Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 162 Rehabilitation Potion

"Mr. Chen, are you sure about the Great Hall of the People?" Boss Lei asked again.

"It's almost the same, the news revealed by Secretary Xu." Chen Qiang laughed.

"Then how many people should we send to our branch?" Mu Bing also asked.

"You have to participate in the press conference. As for the cooperation with Xiehe Hospital, you can let Wen Yong go. And those who go to the hospital must be smart. We must ensure the success of this experiment." Chen Qiang urged road.

"Okay, but I want to invite myself to lead the team." Mu Bing said very skillfully.

"Ah, you don't need this. I don't know when the experiment over there will end. There are still two children at home." Chen Qiang persuaded in embarrassment. He wanted Mu Bing to take a good rest, after all These days, Mu Bing is indeed a little bit lucky. It can be said that the whole project is supported by Mu Bing alone, but there are not many people who can use Chen Qiang now, and this project also involves the biggest secret of the entire starry sky creature.

"I am the person in charge of this project, so I know this potion best. I must go." Mu Bing once again showed his stubbornness.

"Okay, you go, let you go." Chen Qiang still had a headache for Mu Bing's stubbornness. As for Anderson and Boss Lei next to him, they were serious about cultivating immortals.

Mu Bing showed a smile, but Chen Qiang showed a crying expression.

"Boss, since we are going to hold this press conference, we must give our medicine a name." Anderson asked again after seeing that the husband and wife had reached an agreement.

"It's better to call it a cancer medicine." Chen Qiang has never been very good at naming it, and this can be reflected in the products of Starry Sky Bio.

"Mr. Chen, I think it's more appropriate to call it Mieailing." Boss Lei knew about this project and shook his head after hearing Chen Qiang's name.

"Sounds like pesticides. I think recovery potions are better." Anderson also expressed his thoughts.

"I think recovery medicine is better." Mu Bing said suddenly.

"Okay, then the recovery potion." Chen Qiang said directly. The matter of naming is almost enough, after all, Chen Qiang is not very good at it.

So Star Creatures also got busy, but this time Anderson was much more relaxed, because Xiaomi's Boss Lei and his team also joined in the preparations for this press conference, and Xiaomi held at least two press conferences every year. He is very experienced in this area. And this time the press conference was held in the Great Hall of the People.

This press conference is the first press conference of Star Creatures after entering the new year, and it is also a product launch event. This attracted a lot of reporters to come, and also attracted a lot of people who eat melons to watch. According to the statistics of relevant departments, the number of online viewers of the press conference of Starry Sky Creatures is about 80 million.

Because of the popularity of the virtual network, every viewer of the current press conference can come to the scene personally, so some people who eat melons like to watch the excitement. And some of them came to inquire about the news, because the product released by Xingkong Bio this time is a drug, especially those companies that have specific drugs and sell in half to China. All shareholders are paying attention to this conference. After all, Xingkong Creatures are ruining their jobs.

The press conference officially started. The first person to come out was the host of this press conference, a CCTV host.

"Good morning, all the guests at the scene, and friends from the network terminal. Welcome to watch the launch event of Xingkong Biological Rehabilitation Pharmaceutical Products and the launch ceremony of its clinical trials."

"Next, I would like to invite the dean of the Human Medicine Branch of the Xingkong Research Institute and the person in charge of rehabilitation medicine to explain this product to us." After the scene was finished, the host directly entered the topic. And at this moment, the camera on the Internet suddenly turned to shoot from the auditorium. This row was incredible.

The Second Elder sat down with a bunch of high-ranking officials, and behind them were Lao Ma and other Huaguo business leaders. It can be said that the gold content of this press conference was quite high, which also changed the minds of many people who did not believe that starry sky creatures could produce medicines.

"Hi everyone, my name is Mu Bing, and I'm the person in charge of the research and development project team of rehabilitation medicine." Mu Bing first introduced herself on stage. At this time, Mu Bing was no longer that fledgling little girl. Still manageable.

"As we all know, cancer is also called malignant tumor, and its opposite is benign tumor. Cancer is a disease caused by the loss of normal regulation and excessive proliferation of body cells. Overproliferated cells are called cancer cells. Cancer cells can often invade surrounding tissues, and even It is transferred to other parts of the body through the circulatory system and/or lymphatic system in the body, so now it is an important killer that threatens our life and health, and our rehabilitation medicine is the killer of cancer." Mu Bing changed the picture on the screen and continued .

"Look, everyone, this is a targeting carrier newly developed by our Xingkong Biology. It can carry therapeutic drugs to the treatment site accurately, and there will be absolutely no side effects during this period. And after the cancer cells die, they will be destroyed by this carrier." It is combined with a variety of carriers, and finally forms waste to be excreted from the body." Mu Bing introduced to a demonstration animation on the screen. In fact, Mu Bing's introduction is very simple, but most people don't understand it at all, and in the eyes of those professionals, it is worthless. Because they will also say the same rhetoric, and many drugs in this route of administration are currently being used, but there is no mention of the most critical carrier and drug Mou Bing.

This time they are worried, because as long as they have the carrier and drug, they can also make this drug.

"At present, we have developed drugs for 30 diseases, basically covering all cancers. There are also diseases that humans could not cure before, such as chronic myelogenous leukemia and AIDS." Mu Bing continued to introduce to everyone.

This sentence of Mu Bing completely ignited everyone, including those pharmaceutical companies. More than 30 kinds of drugs, including AIDS and other diseases that cannot be cured by humans. Those patients are happy, while those pharmaceutical companies are angry, because Xingkong Bio is completely cutting off the survival of these pharmaceutical companies.

"Contact the FDA immediately, and conduct public relations so that Xingkong Biological's products cannot pass the customs smoothly." This is the order from the boss of the pharmaceutical company among them. At this moment, almost all the bosses of pharmaceutical companies have issued this order.

But they may be disappointed, Huaguo's Food and Drug Administration and they can't do public relations, because Huaguo's high-level executives have paid attention to this matter, and the short-sighted person in the Food and Drug Administration dared to stumble. As for the US FDA, Chen Qiang has no plan to sell it overseas at all. And with the urinating nature of the FDA group, if they don't understand every ingredient in the recovery medicine, they won't let the starry sky creature pass the test. This is the case of Yunnan Baiyao in Huaguo. The Yunnan Baiyao sold in the United States has product ingredients. However, Chinese medicine in Huaguo is extensive and profound. Even if they figure out all the ingredients, they have only learned the superficial.

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