.

"Then why didn't Mr. Morgan directly use his influence to achieve this goal, but came to find us?" Ms. Dong's fiery temper burst out all of a sudden, and she said directly. At the beginning, the company she led had suffered a lot in order to enter the overseas market, and the instigator was the Morgan family in front of him. Of course, Mr. Morgan in front of him would not personally go out for this trivial matter.

"It's not that we haven't thought about it, but the professionals in our family have rejected this suggestion. Mr. Chen wants to know the reason? Oh, no, this is a plan of Mr. Chen. In fact, there are other ways, but we can't think of it It's just or it can't be done." Rothschild seemed not to hear Miss Dong's sarcasm, and said with blurred eyes, and seemed to be talking to himself.

What Rothschild said is right. This is a layout. The layout has already begun after Chen Qiang threw out the virtual network. There is only one server in the virtual network, and its formation is a model that resembles a neuron. Building this model It requires a deep level of brain and nerve knowledge and a device with super storage. This requirement cannot be met with the existing storage methods, but only Chen Qiang can realize it in this world.

Chen Qiang uses the storage mode of DNA. There are only five kinds of information on each dna or rna chain, that is, five kinds of bases, and the formation of DNA or RNA is carefully paired according to various rules and then in a certain order lined up.

In this formed chain, there are promoters, terminators, replicators and other sites, and these sites are also composed of bases, and each chain has the function of self-repair and error correction. So Chen Qiang took advantage of this principle to encode all the information into codons, and then arranged them in different combinations to form a chain. In this way, each piece of information will form a strand similar to DNA, and these strands will be stored in the cells he has cultivated long ago. In order to prepare for this, he cultivated fifty cubic meters of cells in the laboratory on the basement floor of the experimental building.

Now even if Chen Qiang had spoken out his own method, the others would not have any method. In fact, there is another way, which is simple after all. With the current technology, it can be realized in the next ten years as long as more funds are invested, and that is quantum computers.

"Mr. Rothschild, I'm really sorry. Now I can't decide the future of this virtual network at all. Even if I can decide, you all understand that I hate others joining my company, so..." Chen Qiang didn't go on, he thought the other party I have already heard the German meaning in my words.

"Mr. Chen, do you think you can eat it by yourself. Be careful not to be stuffed to death." Morgan stood up and sneered.

"I don't need Mr. Morgan to worry about that. If I'm strangled to death, it's just what you want." To be honest, Chen Qiang is already tired of these time-wranglings.

"Morgan, stop talking, and pay attention to your attitude." Seeing what Morgan wanted to say, Rothschild yelled loudly. It seemed that it was still very effective. The man in power of the Morgan family in his fifties suppressed his anger and sat on his seat, and his eyes were fixed on Chen Qiang, wishing to tear him apart.

In fact, it is no wonder that Morgan is so angry. In recent years, the Morgan family has been increasing investment in the Internet, and plans to put the family's foundation in the financial Lakers and Internet industries. In fact, if there is no virtual network of Chen Qiang, then the action of the Morgan family is extremely correct. But Chen Qiang appeared, and directly smashed the existing Internet, which is equivalent to wasting all the years of hard work of the Morgan family.

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