Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 130 Establishment of Two Research Branches

Academician Zhao just listened to Chen Qiang's words as a joke. Huaguo's space shuttle plan had already been formulated until 2050. Even if a star creature is powerful, it will not have the strength of a country. You must know that Huaguo's plan is a super plan involving more than 100 research institutes and more than 300 universities across the country, with nearly 100,000 people participating.

"Academician Zhao, the Ion Engine Starry Sky Biology has been voted for. You will be the person in charge of the Astronautics Branch of the Starry Sky Research Institute. Although this branch has nothing now, I will give you a hundred places. You can choose from the existing 100 people. Choose from all the personnel of the Starry Sky Research Institute, and the initial investment of the Aerospace Branch is 50 billion. I only have one requirement, that is, after one year, all the starry creatures in the Huaguo Satellite Launch Base except the launch pad must have "Chen Qiang has recovered his strong state at this time, and directly ordered.

The figure of "initial investment of 50 billion yuan" shocked Academician Zhao, and this is still the initial stage. But after hearing what Chen Qiang said, Academician Zhao couldn't help but look at Chen Qiang like a fool. Take the Longquan Satellite Launch Center in Huaguo as an example. It is the earliest carrier rocket launch test base in Huaguo. The main base for rocket missiles. It integrates the world's advanced science and technology, adopts the "three-vertical" mode of vertical assembly, vertical testing, and direct transfer, and remote test launch control, and has the functions of testing one shot and assembling one shot at the same time.

This is the result of Huaguo's continuous construction for nearly 60 years. If the starry sky creatures want to build this base in one year, in Academician Zhao's opinion, it is wishful thinking.

"Mr. Chen, that one year is probably not enough. You have to know that our technical strength is still somewhat insufficient." Academician Zhao said very implicitly, but one thing is clear, that is, the starry sky creatures do not have the strength to do these things.

"Oh, Academician Zhao, you don't have to worry about this, the country will send a special team to take charge of this matter, and your task is to supervise these people to build this base according to the control and monitoring methods of space shuttle takeoff and landing " After listening to Academician Zhao's words, Chen Qiang waved his hand directly. On this issue, Chen Qiang had already discussed with the country, and the country would send a professional team to help Xingkong Biology build a spacecraft monitoring and control center designed by Xingkong Biology itself.

"The country helps the star creatures to build it?" Academician Zhao was stunned again. The cooperation between starry sky creatures and the country has reached this point, which he did not expect. All academicians of the Academy of Sciences have a common feature, that is, they grew up in suffering, so they hope that the country can become stronger, so in their generation, they are dedicated.

This time the state supported the starry sky creatures. They thought it was a great contribution of the starry sky creatures in the economic war just past, so they were let go by the state and asked them to recruit some people in the Academy of Sciences. So they don't have a strong sense of identity with the starry sky creatures, and they don't want to go to the starry sky creatures. Even academician Zhao didn't want to come to Starry Sky Creatures, but he couldn't stand the invitation of Kong Ru, a friend, so he agreed to come and have a look. But the current situation has greatly exceeded his expectations.

It is already a big problem that the country is willing to help the star creatures to build a spacecraft launch center. You must know that the spacecraft launch center is a symbol of a country's strength, and no more than two hands own this thing in the whole world.

In the shock of Academician Zhao, the welcome ceremony ended. The next day, the words "Astronautics Branch of Starry Sky Research Institute" and "Human Medicine Branch of Starry Sky Research Institute" appeared on the "Organization" column of the official website of Starry Sky Biology. But sharp-eyed netizens found out.

"Everyone go and see, Starry Sky Creatures has set up a new department. It seems that Starry Sky Creatures is going to make a big splash this time." Netizen Yu Weitian has developed the habit of browsing Starry Sky Creatures' official website every day. When the news arrived, I immediately posted a post to send out the news.

"Astronautics Branch, Mr. Chen is planning to go into space."

"Hey, Mr. Chen is still impulsive. Huaguo is no better than the capitalist market. This field can't be done with money." Reasonable netizens are somewhat pessimistic.

"If I got it, I saw that there is also a branch of human medicine." Just as netizens were discussing whether it is correct for starry creatures to enter space, a post suddenly appeared, directly interrupting the fiery discussion.

"Branch of Human Medicine, I also saw it. What is this for? There is a great master who can answer one or two."

"Ask the Great God to answer one or two."

The aerospace branch is very simple to understand, it means literally. But the human body medicine branch is open to discussion. It can be explained in any way, whether it is biased toward the human body or medical science is a problem.

"Have you seen the person in charge of the Branch of Human Medicine?" At this moment, a post popped up, interrupting the imagination of netizens.

"It's Mu Bing, Mrs. Chen, whom everyone envies on the Internet, is Mrs. Chen planning to leave the mountain?" A netizen familiar with Mu Bing asked in surprise.

"This project must be very important, otherwise Chen Qiang wouldn't let his wife be the person in charge."

"Isn't it Chen Qiang's research institute established to praise his wife? What's the fuss about?" Some netizens who didn't know Mu Bing well sneered.

"Upstairs, you are wrong. Mu Bing is the person in charge of the Starry Sky Research Center, the predecessor of the Starry Sky Research Institute. During this period, the Starry Sky Research Institute was completely on the right track. The person in charge of the development project team, besides the five kinds of clean air plants that Chen Qiang developed before, half of the other plants we have are researched by her. So there is no doubt that this is a genius girl." Familiar with Mu Bing Netizens released all the information they collected. Maybe there are really such boring people who would collect these things. If this post is seen by Mu Bing, she will be very surprised, because she doesn't know that she has To make such a great achievement.

The discussion on the Internet was very hot, and some media also noticed the two newly established research institutes of Starry Sky Biology. So the news that Xing Kong Biology established the Aerospace Branch and the Human Medicine Branch was quickly spread. All the news about the starry sky creatures has extremely high hits, so many media are also very willing to report some things about the starry sky creatures.

Among them, the happiest ones are the students who are graduating this year. The starry sky creature's habit of liking fresh graduates has been well known by people all over the world. The students who graduated this year about aerospace and some majors are enviable. As for the graduates of other majors, they are now praying that the recruitment of Starry Sky Biology will require people from other majors.

Brothers, there is only one chapter today, and the previous chapter may be a bit illegal, so I have to change it now.

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