Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 168 Three Parallel Mechanisms

"At the beginning of the establishment of the Starry Sky Research Institute, four major experimental groups were established, including the Desert Plant Research Laboratory led by Mou Jianguo, assisted by Liu Jie and Wang Wenhao; The air-purifying plant research room; the oil-producing plant research room headed by Ouyang Mingyue, supplemented by Wang Jin and Lin Yu; the waste treatment research room headed by Wen Yong, supplemented by Chen Ming and Zhang Fan. The four major research rooms The establishment officially established the status of the research institute in the starry sky biology, and the four major projects have been completely successful at present, and they are the main products of the starry sky biology." Every time Kong Ru introduces a project team related personnel, he will be given a shot to let more people know People know them.

"Next, let me introduce the current composition of the research institute. At present, the Starry Sky Research Institute includes five research branches, namely the biology branch, the mechanical branch, the computer branch, the aerospace branch, and the human medicine branch. The person in charge of the biological branch is Wen Yong, The person in charge of the mechanical branch is Zeng Long, the person in charge of the computer branch is Hao Yun, the person in charge of the aerospace branch is Zhao Shichu, and the person in charge of the human body medicine branch is Hao Yun.” Kong Ru directly introduced in this way, after all, although these people The employees of Xingkong Biology are no strangers, but the employees do not know his specific position, because administration and scientific research are directly separated at Xingkong Biology.

"He Miao, you see that the school division of the Starry Sky Academy was directly born out of the Starry Sky Academy, so why don't you say that the dean of the School of Biological Engineering is not Wen Yong but Mou Bing." A woman who is as beautiful as He Miao asked a strange question. .

"I don't know about this, but I know that Mu Bing was the dean of the biological branch when the institute was established, but he resigned because of having a child." He Miao also whispered the news she knew, the girl The nature of gossip can't be stopped even with heavy schoolwork.

"The Human Body Medicine Branch is our Mr. Chen's compensation for his wife." The beautiful woman tilted her head and said.

"Zhou Jie, don't talk nonsense. Mou Bing is the person I admire the most. You can see the evidence of the recovery potion." He Miao said anxiously.

"Didn't I just talk about it, you really took it seriously." Zhou Jie quickly apologized.

"It's okay to talk about it." He Miao retorted directly.

"Okay, I won't talk about it in the future, let's continue, let's continue." Zhou Jie knew that He Miao's mother was diagnosed with liver cancer when she entered Xingkong City for a routine physical examination, and then Xingkong Bio announced the news of the rehabilitation medicine, because The reason why He Miao is now an employee of Xingkong Biology, He's mother directly received treatment from Xingkong Biology. So He Miao directly regarded Mu Bing as his idol after that. Women like He Miao and Zhou Jie who are very interested in scientific research don't like those idol stars. They, like all scientific researchers, worship the strong, and their idols must only be strong.

"Let me talk about some of the scientific research of each branch. I don't want to say that you all know about the biological branch, clean air plants, oil-producing plants, superphages, and desert plants. The computer branch has developed the world's first A pseudo-artificial intelligence. There are many achievements of the mechanical branch, the most eye-catching is the game helmet. The aerospace branch, this is a newly established research institute, but it bears the future fate of this star creature. The human medical branch, Rehabilitation Medicine This is a product that can directly impact the Nobel Prize. The Starry Sky Research Institute is born with some technologies every day, and I will not list them here. Finally, in one sentence, the Starry Sky Research Institute will always belong to the Starry Sky Creatures. Engine." After talking for a long time, Kong Ru's mouth was already parched, but he kept holding back without drinking water, and he had a lot of manuscripts for this report.

After the applause, Chen Qiang said again; "I would like to invite the person in charge of the Starry Sky City's administrative agency, the city owner, and my dad to report to everyone about the construction of the Starry Sky City." Chen Qiang didn't shy away from this matter at all, so he Introduce directly that this is his father.

"Hello everyone, my name is Chen Shun. I'm the father of our boss. He is now the person in charge of the Star City's administrative service organization, which is the city owner in the usual sense." Chen Qiang's father made a joke when he came up.

"Let me now introduce the construction of Starry Sky City. The construction of Starry Sky City has three phases in total, and two phases of the project have been completed so far, with a capacity of 150,000 people. At present, the administrative service organization of Starry Sky City has been constructed. Perfect, it can provide all the employees and family members of Xing Kong Biology with the functions provided by all cities." Chen Qiang's father's report is relatively brief, but it is actually added by Chen Qiang specially, because he also needs to lay some groundwork for his later plans.

After Chen Qiang's father finished the introduction, the camera turned to Chen Qiang again, and he also said: "This is the end of the report work. Starry Sky Creatures can develop to this point. It is the result of the joint efforts of all Starry Sky Creatures employees. Starting today, the number of Star Coins for each Starry Sky Creature employee will increase by 30%."

All the people in the starry sky were shocked, because after entering the starry sky city, they found out that if they want to get those good things in the starry sky city, they must pay with star coins, and Huayuan is not feasible. Now, the number of star coins per person increases by 30% each time. You must know that the number of star coins is linked to your level and performance.

But some people are a little dumbfounded, because they don't know what star coins are at all, and these people are employees of Xiaomi. Unfortunately for them, the issuance of star coins had already ended before Xingkong Biotech acquired Xiaomi, so Xiaomi employees had to wait until the end of the year. However, because Xing Kong Biology and Xiaomi have had staff exchanges, these people are no strangers to Xingbi, but they are not too familiar with it. And because they didn't open the exchange system for star creatures, they didn't understand the value of star coins.

"Okay, the rewards are finished, and the next thing is the most important part. Regarding the Starry Sky Group, to be honest, the Starry Sky Group was established a long time ago, but the name is not true. Now the third institutional adjustment of the Starry Sky Creatures begins. First, the Xingkong Office was established, which governed Xingkong Group, Xingkong City and Xingkong Research Institute. The three major institutions existed in parallel. Among them, Anderson, Kong Ru, Chen Shun, and Lei Jun entered the office to lead the operation of the three major institutions. Anderson served as the president of Xingkong Group, Lei Jun is the vice president of the group; Chen Shun is the person in charge of the Starry Sky City's administrative organization; I ask myself to be the director of the Starry Sky Research Institute, and Kong Ru is the deputy director to be in charge of the daily work of the research institute." Chen Qiang's idea is amazing, because such a To directly raise Starry Sky City and Starry Sky Research Institute to the same level as Starry Sky Group.

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