Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 165: Ghosts and Snake Gods

All of a sudden, the world calmed down. After all, all ordinary people are the same, as long as they get what they need, they will calm down.

So an expert group composed of 15 countries went to Beijing to join the clinical trial expert group of rehabilitation drugs. This time, the western countries did not discount it. They were all experts in the field of cancer. Of course, some of them came to inquire about the news. . But they were a little disappointed, because they had no access to recovery medicine at all, and they only participated in the diagnosis of each experimenter's condition.

And the dean of Peking Union Medical College Hospital has been very happy for a long time, because this time they are all internationally renowned experts, and these people will stay in Union Medical College Hospital for a long time. As long as these people show a little, they are Union Medical College The creation of a hospital. After all, domestic medicine is indeed a little behind foreign countries.

The first batch of volunteers has been recruited, a total of 356 people. There are about ten volunteers for each drug, including a few people in the early stage, middle stage, and late stage. As for the selection principle, Chen Qiang said that among the applicants, the families are relatively poor. So when the list of this group of experimenters was announced, it also attracted a lot of discussion. But Chen Qiang didn't pay attention to these.

Of course, some smart people and families with serious illnesses have also contacted these families, intending to exchange money for this volunteer spot. After all, this is already a certainty, and no one will doubt it. And this clinical experiment is a process that must be passed, so they used some of their own cleverness in order to treat them earlier.

However, their calculation was wrong. Both Mou Bing and Chen Qiang had one characteristic, that is, they were jealous of evil. They hated this kind of thing that used their power to seek benefits for themselves. In the humane society of Huaguo, the director of Union Medical College Hospital couldn't get out of it, so the civet cat was replaced by the prince.

But what they didn't expect was that this time the volunteers had already registered with Starry Sky Creatures, and they had also registered their genes. Mou Bing had a list here. When Mu Bing found that some patients were in better physical condition, she felt something was wrong. So the researchers who led a part of the star creatures over to investigate 356 people.

The results of the investigation came out soon. There were 356 races, 120 early-stage patients, and 90 of them had been replaced. There are a total of 131 mid-term patients, and 100 of them have been replaced. There were 105 terminally ill patients, and 31 of them were replaced. This was a very shocking thing, the cruelest thing Mu Bing had ever seen, because at this moment she found that her efforts were so feeble.

So she became angry, and she went directly to the dean's office of Union Medical College Hospital: "Dean He, you know about this matter." Mu Bing directly took the investigation document on the Dean's desk of Union Medical College Hospital.

Dean He was a little confused, because the usual Mu Bing was very polite. When he picked up the document and looked at it, his face turned green and pale. Then he put it down gently, and said with a smile: "Dean Mou, aren't these all patients with the same disease, and they won't have any bad results for the clinical results."

"Dean He, is this the matter? Who are we to choose, and who are these people? They are so powerful that they can turn a blind eye to Dean He. I want to see What energy do these people have, I announce that Starry Sky Creatures will stop this clinical experiment starting today." Mu Bing left immediately after speaking. The moment Mou Bing closed the door, Dean He threw a water glass out.

After Mu Bing left the dean's office, he left BJ Concord Hospital directly with the experimental personnel of rehabilitation medicine and starry sky biology. Xiehe Hospital is now the most exposed hospital in the world, and many media have directly sent reporters here. Of course, they took pictures of Mu Bing leaving the starry sky with a group of people.

This is very alarming news. When Mu Bing left, he took away not only the scientific researchers, but also the security personnel who protected the rehabilitation medicine. Because the security guards of Starry Sky Creatures are so unique and handsome, these security guards have become Internet celebrities now.

"Why did Xingkong Biological terminate the clinical test of the rehabilitation medicine?"

"Mu Bing, the person in charge of the clinical testing of Xingkong Biology, led the staff to evacuate the Union Hospital, and suspected of falling out with the Union Hospital."

For a while, the Internet was flooded with all kinds of headline news, and not only domestic news, but also some well-known international media also participated in it.

"What happened to Chen Qiang, you are too reckless." Secretary Xu asked directly.

"Secretary Xu, it's not my fault. Some people in the country are really too much. Do you know that this time, half of the 356 volunteers selected by Starry Sky Biology were directly replaced by civet cats as princes?" Chen Qiang was very angry Said. Pang Ran was also furious after he knew about this for the first time, and he was very uncomfortable with these things. The reason he chose those poor families in the first place was because these people did not have the financial resources to maintain the illness of sick family members, and those from wealthy families could afford those suppressive drugs.

But these people are not even willing to wait for a little time. What's more, there is also a guy with a benign tumor, very young.

"What half of the people are so serious." Secretary Xu was a little surprised. He had prepared for this before. After all, no one would not be tempted by such a good opportunity. Don't underestimate the cleverness of the Hua people.

"As you know, I'm a person who hates evil like an enemy. Since these people do this, they will have to pay the corresponding price. Since they like to play tricks on them, let them play as much as they want now." Chen Qiang said with a sneer.

"Hey, do you know how much pressure your actions are putting on the country now? The foreign media has made the headlines of this matter." Secretary Xu sighed. He knew Chen Qiang's character very well. Now he is the link between the top management and Chen Qiang.

"Secretary Xu, I don't want to get involved in those vain things. If you want something from me, then follow my rules obediently. Those who break the rules will have to pay the price." Chen Qiang now has the confidence to say this. .

"Hey, you will offend a lot of people like this." Secretary Xu continued to persuade him, Chen Qiang's temper was really helpless. Sometimes he felt like he was just cleaning Chen Qiang's ass.

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