Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 160 Don't Force It

Everyone is very entangled, all the candidates who passed the test and their parents are very entangled. At this moment, almost all the students took out their mobile phones to call their parents, but some people were very firm. Under the watchful eyes of the roommate, he resolutely pressed the green button, while the three roommates watching beside him felt their hearts pounding. Because after they heard the overlord contract of the starry sky creature, they were a little glad that theirs was not selected.

But at this moment, their doorbell rang. One of the roommates went out and opened the door.

"He Miao, the staff of Xingkong Biology have arrived." The roommate who opened the door shouted directly in the living room. This house is the second phase of the Starry Sky City project, and it has a renovated structure of four bedrooms and two halls.

"He Miao, right? I'm your senior brother, and my surname is Wang." A short man with glasses introduced.

"Hello Senior Brother Wang." He Miao greeted obediently.

"Okay, you chose the green button. I can only say that you made the right choice. Don't ask me why. You will understand after you officially enter the starry sky creature. Please sign this agreement now." Senior Brother Wang Take out a file and say.

"Oh." He Miao took the document and signed her name directly.

"Okay, it's signed, here is a benefit for you, the smart bracelet, which is unique to the company at this time, is much more advanced than the ones bought outside, and this is your travel certificate in Starry Sky City, but your bracelet is There are too few permissions, and your permissions will increase after you graduate from school." Brother Wang took out a box and opened it to a smart bracelet.

"Senior Brother Wang, what do you do, a researcher or an employee." At this moment, a girl asked curiously.

"I'm a researcher, and I've been here since the establishment of the Machinery Branch. He Miao. Your choice is not wrong. Although the company's contract is a bit of an overlord contract, we can't get it. We really want to sign this contract. You have really been greatly cultivated by the company now." Senior Brother Wang said with a little emotion, after all, he has worked hard for so long to reach this point, and as long as these students learn well, they are more than enough to reach his stage of.

"Brother Wang, do you know who the teachers of the School of Mechanical Engineering are? Could you introduce them to me?" He Miao asked, putting on the bracelet.

"The researchers in our entire Academy of Mechanical Engineering are your teachers. At that time, each of us will go to class. You can choose to listen to it. Of course, if you don't want to listen, you can study on your own. And in the past six months, we have not During the break time, your questions are answered as soon as you ask them." Senior Brother Wang answered these innocuous questions directly, even if there were outsiders by his side.

"Oh, I forgot, you can choose a house of your own. This is the house available for you to choose. You can choose it yourself." Brother Wang suddenly remembered something, and quickly displayed a three-dimensional map with his bracelet .

"Ah, there is still a house." He Miao said in surprise. And the three roommates looked at the three-dimensional map in shock.

"That's right, it's a good time for you guys to get a house as soon as you join the company." The tone was full of envy.

"Senior Brother Wang doesn't have a house? How did I hear that all the employees in Star City have their own houses?" He Miao asked strangely.

"Hey, yes, but it was exchanged with a lot of my star coins. I feel very distressed." Brother Wang felt very heartbroken when he thought of the exchange page of the experimenter.

"What are star coins, Senior Brother Wang." A woman asked.

"This is a secret. As for He Miao, you will know when you enter the starry sky creature. Quickly choose a house." Senior Brother Wang said with a haha.

"Senior Brother Wang, is it okay for me to live in the house I live in now?" He Miao asked for a long time because he couldn't choose.

"Okay, are you sure? I'll register if I'm sure." Senior Brother Wang confirmed again.

"I'm sure." He Miao nodded firmly, because she found that she had a choice phobia, and she lived in this house very well, so she decided on this one directly.

"Okay, come on, let's look at this instrument." Senior Brother Wang took out a brick-like object from his bag, and He Miao stared at himself. After a while, Senior Brother Wang finished everything and left.

"He Miao, this house is yours?" The three roommates surrounded He Miao and asked in disbelief.

"I guess." He Miao herself couldn't believe it.

This scene is being played out in many rooms. But in one room, a boy was double-bombed by his parents.

"Su Jianyun, you are so courageous, you chose the Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics without saying a word." Mother Su reprimanded directly and loudly on the phone.

"Mom, am I afraid that you will disagree and make you sad again." Su Jianyun scratched his head and said.

"Okay, I don't want to talk to you about that matter anymore, come back now, we won't go to Starry Sky Academy, okay?" Mother Su begged with some pleading eyes.

"Mom, I passed the exam, how could I not pass it, and besides, I pressed the green button, we want to accompany Billion." Su Jianyun persuaded.

"Son, come back, your mother will go crazy if she doesn't see you here." Father Su said with pleading eyes in denial.

"Dad, how about this, you quit your job and come to Starry Sky City, and come here with mom to retire early." Su Jianyun suggested.

"What can we go too?" Su's mother asked directly as if grasping at some straw. They were not afraid that their children would suffer, but they were afraid that their children would not come back to see them.

"That's right, Starry Sky Creatures will provide me with a house with four bedrooms and two living rooms larger than ours." Su Jianyun introduced.

"What four bedrooms and two living rooms?" Father Su was a little surprised. Mother Su looked at Father Su with pleading eyes. Mother Su is now a housewife, and she has nothing to let go of where the child is. The biggest obstacle here is Su's father. Su's father is now a project manager of a company. This is the time for him to achieve revenge. Now he is a bit reluctant to retire.

But under the eyes of his wife, Su's father still made up his mind to resign: "Okay, I'll go and tell the chairman, let's go to Star City."

"Yeah." Su Jianyun and Su's mother were very happy because their family no longer had to be separated.

This scene is staged in many families, and some families are because of their own children. After all, many of this generation are single children. There are also some families who abstained directly, and these abstained families got admission letters from many universities immediately. After all, these children are very talented, and these universities really don't want to let them go.

In the end, according to the statistics, 2,630 people from Starry Sky Academy successfully enrolled this time, while the rest chose to abstain.

Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Book Friends 160419722812734" and "If you are well, it will be sunny". Thank you very much. I will work hard to add more things.

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