Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 163 Questioning

After Mu Bing finished his introduction, he stepped off the stage, and the host came up again and said, "Next, I invite Mr. Chen Qiang, the chairman of Xingkong Biology, to give a speech for everyone."

Chen Qiang walked up to the stage without taking anything, and came up empty-handed. After walking to the center of the stage, he said: "First of all, I would like to thank the second elder and Yizhun's executives for participating in this product launch conference of Xingkong Bio in their busy schedule. I would like to thank all the guests here, and finally thank you all the audience. Today We don't say anything here, but only one issue, which is the issue of drug prices." Everyone thought that Chen Qiang would talk about this matter.

After standing for a while, Chen Qiang continued to say: "The research and development cost is one reason, and the other reason is the greed of those pharmaceutical companies. A course of treatment lasts 15 days, and a bottle of medicine can only be used for 15 days. The price of the medicine is 20,000 yuan a bottle. This is eating gold, not taking medicine. So I plan to do something beneficial to the people, that is to develop a special medicine that can be eaten and affordable by ordinary people. Of course I succeeded." Everyone could hear the gunpowder in Chen Qiang's words. Reminiscent of the fact that the supply of the world's major specialty drug companies to China was halved some time ago, one can know that Chen Qiang, who is in his heart, is venting his dissatisfaction with these companies.

Chen Qiang had been dissatisfied for a long time, so he made a reflection on the stage.

"Finally, I want to post an advertisement, that is, this clinical trial requires a large number of patients, so if you have patients who believe in me, please go to the official website of Xingkong Biology to sign up." Chen Qiang is happy today, but those pharmaceutical companies are black-faced Like the bottom of a pot. Although Chen Qiang didn't point at his nose and scold, anyone who understands knows who Chen Qiang is talking about.

Next came the press conference, and the second elder left directly after the press conference, and did not attend the press conference.

Arriving at the press conference site, Chen Qiang took Mu Bing and Anderson to sit on chairs and waited for the reporter's questions. Still follow the old system of star creatures, one by one from left to right, from front to back.

But today's reporters are all screened, because there are more than 500 reporters today, if everyone asks a question, when will it be? So the public relations department screened out one hundred media with relatively large influence. Although the unselected media had some dissatisfaction, they dared not speak out.

"Mr. Chen, may I ask if there are any requirements for the experimental application of this drug, or how far the disease has reached." The first reporter stood up and asked.

"There are no such requirements. The only requirement is that you have this disease, but this condition is only applicable to Chinese people." Chen Qiang said seriously.

"Mr. Chen, why do you want to limit the crowd to Chinese people? Is there no way for people from abroad to apply for this experiment?" The second reporter asked immediately.

"It is limited to China for a reason. According to the experimental calculations of our laboratory, it takes three months to recover from the early stage of cancer, eight months in the middle stage, and two years in the late stage. Obviously, people who are abroad do not have this time, and there is a time limit for foreigners in Huaguo to stay." Chen Qiang spread his hands as if to say that this is an objective factor and has nothing to do with me.

"Mr. Chen, you just said that it takes two years for advanced cancer to be cured. May I ask if it is all stages of advanced cancer?" x Apparently this reporter has a cancer patient in his family.

"I'm not sure about this. It depends on the specific disease. For example, blood cancer will take longer. This time depends on the cancerous cells and the number of cancerous cells, but it will not exceed five years at the latest." Chen Qiang was thinking. After a while.

"Mr. Chen, in Ms. Mou's introduction just now, rehabilitation medicine can cure AIDS, a century-old problem. Is the star creature exaggerated?" This is a Western reporter, and he seems unwilling to accept this reality.

"Oh, it just depends on the effect. Next." Chen Qiang just said lightly, not angry.

"Mr. Chen, what is the price of this rehabilitation medicine?" The next reporter stood up and asked.

"We haven't determined the price yet, but I just wanted to make a special drug that all ordinary people can afford, so the price will not be too high, so you can rest assured." Chen Qiang is also very emotional.

"Ms. Mou, how do you feel about developing this product? I'm here to congratulate you in advance for winning the Nobel Prize." This reporter is a female reporter, and it seems that she has a good impression of Mu Bing.

"I don't have any thoughts. These are the collective wisdom of the Human Medicine Branch of our Starry Sky Research Institute. The purpose of this medicine is not to win the Nobel Prize, but to give hope to those who are on the verge of death but can't help. After all You only live once.” Mu Bing said very modestly, and everyone present applauded.

"Mr. Chen, there are more than 30 types of rehabilitation drugs released by Xingkong Biology, but they are all classified into one type of drug. This does not conform to the drug management procedures." It was another Western reporter.

"Please remember that the key point of rehabilitation medicine is the omnipotent carrier, not the drug. Because the drugs we have developed are all composed of more than a thousand compounds that can inhibit cancer that have been discovered in reality, so this It’s a kind of medicine. It’s like the wine we drink. New wines are brewed every year, but what we drink still tastes the same. Although the metaphor is a bit inappropriate, this is probably what I mean " Chen Qiang said with a serious face. He had already racked his brains thinking about this metaphor, and in order to make this thing real, he also went all out.

It is true that more than 30 kinds of drugs are considered as more than 30 kinds of drugs, but if you apply for more than 30 kinds of drugs at once, even the State Food and Drug Administration will not allow these drugs to be approved all at once. Moreover, the clinical testing of more than 30 kinds of medicines is also a big trouble, which immediately prolongs the time to market of the entire rehabilitation medicine, so Chen Qiang directly packed these 30 kinds of medicines together. Focus on the carrier.

"May I ask, Mr. Chen, whether the rehabilitation medicine Huaguo and other parts of the world will be launched at the same time." It is another foreign reporter. If it is a domestic reporter, just Chen Qiang's previous answer will infer that Chen Qiang has no intention of selling it abroad. .

"There is no way around this. After all, there are not many countries in the world that recognize the data of the China Food and Drug Administration, so it is impossible for the world to launch it simultaneously. The FDA in the United States alone is not easy, so if the clinical trials of rehabilitation drugs are successful, then Firstly, it will be listed in Huaguo, and other places other than Huaguo will depend on the situation." Chen Qiang's voice had a lazy feeling at this moment.

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