Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 129 Space Shuttle

If they get this kind of cells, then they are modified, who knows if they will create a virus to attack humans. Sixty percent of the mutations in the biological field are harmful. Even though Chen Qiang and Xiaolong have carried out a large-scale transformation on this kind of cells to minimize their possibility of mutation, there is no way to change the characteristics of the cells.

After the meeting, people also left. The Starry Sky City once again fell into tranquility, and the faint blue light once again shrouded it, and the Starry Sky City once again became mysterious.

"Bing'er, do you want to continue working?" Chen Qiang and Mu Bing walked side by side.

"The child is still young, let's wait for a while." Hearing Chen Qiang's words, Mou Bing's eyes looked hopeful, but they disappeared immediately.

"The child has a mother to take care of it, so you don't need to worry about it. Besides, the home company is very close, so you can come back anytime." Chen Qiang turned his questioning eyes to Mu Bing again.

"What project is this time?" Hearing Chen Qiang asking herself once, Mou Bing knew that Chen Qiang must have a very confidential project for her to lead, so she rolled her eyes and said.

"Cell Activation Solution, to be precise, is the low-level version of Cell Activation Solution. I need you to develop a formula that can be completely mixed with diluted Cell Activation Solution without losing the effect of Cell Activation Solution. I can only hand over this project to I am very worried about you and others, the cell activation solution cannot be widely exposed at this stage." Chen Qiang said seriously.

"Are you going to release the cell activation solution?" Mu Bing exclaimed in a low voice. Even the low-profile version of the cell activation solution, which is very powerful in the night market, can cure at least 45% of the diseases in the world, and has a significant improvement effect on the remaining 55% of the diseases.

"Yes, these are some of my thoughts a long time ago." Chen Qiang admitted.

"Do you think the star creatures can withstand the pressure from the outside world?" Mu Bing asked.

"Not now, but not necessarily after three months. So you have three months to complete this research and development." Chen Qiang laughed.

"I haven't promised you yet." Mu Bing said with a blank look.

"Hey, I'm an old couple. I don't know about your little thoughts. You wanted to go to work a long time ago." Chen Qiang scratched Mou Bing's nose and said.

"Then what if I don't agree." Mou Bing knocked off Chen Qiang's hands and wanted to scratch his nose.

"Then I will serve you well tonight and seek your consent, my wife." Chen Qiang put his arms around Mu Bing's waist and whispered in her ear.

"Then come, let's see how you behave." Mou Bingzai said in a seductive voice next to Chen Qiang's ear. After finishing speaking, he ran in the direction of Chao's family with a charming smile, and Chen Qiang also chased after him. A man and a woman are chasing and playing in the light blue light, which is very romantic.

On the second day, Starry Sky Research Institute held a welcome party. Chen Qiang also attended this meeting, and Mou Bing also went with him. As for the protagonists of this welcome party, they are the aerospace experts sent by the country to support the space creatures. These people are indispensable for Huaguo's frequent success in the aerospace field this year. The International Space Station will be fully decommissioned next year, and Huaguo's space station will be the only space station in orbit in the world.

"Academician Zhao, thank you for coming to Starry Sky Creature." Chen Qiang was shaking hands with a gray-haired old man.

"It's not easy to find a company in China that is interested in participating in the aerospace industry. We also need to support it." The old man was very talkative.

"Starry Sky Biology has made all the investment preparations. As long as you need it, I will find it for you." For technical talents, Chen Qiang knows how to attract him.

"Really?" Academician Zhao's eyes lit up.

"Old man Zhao, don't go too far, don't you just want to build an ion engine, that thing can be used by star creatures, are you crazy?" Kong Ru couldn't stand it anymore, and sarcastically said.

"Kong Ru, I've drawn all the designs, why can't I make them?" Academician Zhao said with a blushing face, but his aura weakened a lot.

"That's your imagination. Even if the design is true, where did you find this material at a temperature exceeding 5,000 degrees Celsius?" Kong Ru directly exposed this Academician Zhao.

Academician Zhao is a good friend of Kong Ru, and this time he invited Academician Zhao to come to Starry Sky Creature. The academicians of Xingkong Biology are unwilling to come, after all Xingkong Biology is a private enterprise. Moreover, this academician Zhao came here only at the strong invitation of Kong Ru, and he has always had an idea of ​​building China's first space shuttle, but the problems limited by technology and materials have always remained on paper. In fact, the biggest reason is funds. Huaguo has invested a lot in aerospace in recent years, but it has invested relatively little in the research and development of Academician Zhao's space shuttle.

After this Academician Zhao learned that Starry Sky Creatures had a large cash flow, and his old friend strongly invited him, he came here. But he didn't expect that his former friend would expose him in front of the "big guy" he believed in his heart.

At this time, Academician Zhao was ashamed and angry, but as a well-bred person, he had no way to leave, because he had signed an agreement with the star creatures before coming.

"Academician Zhao has the blueprint of the ion engine? I don't know how it works." Chen Qiang asked suddenly. In fact, when Kong Ru said that Academician Zhao was researching ion engines, Chen Qiang never listened to the following words. At this time, his heart was full of excitement. Because in his vision, his future aerospace company is one that uses space shuttles to realize space flight and transportation instead of using rockets. He has the structure of this engine in his memory, but he can't take it out. After all, he is just a biological researcher, no matter how talented he is, he would not be able to develop an engine, but now the arrival of Academician Zhao has solved all the problems.

"Oh, Mr. Chen also has research on this." Academician Zhao couldn't help being stunned when he heard Chen Qiang asking about the performance.

"Academician Zhao, in fact, my idea is that space shuttles, not rockets, are the main transportation force of spaceflight, so I did a little homework for you." Chen Qiang said with a smile. With his current knowledge and ability, he and some aerospace experts Not too much. When he founded the star creature, he thought that one day he could bring the star creature into space, so he had already started preparing from the beginning.

"Mr. Chen, bosom friend, as long as you provide enough funds, I promise to build a space shuttle in ten years." Academician Zhao excitedly shook Chen Qiang's hand.

"Academician Zhao, ten years is a bit long. If possible, I hope to see our first space shuttle take off within three years." Chen Qiang said directly.

Academician Zhao was obviously stunned for a moment, but then agreed with a smile: "I will definitely go to heaven within three years."

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