Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 161 Clinical Testing

The first enrollment of the Starry Sky Academy ended in this way, but there was still a lot of controversy on the entire network. As for the topic of debate, it was the issue of Huaxia's education system. Of course, this topic didn't last long before it was directly suppressed by the relevant departments.

However, those students who were admitted to their Starry Sky Academy are all moving. 2,630 people are 2,630 families. Chen Qiang's father is the busiest at this time, although Starry Sky Smart has already done A lot of things have been done, but some management issues still need to be done by Chen Qiang's father, the administrative department, such as population registration, and changing these people's identity cards of Starry Sky City.

Although the capacity of the second phase of Starry Sky City is larger, but because Starry Sky City is located in a desert area, water resources are not very rich. Starry Sky Biology has developed a new technology that can realize 90% recycling of water, but in terms of the current water resource reserves of Starry Sky City, it can only supply the lives of 100,000 people at most, and the Starry Sky Biological Those factories are also big water users, especially the water consumption of metal smelters is calculated in tons per minute.

Therefore, Chen Qiang's father has been controlling the number of occupants in Starry Sky City. Before the water resource problem is completely resolved, it is impossible for Starry Sky City to live on a large scale. This is also a suggestion from Chen Qiang's father to his son, the boss.

"Teacher, all the students are settled now." Chen Qiang came to the school. Although the school has not been repaired yet, the main teaching building has been put into use, so now he came to check the situation.

"It's all settled, but the learning conditions are a bit rough." Kong Ru passed by classrooms one by one, looking at the hard-working students inside and smiled.

"There is no way to do this. It is better to set up the classroom directly in the virtual space, so that students can study independently." Chen Qiang said looking at the simple teaching building. After all, it is a sin to let students stand in class.

"This is also a good way, but some of our lectures require experimental demonstrations. Will it directly occupy public resources if we simulate this in the virtual space?" Although Kong Ru was very moved, he also understood that if the space creature inside the starry sky If a school teaching platform is set up on the network, it will take up the resources of the entire Starry Sky City, which will cause a certain degree of tension in the entire resources, which is not worth the candle.

"Don't worry about this. These students have been in class for a week. They should be familiar with it. Let them come and make a virtual space by themselves. This is their first homework. Let them get in touch with this field in advance. Alright." Chen Qiang said after thinking about it.

"Will it be too early? After all, the students of this drama have not been exposed to these things for a long time." Kong Ru was a little worried.

"You, the principal, don't even believe in your students. This is not a good principal, teacher." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"Hey, your boss has already said that. Of course I have no objection. Don't blame me for not reminding you if you get messed up." Kong Ru saw that Chen Qiang had made up his mind, so he agreed without hesitation. down.

After inspecting the school, Chen Qiang went back to his office to look at some documents, because he found that the reform of the starry sky creature has reached the point of urgency, and the current starry sky creature organization has become very messy.

But not long after he returned to the office, a phone call came in.

"Hey, Secretary Xu, what do you need?" Chen Qiang turned on the virtual screen and said.

"Chen Qiang, there is something wrong with the medicine of your starry sky creature." Secretary Xu said directly.

"What's the problem, why don't I know." Chen Qiang asked with some doubts.

"That effect is a bit too heaven-defying." Secretary Xu said a little uncertainly.

"Ah, I understand. You are afraid that we may falsely report the curative effect, right? Don't worry about that. When we can conduct clinical tests, we will know the results." Chen Qiang understands Secretary Xu's kindness, and that is in the written report The above lowers the expected curative effect, so that there is some room for maneuver in the later stage.

"Since you are not worried about this, then I will officially inform you that Xingkong Biological's drug has officially entered the clinical testing stage, and the location is at Peking Union Medical College Hospital." Secretary Xu also knows Chen Qiang very well, and will not do things that are not sure Yes, his previous question was just to remind Chen Qiang.

"Oh, this is great news. I want to bankrupt all those who threaten me." Chen Qiang laughed loudly.

"Don't get too excited, you need to know that the pass rate of drugs in clinical trials is less than 30%, which is very low, and it is not enough for you to obtain a drug license from our country, you have to obtain a drug from the United States License, so that you can sell it all over the world." Secretary Xu threw cold water.

"No need, I just need the Huaguo market. As for foreign countries, I can sell it to him. As for the rest, forget it." Chen Qiang sneered directly. In the incident of the reduction of production by pharmaceutical companies to China some time ago, these people were just having fun, so now Chen Qiang doesn't have a good impression of the West.

"Whatever, do you plan to conduct this test in secret or in public." Secretary Xu asked again.

"Open, keep it secret, I just want to see the shivering look of those pharmaceutical companies that are helping the evildoers." Chen Qiang's voice was chilly.

"Look, the Second Elder may come to participate. You should prepare. Let me know if you are in Starry Sky City or in the capital, but I suggest that if you are in the capital, the Great Hall of the People may be lent to you." Secretary Xu revealed at the end road.

"That's a good relationship, it's the capital." Chen Qiang said directly.

After talking on the phone with Secretary Xu, Chen Qiang directly asked Xiaolong to call Mu Bing, Anderson, and Xiaomi's general manager, Boss Lei, over. Of course, Mu Bing, as the project leader of this potion, must be present, and Anderson, as the general manager of Starry Sky Creature, must also be present at this time. As for Boss Lei, he was called to give advice, and Chen Qiang also intended to let Boss Lei participate in the affairs of the entire starry sky creature. Approaching the present, Anderson has already struggled to grasp the entire starry sky creature, and needs a strong helper.

"Okay, I called you here today to discuss one thing. The project that Mu Bing is in charge of has already produced results, and the human clinical experiment is about to start. The place is at Peking Union Medical College in Beijing. Now we want to What I did was a press conference and participation in the entire clinical trial process." Chen Qiang briefly mentioned some of today's goals.

"Boss, where is this press conference?" Anderson asked directly.

"Great Hall of the People, please contact there later and apply." Chen Qiang said a name that shocked the three people present. The Great Hall of the People is the place where the country discusses state affairs. Currently, product launches that can be held in that place are of historical significance and have a great guiding role.

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