Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 146 Program

"Then I'll report to the Ministry of Education for approval?" Anderson asked after seeing that the general result of the discussion had been reached.

"Okay, teacher also worry about this matter." Chen Qiang said like Kong Ru.

"Okay, but should we call it Xingkong University or Xingkong Academy?" Kong Ru also agreed, after all he is quite familiar with the Ministry of Education.

"It's called Star Academy." Academician Zhao said directly.

"Star University should be more imposing." Anderson retorted.

"Mr. Chen, it is very difficult for Xingkong University to be approved by the Ministry of Education, but the college is better, and for private colleges like ours, the Ministry of Education is very supportive, so we still ask the college to approve it faster." Academician Zhao once heard this matter from a classmate of his in the Ministry of Education.

"Then let's call it a college." Chen Qiang doesn't have a big attitude towards college or university, as long as the word "starry sky" is used.

In this way, the establishment of a school was established in the words of these four people. Anderson of Starry Sky Creatures also prepared the application materials and submitted them to the Ministry of Education, but they all ignored the attraction and influence of Starry Sky Creatures at this time. After they submit the application materials, relevant information will be published on the official website of the Ministry of Education.

When this information was seen by sharp-eyed netizens, there was a discussion on the entire Internet, because the current starry sky creatures are very high in the hearts of the Chinese people. And now it's almost the new year's college entrance examination. Many people are paying attention to this school, especially those who have college entrance examination students at home.

People are becoming more and more open now, and the old judgment that non-985 and 211 schools are good schools is gone. Parents of current candidates only value one thing, and that is employment. Many manual labor and repetitive labor in today's world have been slowly replaced by robots, so the parents of candidates are very afraid that their children will enter the industry that can be replaced by machines.

There is something to say about the school of starry sky creatures, at least there is still a starry sky creature to choose when they graduate. Starry Sky Creatures are famous for their good welfare, and they treat every employee with respect. There is also a Starry Sky City known as a fairyland on earth, which is simply the most favorite school for parents of candidates.

As a result, the Ministry of Education's phone calls were almost exploding, and basically all the calls were to inquire about the situation of some starry sky creatures' schools. However, the Ministry of Education did not dare to disclose too much, because this matter has been taken over by the higher authorities, and they are currently discussing it.

Of course, some basic information has also been inquired clearly by some people with great powers, that is, the name of the school declared by Starry Sky Biology is Starry Sky College, which is a private school, and its enrollment method is self-enrollment. As soon as the news came out, netizens They exploded directly. Because the West Lake University founded by Lao Ma a few years ago is now a first-class institution, and its enrollment score has reached the top part.

As the richest man in China, Chen Qiang runs a school that is completely private, which is really funny. Another reason is that private colleges and universities have greater authority to enroll students independently. Chen Qiang made it clear that he would not participate in the national unified recruitment. After this analysis was exposed by someone, the official website of the starry sky creature was full of various questions, because it is impossible for the existence server of the artificial intelligence "Nuwa" to be blown up.

As for the starry sky creature is still so cold, even if there are so many questions from netizens, they don't reply. And one month before the college entrance examination, Xingkong Biology finally spoke out, that is, the chairman of Xingkong Biology will explain everyone's doubts on the National Education Channel.

This is because the country approved the school-running of the Star Academy, but the process was still a bit tortuous, so Chen Qiang even made a special trip to the capital. After discussion, the high-level officials of the country finally approved the request of Starry Sky Academy hosted by Starry Sky Creatures, but the level of Starry Sky Academy was raised to a level. After all, Starry Sky Creatures is already well-known all over the world. If the outside media knows The school run by Xingkong Biology is at the lowest level in Huaguo, and that will be a reason for foreign media to attack Huaguo.

Although the high-level government approved it, it was once again blocked by the Ministry of Education. As for the reason for being stuck, if Starry Sky Academy was given the right to not participate in the national unified recruitment, but only conduct independent recruitment. Then when other schools come to ask for this power, whether they will give it or not, such a team is very difficult to lead.

In the end, Chen Qiang had no choice but to go to the capital to communicate with the Ministry of Education. Finally, a consensus was reached through the communication between the two parties, that is, the Starry Sky Academy has completely independent enrollment rights, but the Starry Sky Academy will become one of the pilot schools for the education reform of Chinese universities.

This is a very special day. The senior three classes in every high school did not give lectures or do any more questions. Instead, he was staring at the projector, and what was displayed on the projector was the Central Education Channel. And the same scene happened in the homes of these students.

On time at eight o'clock in the evening, the interview began. The first is a short film about star creatures and Chen Qiang. Very inspirational. This is everyone's first reaction after seeing it. Chen Qiang is a very standard rural person. The program team is very attentive. They filmed all the schools that Chen Qiang went to during the period from preschool education to high school, and even Chen Qiang lived in it. The villages have not been spared.

This is something that happened to the post-90s generation, so it is a good incentive for the young people today. Some people may say that his father is a government employee, but when they look at the old home that has not been demolished, they all shut their mouths. This yard was built when Chen Qiang was three years old. There are two houses in total. One of those things is the kitchen. Fortunately, the fronts of these two houses were all built with bricks. For people nowadays, no one would think that Chen Qiang had stayed in this place for more than ten years.

After the short film, the host began to enter.

"Friends of the audience, friends of the audience in front of the TV, good evening everyone. Welcome to tonight's educational discussion program "Education for You". I am today's host Zhu Jun." CCTV is also very thoughtful , For this interview in the future, I specially found a CCTV host who is very capable, and who is also a fellow host with Chen Qiang.

"Today we invited a very young man. He is the chairman of Xingkong Biology and the environmental protection ambassador of the United Nations. He is Chen Qiang. Welcome Chen Qiang." Zhu Jun was naturally nervous, because today is a live broadcast.

Chen Qiang walked out from the passage, he is very handsome today. This is the look designed for him by CCTV's makeup team. Although he finds it troublesome, he thinks that today is his first time on TV, so he let the CCTV's makeup team do it. It looks very good.

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