Then there were a few more related questions, and Chen Qiang just passed them in a perfunctory manner. After all, these issues cannot be expressed in depth, and Chen Qiang doesn't need to explain them in such detail. As for the remaining questions, they were for Mu Bing and Anderson. Chen Qiang closed his eyes on the sofa and waited for the end of the press conference.

But just when Chen Qiang thought the press conference was about to end, a beautiful Western female reporter with big breasts stood up and said, "Mr. Chen, are you a racist?"

Chen Qiang opened his eyes suddenly when he heard this question, and the whole venue was in an uproar. After all, this question is a trivial matter for ordinary people, but for someone like Chen Qiang who has a certain direct influence, it is a fatal one. The problem.

"Ma'am, why do you ask this question? Let me answer you now. I am not a nationalist. People all over the world are equal. The number of foreign employees I have now is almost five times that of the foreigners living in Star City. Thousands of people, I would be a racist." Chen Qiang said with a serious face. He also understands the importance of this matter, if he has any hesitation, then tomorrow's news will explode directly.

"Then why did Mr. Chen refuse foreign patients to apply for the experimental quota of rehabilitation medicine, and you also plan to sell the rehabilitation medicine in China first." This female reporter may be a newcomer, and a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

"May I ask what this lady's name is?" Chen Qiang stood up and asked.

"Ole Carly, you can call me Carly." The female reporter said stubbornly, biting her lip while staring at Chen Qiang.

"Carly, it's not up to me, it's up to your government. If your government can recognize the data from the China Food and Drug Administration and the report to release the sales channels of rehabilitation medicine, then we will definitely sell it. Do you understand?" Chen Qiang stared at the young reporter and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen." Chen Qiang said very cryptically, but Carly understood, and she sat down on the seat in disappointment. She is not a fool, otherwise she would not be sent by the media to attend the press conference of the star creature.

"Okay, next one." Chen Qiang said while sitting on his seat. For everything that happened just now, she just pretended that nothing happened, and the underground reporters also pretended that nothing happened, because they understand that this matter is beyond their control. A lighter punishment.

"Mr. Chen, may I ask if Xingkong Biological's clinical test accepts multinational cooperation?" The last reporter is also a foreign reporter, but his question is much more subtle.

"It still depends on your government. I allow every country to participate in this clinical test as a supervision." Chen Qiang said directly without any hesitation, which was what he thought of just now.

The press conference is over, but everyone is waiting for the news of this press conference, because there is too little information revealed in the press conference of the starry sky creature, which is also a feature of the starry sky creature press conference.

"Starry Sky Biological has released a drug to cure cancer, and it has entered the clinical testing stage." This is the headline of almost all the media in the world the next day. And netizens are also very excited, since it has been reported by major media around the world, then this matter is true.

As a result, Xingkong Bio's official website was filled with test applications in an instant, and the number of cancer patients in China reached 10 million. Last year, there were 4.2916 million new cancer cases and 2.8142 million deaths. There were 14.1 million new cancer cases and 8.2 million deaths from cancer worldwide. This is a huge number. Currently, the five-year survival rate of cancer in the world is only 30%.

This is a huge number, and this number is still growing. The number of new cases is expected to increase by 70% over the next 20 years. Due to factors such as population aging, bad living habits, environmental pollution, and the low cure rate of traditional methods, the rehabilitation medicine of Starry Sky Bio is now a life-saving straw for this group of people.

At this moment, the foreigners made a fuss. The incidence of cancer in developed countries abroad is higher than that in Huaguo, but because their medical technology is relatively strong, their survival rate has reached about 50%, but this has also led to an increase in the number of cancer patients.

In the United States, Britain and other developed countries, demonstrations are going on every day. This is the case abroad, as long as you are dissatisfied with this society, you can gather a group of people to demonstrate. Of course, it depends on the degree of benevolence of the government at that time. A benevolent government will carefully persuade you to go home and make a certain promise. And those governments that are not benevolent, it is easy to greet with tear gas.

No, in the United Kingdom, the news that a parade crowd stormed Buckingham Palace and was driven away by the British police with gas tear gas appeared in the news broadcast in China. In the end, the Western government couldn't bear the pressure anymore, so it announced that it would recognize the data report of the China Food and Drug Administration, and would send relevant experts to participate in this clinical trial.

This is a victory for the Western people, and the Western newspapers are playing up the theme. But what they didn't expect was that a group of immortals in this starry sky city in Huaguo had carved up all the recovery medicine market in the West, and they also had the right to set their own prices.

"Mr. Rothschild, we meet again. I know why you are here. Let's get straight to the point. What are you going to give?" Chen Qiang looked at the five old men opposite him playfully. These are the heads of the Rockefeller family, the Morgan family, the Elizabeth family, the Rothschild family, and the Habsburg family.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, we are surprised by your growth. Why don't you join us directly." Rothschild said with a hoarse figure.

"No need, I don't want my hands to be stained with blood." Chen Qiang continued to playfully said, and now Chen Qiang looked at the five Patriarchs opposite him as if he were looking at a lamb.

"Mr. Chen, tell me, what do you need." Rothschild directly smiled wryly.

"Mr. Rothschild, the previous threat was sinister enough. Do you regret it now?" Chen Qiang sarcastically said.

"Mr. Chen, win-win in business is the kingly way. It's only because you love to eat alone." Morgan said directly.

"Oh, Mr. Morgan, have you researched the machine of Starry Creatures? Have you cultivated the microbes? I don’t want the entire American people to be shrouded in fear.” Chen Qiang immediately laughed.

"Mr. Chen, we admit defeat. It is undeniable that the star creatures are indeed ahead of the entire world in the field of biology. Tell us your conditions." Rothschild directly interrupted the angry Morgan's rebuttal.

"Actually, I don't know what I want. You guys drive it until I am satisfied." Chen Qiang stretched his waist and said.

The meeting ended soon. After the meeting, Chen Qiang directly gave the news of building a museum to Lin Hao of Xingkong Construction, and a huge sum of money appeared on the financial account of Xingkong Biology, and this sum Shortly after the money arrived in the account, Chen Qiang sent it directly to the Xingkong Research Institute and the Xingkong Academy.

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