"Since Mr. Chen rejected us, how about we talk about another matter?" Rothschild had already prepared for Chen Qiang's rejection, because they analyzed Chen Qiang during the family meeting and found this People are very resistant to foreign capital, and they also think that Chen Qiang is planning a game.

"Oh, please tell me?" Chen Qiang was very surprised, because this meeting has come to an end at this point. He didn't see what else to talk about.

"We hope to obtain virtual chips or related components that can be used in terminal equipment." Rothschild raised a question and request that Chen Qiang had never thought about.

In the past, such core modules were imported from Huaguo, but now it is reversed. But after thinking about it, this is actually quite normal. The terminal equipment market is more than tens of billions. It is a market of tens of trillions. No one will not be tempted.

"I agree to this, Mr. Rothschild, but you will be needed to transport it at that time, and I can't afford to transport the power here." Of course this money must be earned, and those who don't earn it are fools.

In fact, the current Huaguo chip industry has already reached a considerable scale. Since the incident in 18 years, Huaguo has greatly increased its emphasis on chips. Although most chips are still imported, Huaguo is once again blocked abroad. After the Kingdom of China, the Kingdom of Hua was already capable of self-sufficiency.

The meeting ended here, the Rothschild side got what they wanted, and Chen Qiang also tested the bottom line of these people. But Morgan kept staring at Chen Qiang with resentful eyes when he left. In fact, Chen Qiang had discovered it a long time ago, but he just pretended not to see it. The current Morgan family has been abolished, and in the past Huamei The companies under Morgan also lost a lot in the economic war.

If it weren't for the prestige of the Morgan family, the consortia with a slightly lower status would have swallowed Morgan long ago. And Chen Qiang didn't take it seriously, at least in his opinion, Morgan didn't pose any threat to the current star creatures.

After the memories were over, Chen Qiang returned to Starry Sky City again. The virtual network is about to be opened, and the work of data access is also ready. The internet of data is a thing of the past but the data stored in it serving all parts of the country is invaluable. What Chen Qiang has to do now is how to store these data in the new Internet brain.

The pre-research of these tasks has already started. After Chen Qiang proposed the virtual Internet, many tasks related to the virtual Internet appeared on the website of the Xingkong Research Institute. Most of the tasks can be completed by the research institutes of the research institutes, but some are now Knowledge cannot be solved, such as this data exchange. It is impossible to transform from the data Internet to the virtual Internet all at once. This stage will definitely take a certain amount of time, and the current virtual Internet is not perfect, and many modules have not yet been established, and it will take a certain amount of time to establish these modules.

This is very worrying for Chen Qiang. It is simply impossible to integrate the existing Internet data into the entire virtual network, not to mention the complexity and hugeness of these data. It is also troublesome to say what form these data will be presented after they are integrated into the virtual network.

"Xiaolong, what do you think?" Chen Qiang couldn't think of it, so he asked.

"This is easy to handle, isn't it enough to just divide it into two modules?" Xiaolong said mischievously.

"How to divide it into two modules." At this time, Chen Qiang had fallen into a dead end.

"We divide the entire network into two parts, one is for the supply of game helmets, and the other is for the supply of terminal devices, and the two terminal devices can communicate with each other under certain conditions, but not completely." Xiaolong Seeing that his boss had fallen into a dead end, he explained with a smile.

"What's the difference? Isn't it the same as the current Internet?" Chen Qiang finally understood, so he frowned and asked. This has not changed at all, which is equivalent to Chen Qiang opening a game company.

"Yes, this new network is controlled by you, boss, and don't you hate piracy the most, with me in this network, there will never be a trace of piracy." Xiaolong said seriously.

"But this is different from what I imagined." Chen Qiang was still digging into the corner.

"Boss, I know what you're thinking. With the current technology, it is impossible to realize a person in the virtual space. We have such a great ability. Even if it is realized, if a violent incident occurs What to do." Xiaolong patiently explained to Chen Qiang one by one.

Under Xiaolong's full persuasion, Chen Qiang finally accepted this reality.

When Chen Qiang and Xiaolong were discussing how to separate the two networks, the Prime Minister called and asked him to go to the conference room.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and the meeting was not over yet, which surprised Chen Qiang. In his opinion, this meeting was just a way for the country to declare victory. But I didn't expect this meeting to be as difficult as it was.

"Xiaolong, has the meeting been going on?" Chen Qiang asked as he walked towards the elevator.

"That's right, lunch at noon is all eaten in the venue." Xiaolong replied. In fact, it was Xiaolong who was present at the meeting, and 'Nuwa' couldn't think about it.

"What are they talking about?" Chen Qiang asked curiously. In his opinion, this is a useless meeting, the control of the Internet is in his hands, and now countries really need this thing to ease the increasingly acute social conflicts, so at this time his invincible ground.

"They are arguing over the ownership of the virtual network. The side represented by Huaguo believes that the virtual network should belong to the star creatures, while the party headed by the United States believes that the virtual network should belong to all mankind and should be jointly managed by all countries." Xiaolong said While speaking, some videos were displayed on the virtual screen in front of Chen Qiang.

"What's the use? They won't be able to use it if you give it to them." With a sneer, he entered the elevator. This is a golden body created by Chen Qiang for Xing Kong Biology. As long as the Internet is not subverted, the entire Xing Kong Biology is safe. No one will mess with a channel provider in the information society.

Starry Sky Research Institute and Starry Sky Creatures are actually not too far away. In less than ten minutes, Chen Qiang had already appeared outside the door of the conference room. Secretary Xu was already waiting outside the door.

"Chen Qiang, the Second Elder asked me to tell you that Hua Guo is behind you." Seeing Chen Qiang coming, Secretary Xu whispered in Chen Qiang's ear.

Chen Qiang didn't answer, but nodded to indicate that he understood, and then opened the door directly to enter the venue.

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