Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 166 After the storm

"I don't have much communication with them, and I won't in the future. If I offend them, I will offend them." Chen Qiang said directly and nonchalantly.

"Hey, let's leave it at that. I've reported to the second elder." After speaking, Secretary Xu hung up the phone.

Chen Qiang also put away the screen. Chen Qiang didn't expect that there were so many ghosts and monsters in the country, but fortunately, the construction of the Starry Sky Tower is about to be completed, and it will be delivered in ten days. The Starry Sky Tower is one of his major reliances. The construction of the Starry Sky Tower has already begun since the construction of the Starry Sky City. Chen Qiang has invested the most technology in this tower. The height of this tower has reached 1,000 meters. After its establishment, it will directly become the tallest building in the world, but the outside world knows little about this tower.

Because when the reporter entered Starry Sky City, the height of this tower was only 600 meters, which did not have the slightest advantage among the many tall buildings in the world. In fact, the Starry Sky Tower was capped at 730 meters, and the remaining 300 meters were all the installation of some instruments, and the installation of these instruments was carried out by the Starry Sky Precision Instrument Branch. And they don't know what these instruments are for.

Xingkong Biology stopped clinical trials, which made many family members with patients angry, and Xingkong Biology's website was almost slaughtered. Of course, there are some "intentional people" who are fueling the flames. In the end, the starry sky creature seemed to be a little bit unbearable, and issued an announcement. The content of the announcement was probably that the starry sky creature stopped this clinical trial for some inexplicable reasons. But Xingkong Biology will find a new clinical experiment base as soon as possible to start clinical trials.

The public obviously didn't accept this announcement, so they became active on the starry sky creature's website again. But at this time, the team of experts at Union Medical College Hospital also left, and everyone panicked, because the departure of these people meant the end of the clinical trial.

But at this time, an expert in the expert team who was familiar with Mu Bing came out to refute the rumors. He was Georg Wittig, the youngest professor at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, and the professor is also the head of the German Cancer Research Center. This time he only came here on his own initiative, because his biggest dream is to overcome the human nightmare of cancer.

"Our team of experts has not been disbanded. We just visited Star City at the invitation of Ms. Mou from Xingkong Biology. We don't know much about the clinical test of stopping the rehabilitation medicine." As the youngest member of the team, The position of press spokesman is his duty. Although he is now forty-five years old, he is indeed very young in front of a group of old men whose average age is over fifty-five.

De Beau University is the oldest university in Germany and the third university opened by the German Holy Roman Empire after Prague and Vienna. Many departments of Heidelberg University are world-renowned, second only to the University of Prague in the Czech Republic and the University of Vienna in Austria. In the second half of the sixteenth century, Heidelberg University became the center of European scientific culture. It was born out of the Sorbonne University in Paris, founded in 1386. So George Wittig's words are quite credible, and the media have also made various speculations.

Just when everyone was racking their brains, a person who claimed to be an insider of Xiehe Hospital exposed a news that made everyone very angry, that is, half of the volunteers who participated in the clinical test this time were killed by some Rich people take their place. Apparently this person spoke very euphemistically, and did not say it directly.

But netizens are not fools. Sometimes, although money can make ghosts grind, it is not only money that can do this in Xiehe Hospital. You must know that Xiehe Hospital has its own medical school, and a hospital has its own. There can be several medical schools, which shows that this hospital is not simple, and those who can do these extraordinary things in an extraordinary hospital are extraordinary.

Netizens now have zero tolerance for these people, so it exploded directly on the Internet. However, due to the popularization of the virtual Internet, the country's control over the Internet has increased, so some explosive discussions on the Internet disappeared without a trace the next day.

At the same time, the State Food and Drug Administration also announced that the Xingkong Hospital in Xingkong City will become a new clinical testing hospital for rehabilitation drugs. And Xing Kong Biological also announced the news. As for the clinical test qualification, isn't it a matter of a document of the Food and Drug Administration? All of a sudden, everyone calmed down. After all, they had achieved their goal, and they didn't care about the test site of the recovery potion.

This time, the confrontation with domestic monsters and snakes ended in Chen Qiang's victory. As for those patients, Chen Qiang directly eliminated those who were replaced by civet cats for princes, and the rest were sent directly to Xingkong City by special plane. Moreover, a group of people who signed up were screened again, and the total number of people tested reached 500 people.

The Starry Sky Hospital is the first phase of the Starry Sky City project, and it is now in use. Although it has been put into use, there are not too many doctors staying in it, but the professional skills of these doctors are very solid. And because Chen Qiang has developed an instrument that can monitor human diseases before, the role of these doctors is to conduct reexamination and prescribe treatment plans.

And another reason is that Chen Qiang's action of distributing coconut oil made those minor diseases virtually eliminated, so the Xingkong Hospital is quite idle now, after the international teams who came to visit saw this scene , He scolded Chen Qiang for his prodigal son. Because the instruments used in this hospital are actually the most advanced at present, and these people don't want to leave immediately after seeing the instrument that can accurately diagnose the disease.

In fact, Chen Qiang is also worried about the construction of this hospital, because some experts and doctors don't want to come to Xingkong Hospital at all, even if Chen Qiang raises the salary level to double their previous income. Now there are such a group of experts who are well-known in the world to stay in Starry Sky City, he can't wait for it, otherwise Chen Qiang would not apply to put the experimental hospital of rehabilitation medicine in Starry Sky Hospital.

Volunteers arrived soon, and the test of the rehabilitation medicine finally started. Because of the increase in the number of people, the progress of the test was much faster this time. This news also makes the public very happy, because the sooner this drug is launched, the sooner their lives will be guaranteed, and no one in society can be sure that they will not suffer from cancer.

These volunteers are all from relatively poor families, so they cherish this opportunity very much, and they have also signed an agreement with the Starry Sky Creatures. So they are also very cooperative with the doctors of Xingkong Hospital.

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