Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 128 Unscrupulous interview

Under the leadership of Chen Qiang, everyone came to a store, although the store was not very big. But it is still very easy to accommodate more than 30 reporters.

"Old Song, do you have Liangpi?" Chen Qiang went directly into the store and shouted loudly.

"Mr. Chen must have something to eat." An old voice came from a door blocked by a curtain.

"You count how many people we have." Chen Qiang said to the reporter closest to him. The boss of Xingkong Biology invited him to eat, and the reporters were very happy, although they were all full from the night market just now.

"Hey, Mr. Chen, why are there so many people?" An old man wearing an apron came out of the door and said in surprise. It seems that he put down the work in his hand, and the flour on the hand that came directly has not been cleaned.

"Old Song, can so many people do it? Today I will treat these reporters to eat." Chen Qiang asked.

"Yes, it's really time for you to come here. I just released four pictures, and you guys are just right." Lao Song said with a smile when he heard that these were reporters.

"That line, there are thirty-six bowls in total. I want the big guy to add more spice and add two steamed buns." Chen Qiang said after getting the number of people counted by the reporter.

"Okay, you guys sit down first, I'll cut it." Lao Song went straight to the back kitchen after finishing speaking.

"Okay, you can find a place to sit too. Today I invite you to eat Liangpi from our hometown." Chen Qiang said to the reporters after agreeing to Lao Song.

The reporters also found a seat and settled down. After all, standing like this is not an option. After all the reporters sat down, the reporter who was entrusted by Chen Qiang to count the heads just now asked, "Does Mr. Chen come here often?"

"Yeah, Lao Song is from our hometown. It's a masterpiece to do this. He has been setting up a small stall since Liancheng, and I have been a regular customer of Lao Song since then." Chen Qiang couldn't help recalling that he and The way Mu Bing was scolded by his mother that day. He hasn't been with his family for a long time, and even this year's Chinese New Year he hasn't been home.

"I heard that all the employees here are the family members of Starry Sky Creatures. Mr. Chen doesn't plan to let Starry Sky City go." Now that there was the first person to speak, the reporters became active.

"This can't be said in the same way. Starry Sky City was originally the headquarters of our Starry Sky Creatures, and these living facilities are also for Starry Sky Creatures' employees." Chen Qiang thought for a while and said.

"Mr. Chen, does that mean that Starry Sky City will be closed again after this meeting?"

"I haven't considered this yet, but before the Starry Sky City is fully established, I won't let many people enter the Starry Sky City." In fact, Chen Qiang also thought about letting some people come in to visit and travel in the Starry Sky City, but after deduction with Xiaolong, he found that, At this time, Starry Sky City does not have that ability.

"Mr. Chen, do you have anything to say about this meeting?" A reporter asked vehemently.

"This question is very broad, and a special press conference will be held tomorrow, so everyone just needs to wait until tomorrow." Chen Qiang did not answer directly.

"Come on, Mr. Chen, you have Liangpi and steamed buns." Lao Song came out with a plate, and behind him were his son and daughter-in-law who also carried a plate.

Chen Qiang took his own bowl from Lao Song's hand, stirred it and ate it. The reporters also picked up their own bowls and began to eat. As for Lao Song and others, they returned to the back kitchen after delivering the Liangpi.

"Mr. Chen, you haven't eaten so late." A reporter asked while watching Chen Qiang eating steamed buns.

"No, I'm really hungry to be honest, please forgive me." Chen Qiang took a bite of the steamed bun and swallowed it with cold skin. At this time, Chen Qiang couldn't tell at all that he was a successful person who started such a big business, but a Little brother next door.

The reporters didn't ask Chen Qiang any questions, but put their thoughts into the bowl of Liangpi in front of them. It may be that Chen Qiang's food was too delicious, so all the reporters present, regardless of age or sex, ate very delicious food.

Because Chen Qiang's bowl is a big one, when all the reporters finished eating, Chen Qiang still had some. The reporters were also very patient, waiting for Chen Qiang to finish his Liangpi, so under the watchful eyes of more than 30 people, Chen Qiang finished the bowl of Liangpi and the sauce.

"Mr. Chen, why did you even drink the sauce?" Just after Chen Qiang wiped his mouth, a reporter asked curiously.

"It's a habit. I didn't allow the bottom of the bowl to be kept at home since I was a child. In addition, my family was not rich when I was a child. It is not easy to eat Liangpi once, so of course it should not be wasted." Chen Qiang said embarrassingly.

Seeing everyone's incomprehensible expressions, Chen Qiang said again: "Although my father was a civil servant, the salary of civil servants was very low at that time, and my father was supporting my second uncle to go to school, so the family's money was a little tight. All the food in my family was grown at home." This was the first time Chen Qiang talked about his family and some things about himself in public, so the reporters were very surprised.

"Then Mr. Chen and a group of domestic business leaders invested in backward areas to plant oil-producing coconut trees for this reason?" a kissing female reporter asked.

"Almost, the current grain planting must carry out large-scale mechanized operations in order to be profitable. And this kind of self-cultivation model is no longer profitable. Now the cost of planting an acre of land in my home is 3,000 Yuan, and the output of planting grain on one mu of land is only 2,500 yuan at most, which is a loss of money. Moreover, there is no way to carry out mechanized planting in our ravines, and it is all done by human hands. It was very hard work, that's why I set the planting area of ​​oil-producing coconut palms in those impoverished mountainous areas." Chen Qiang organized his speech.

"Mr. Chen, I heard that the construction of the virtual network this time was carried out by the star creatures, so why do the star creatures have this qualification." A very short reporter stood up and asked directly. This question is a little gunpowder, and the reporters also set their sights on this reporter. From their point of view, the reporter was a bit out of his mind, and they described asking such a stupid question, what should they do if they drive Chen Qiang away in anger.

"Mr. Chen, this is my freedom as a reporter." The short man raised his proud head and said.

"It's my freedom not to answer your question. You can leave. I don't like the environment where you Japanese are here." Chen Qiang directly issued the order to evict the guest.

The Asahi Daily reporter still wanted to stay here, but when he saw so many murderous eyes on him, he finally left in despair.

After this episode, the interview continued. The reporters were also very measured and didn't ask any particularly difficult questions, and Chen Qiang answered these questions as much as possible.

Brothers, two chapters have been uploaded today.

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