Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 145 Running a School

Chen Qiang is very disgusted with this kind of people who rely on the old and sell the old. In his opinion, this kind of people should be arrested and put in jail.

"The boss has already made arrangements. Didn't you just say that you have something to do?" Anderson asked Chen Qiang after arranging the matter.

"Oh, don't tell me I almost forgot, you said how about we build a university." Chen Qiang was a little dizzy just now, and only remembered the purpose of his visit today after Anderson reminded him.

"Mr. Chen, I'll go back first." Academician Zhao said goodbye when he heard Chen Qiang was discussing some business.

"Academician Zhao, let's go together. Your opinion on this matter is very important." Chen Qiang was very satisfied with Academician Zhao's attitude just now, because Academician Zhao is also from the Academy of Sciences, and his funds must be spent in the hands of the four who just left. Therefore, Academician Zhao is a little bit unable to go back now. This is what Chen Qiang is very willing to see. After all, there are so many talents in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. project.

He is racking his brains on how to keep Academician Zhao, and it seems that he has already succeeded in half. Thinking about it this way, Chen Qiang felt much less angry towards those four academicians.

Don't underestimate the degree of competition in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, their intensity is no less than the college entrance examination. This is an era of science and technology. During the holidays, most of the annual investment is in the field of science and technology, especially in scientific research institutes affiliated to the country, which are the undertakers of national projects. Since Li received money from the state, it must produce results, so their pressure is very great.

And there is another reason that the competition between countries has become a scientific research competition. No matter which country's government invests the most in basic science research and cutting-edge technology research. As the top scientific research institution in China, their direct competition is the top scientific research institutions in various countries. This is a contest among the smartest people in the world, and the pressure can be imagined.

"Can I stay?" Academician Zhao asked in disbelief when he heard that Chen Qiang was trying to persuade him to stay. Because he just heard about Chen Qiang's going to run a school, which is a very important topic. Because a company runs a school with only one purpose, which is to cultivate its own talents, and the biggest requirement for such talents is to be able to stay. Why did the Chinese Academy of Sciences establish two universities? That is to cultivate its own talents. Talents who are familiar with the system of the Chinese Academy of Sciences may not be the smartest, but they are the most loyal ones, instead of treating the Chinese Academy of Sciences as a A gilded place.

"Of course, I plan to let you be the dean of the School of Aerospace and Astronautics." Chen Qiang basically accepted this academician. These days, Academician Zhao has initially established the Aerospace and Aeronautics Branch of the Starry Sky Research Institute, and can carry out research and development projects. . So this person's ability is not flawed, at least at this stage it is still very good.

"Chairman, where are you planning to build this school?" Anderson said with a frown. There are not many lands for star creatures, especially for building a school. This place must be in Star City.

"The open space in our school is fine." Chen Qiang also pressed his watch, and a large virtual screen appeared in front of them, with the construction map of the entire Starry Sky City during the 1994 Fourth Movement.

"Could it be a little less?" Kong Ru questioned as he looked at the place.

"Three thousand acres is not small. I mean this school will be directly controlled by our Xingkong Research Institute, and every researcher of the Xingkong Research Institute can teach in it. We will teach students from this school. Directly recruit into the starry sky creature, and there will be no leakage." Chen Qiang expressed some of his thoughts.

"I'm afraid this is not possible. After all, the school is an educational institution, not a training institution." Academician Zhao also said incomprehensibly.

"Although this is impossible, we have to think of a way. After all, our school will definitely have access to some projects of our Starry Sky Research Institute." Anderson interjected directly. He is the most conscious about the secrecy rituals of technology. It must be known that the development of starry sky creatures to the present level has a lot of credit for the secrecy and uniqueness of technology.

"It's better to focus on training first. In a few years, we will open this university to outsiders." Kong Ru suggested.

"Old Kong's idea is very good, and if we use the name of targeted training, we can enroll students independently, instead of enrolling students in a unified way." Academician Zhao responded that he knows this aspect very well. He has taught at the Academy of Sciences University before. Book. Unified enrollment is a hurdle that every Huaguo university can't get around, no matter how good you are. Even Lao Ma's West Lake University was not spared.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the country that agrees to enroll students. The policy at the national level is universal education. In their view, the annual enrollment rate and success rate are the real ones. But this has a flaw, that is, 70% of the students enter the university every year ignorantly, and some students don't know what they have learned in the past four years after graduation, but they did graduate.

Hobbies, this is something that all college students in Huaguo don't understand. They don't know what they like and what they are good at, so their college entrance examination volunteers are filled by their elders, so after studying for a while, they find that they don't like it. major. But it’s too late now, and it takes more effort to change, so I mixed up a diploma like this, and sat in a job that has nothing to do with my major after graduation.

But starry creatures don't need such ordinary people, what they need is someone with creativity and strong interests. In layman's terms, they are technical geeks. Ninety percent of the scientific research in the world is done by technical geeks, so such a group of talents has made great contributions to the development of the world.

"This is feasible. Let's start the school first. When enrolling students, we will do it in the name of the targeted training of the Xingkong Research Institute, and when enrolling students, we must clearly tell them about our school's policy." Chen Qiang also made the decision. , what he needs now is a reason to recruit high school graduates. Because the plasticity of high school graduates is much stronger than that of college graduates, especially some of the current research on starry sky biology is to subvert some existing technologies. This is no problem for high school graduates, and it is easy to accept, because They have not been in touch. But college graduates are different. They have been exposed to this type of technology, so it is still a little problem to change their thinking.

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