Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 126 A Plan

The moment Chen Qiang pushed open the door, all the eyes in the venue were cast over, some of these eyes were joyful, some were plain, and some were angry. But no matter what, Chen Qiang came to the speaking position on the rostrum without changing his face.

These countries have been arguing about the virtual network all day long, and some leaders even had the urge to wave their sleeves and leave at the end, but they finally suppressed it under their rational suppression. This is a big change, and the leaders of any country do not want their country to fall behind.

And the whole day has exhausted everyone present. Many leaders present are older, and only a small number of leaders are younger. So their bodies are relatively weak, and now they are all stiffening. But after Chen Qiang came in, there was finally a ripple in their eyes, because they all knew that Chen Qiang's arrival meant the end of this meeting.

It's not that they believe in Chen Qiang, but that they have to believe in Chen Qiang, because the virtual network is made by Chen Qiang, and they have no other way. As long as Chen Qiang proposes his own plan, they have to accept it, unless they use administrative and force means to refuse the products of Starry Sky Creatures from their own country. But there is a starry sky creature in the Huaguo market that still cares about their country, and Guanghua Kingdom will bring a huge flow of funds to the starry sky creature every year.

Chen Qiang came up to the crown prince who was speaking, cleared his throat, and said, "Prime Ministers, Presidents and Chairman, good afternoon. I am Chen Qiang from Xing Kong Biology. Today's virtual meeting has been going on for six hours, but various countries still The progress of the meeting disappointed me." Chen Qiang looked around.

But he found that everyone laughed at his words. At this moment, Chen Qiang suddenly understood that these people don't care whether the virtual network can be built at all, what they care about is how much benefit their country can get.

"Maybe some people are not willing to let the virtual Internet be established at all, but the society is developing and progressive. I also understand the concerns of everyone. It is nothing more than worrying that the starry sky creatures will use this to blackmail every country, so I announce that I will It will help all countries that want to establish a search network to establish a data storage center, and all data in this country will be backed up here." Chen Qiang didn't want to waste this time, so he directly stated his plan.

When all the leaders heard Chen Qiang's words, their first reaction was not surprise but anger, because the underlying meaning of Chen Qiang's words is that the virtual network is maintained and supported by starry sky creatures. Some of you compensate, and this data storage center i= is that compensation.

"Mr. Chen, are you sure you want to do this? You need to know that the most important thing for a network is the network infrastructure. If we cut off all the network signals from the star creatures, what will you do to provide everyone with the signal." The Prime Minister of Australia directly asked Speaking into the microphone in front of him, although his voice was not loud, it was very clear in the entire venue.

In fact, this is also a bargaining chip for the leaders of all participating countries to negotiate with Hua. The current virtual network cannot be separated from the existing communication infrastructure. If a country cuts off the signal from Hua, then the country cannot accept this. Signal. It may be possible to use satellites to solve this matter, but the coverage area of ​​satellites is somewhat small. If it is one or two countries, it can still do so. But judging from the reaction at the venue, at least half of the people were against it, while the rest of the countries were on the official website. Except for Hua Guo and his hard-core younger brothers, the only ones who really agreed with Chen Qiang's suggestion were an emirate.

"Gentlemen, I know what you need, and I understand what you are afraid of. But the question now is, even if the entire virtual Internet is handed over to you, will you work. Maybe you will say that you have artificial intelligence, but I can make it clear Let me tell you, that is the only star creature on the entire earth with this kind of technology." Chen Qiang asked domineeringly.

"Then you can hand over the technology, you can inject the technology into the virtual company, and we will give you a part of the shares as compensation." It was the Prime Minister of Japan who made this suggestion, but looking at his smirking face, it is clear that he has absolutely nothing to do. kind hearted. However, this proposal was supported by most people.

"Mr. Prime Minister, has your country always been this shameless? We haven't counted your invasion of star creatures before, and you made trouble in the Sino-American War. I have never seen such a shameless country." Chen Qiang directly yelled Dao, although it is not very elegant on this occasion, but it is very pleasant.

"Chen Qiang, don't spitting blood. When did our country make trouble for Huamei?" The Japanese Prime Minister stood up with cold sweat on his forehead and retorted loudly. The Japanese Prime Minister couldn't be more clear about this matter. They used Japan's foreign exchange to give Huamei a knife in the back. This time they didn't make less money.

"Do you want me to show the evidence? Also, those countries are involved in going on their own, and they are not welcome here." Chen Qiang said directly.

After Chen Qiang said these words, everyone present understood that this meeting was not to discuss the construction of a virtual network at all, but a way for Huaguo to demonstrate its victory. It is also an after-the-fact settlement, and it is also a way of killing chickens and monkeys. As the president of the United States, John has been staring coldly at the leaders who stood up and walked out. It is not only the Chinese country that has been thrown into trouble, but also the United States. They didn't have time to take care of it back then, and now it's time to figure it out.

Now that it has reached this point, the leaders of many countries have also admitted to leaving the venue directly, but the Japanese prime minister, who is the most angry here, has been holding on. He persisted like this not for the country of China but for the United States. If this matter is confirmed, then the United States will hate Japan, and then this thick thigh will not be able to hug it.

Just when Chen Qiang sneered and wanted to put some data in the wristbands of every leader present, the Japanese Prime Minister couldn't hold on any longer and walked out of the venue directly. This is also one of his considerations. Instead of Chen Qiang taking the initiative to announce the details, it is better to admit it himself. In this way, there is still some leeway for turning around, and when I go back to apologize, I can say a little less to add insult to injury. After all, this time, I made a lot more money from the United States than from China.

After waiting for more than six hours, the reporters outside the meeting room finally ushered in the moment they were looking forward to. At this time, there are also many netizens on the Internet outside who are talking about the coming virtual Internet era.

When the first leader came out, the reporters rushed over, but the security of Huaguo was beyond the reach of these reporters, so these reporters could only frantically use flashlights to record this moment. But in the end, what happened to the Japanese Prime Minister's black face made many reporters confused. And then the leaders who walked out of the conference hall were all with dark faces, but there were not many of them. More countries continued to stay in the conference hall.

As for the leaders of these countries who have gone out, they are all countries that fished in troubled waters in this China-US economic war, and these countries have also caused huge losses to China. As for now, it is time to repay the debt.

Book friends, it is too hot. It's so hot that I don't have any ideas, so there is only one chapter today, please forgive me. Today's I will make up later.

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