Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 169 Reorganization

But before everyone reacted, Chen Qiang said directly: "Starry Sky City remains unchanged, Starry Sky Research Institute will divest all its subordinate factories, living facilities will be managed by Starry Sky City, and the administrative sequence of Starry Sky Logistics entering Starry Sky City will remain the same. Su Yunli will be in charge. The Star Academy is managed by the Star Academy, and is currently under the dual leadership of the Star Academy and the Star City, and the Star Group has no right to intervene."

"As for Xingkong Group, all the companies have re-divided their functions. Xingkong Biology merged Xingkong Fermentation and the cultivation center under Xingkong Research Institute, and will be responsible for the sales of Xingkong Group's biological products in the future; Xingkong Bio's general manager is Zhang Tao, and the rest are selected by Nuwa Bian Pai decides, of course the general manager can propose a candidate himself, but it must conform to the company's system. Xiaomi company merged with precision instruments, and will be responsible for the sales of mechanical hardware of Xingkong Group in the future; the general manager is Lin Bin, and Nuwa is waiting for the rest of the candidates. Xingkong Metal Set up a new garbage disposal site, and try our best to ensure the metal demand of the Star Group; the general manager is Su Yan, and the rest of the candidates are to be determined by Nuwa." Chen Qiang paused for a while, because he needed these people to digest this matter. Because Chen Qiang directly replaced the general managers of all companies this time.

"The establishment of Xingkong Aerospace Airlines is mainly responsible for aerospace matters; the general manager is Wang Peng. The establishment of Xingkong Pharmaceutical Company is mainly responsible for the sale of new drugs developed by Xingkong Research Institute; the general manager is Li Qian. Xingkong Building remains the same, and the general manager Lin Hao. The establishment of Xingkong Security is mainly responsible for the security work of Xingkong Group and Xingkong Research Institute. Zhang Jian is the general manager. The last one is the establishment of Xingkong Life Company, which is mainly responsible for the guarantee of the entire Xingkong City’s daily necessities, at least basically every kind For the independent production of daily necessities and food, the company has Chen Shun as the general manager, and the company’s administrative scope belongs to Starry Sky City.” Many companies make these students feel stupid, but for those employees, this is a good opportunity. News, because many companies mean a lot of positions, which also means that they can be promoted and raise their salaries.

However, this is also the thinking of a small number of people, because the entire Starry Sky Group does not place too much emphasis on positions, and they pay more attention to grades. The G series and the S series have a total of ten levels, with the highest level being the highest level and the lowest level being the tenth level. Many old employees of Starry Sky Bio now have a higher rank than their bosses. Because the biological level in the starry sky determines your salary and benefits, not your position determines your salary and benefits.

This is more thoroughly demonstrated in the Xing Kong Research Institute. What these research institutes are most like is not the dean or director, but the team leader of their own projects. However, it may be better in the administrative department than in the research institute. After all, in Huaguo's traditional consciousness, the boss is the person with power.

"Okay, eight companies also means a big reshuffle of the entire company. As for the general manager, I hope that after this year, your companies will be on the right track. This is a big reshuffle of assets, talents and technology. brand, so the task is relatively difficult. Next, let’s talk about the office, which has leadership over the Star Group, Star City and Star Research Institute. It mainly has three departments: the Administration Department, the Finance Department, and the Supervision Department. As for the others All the power is delegated to each subsidiary. So now I will give you all the power, as for the next development, you have to go by yourself." Chen Qiang said with something in his words. Of course, everyone here understands what Chen Qiang said.

"The last thing is to open the research website of Starry Sky Research Institute. Every company can publish research and development tasks through this website and send them to the research institute." Chen Qiang's words directly deprived each company of its research department. But everyone is meaningless, because the Starry Sky Research Institute is already very powerful, so this research and development department is dispensable.

"Okay, that's all for my arrangement. Do you have any questions?" Chen Qiang asked at the end.

In fact, among the eight companies, Chen Qiang directly skipped Xingkong Construction and Xingkong Security, and these two companies have not undergone reorganization, but no one will care, even if someone notices, they will treat it as if they did not notice . Because the starry sky building has been floating outside the starry sky group, they don't have much impression. As for Xingkong Security, this is a very sensitive company, so it's better not to mention it.

Everyone was silent, because they hadn't digested what Chen Qiang said earlier. But there is a group of people who are eager to try, because they don't feel the impact of these things.

When all the Xingkong employees were silent, this was the first questioner who appeared. The questioner was a male student from the Xingkong Research Institute. He stood up and asked, "Mr. Chen, I want to ask about Xingkong City With the living conditions of 200,000 people, why is the population still controlled at around 100,000?"

"Because of water, we all know that Starry Sky City was built in the desert, so water resources are relatively scarce. After all, there is relatively little water in desert areas. Therefore, the water recycling rate of our Starry Sky City is 8%. More than ten, but even so, the water resources of Xingkong City can support up to 100,000 people, but Xingkong Research Institute has been looking for solutions to water resources, and I think you should participate in it." Chen Qiang did not expect this student to ask this Question, it seems that this student listened carefully, so he took a look at the student's profile, a student from the School of Bioengineering of Bai Xianchang Star Academy.

"Mr. Chen, I would like to ask you about Xingkong Life Company. Are you preparing for future space development?" Su Jianyun also stood up and asked.

Chen Qiang was very surprised, because this was exactly his plan, because Starry Sky City did not plan for planting land at all, so if Starry Sky Creatures wants to guarantee the living needs of Starry Sky City residents, then it must be soilless. Cultivated planting methods, and this method is also applicable to space conditions.

There is also living supplies, because there are no redundant industrial workers in Star City, so the daily necessities production line must be unmanned, which can also be used in space life.

"Yes, it seems that you are someone who really likes the aerospace industry, work hard, and I look forward to your results." Chen Qiang praised, because this child is really outstanding. On the other hand, Academician Zhao smiled happily and kept showing off with Zeng Long next to him, but Zeng Long's face was completely black, because this child is a mechanized spaceflight.

With the support of two students, other students quickly raised their questions. This time, the all-staff meeting almost became a questioning scene for the students of Starry Sky Academy. And Chen Qiang answered the questions raised by these students very seriously, because these students are really excellent, and their questions are all sharp and well-founded, which shows that their current knowledge is very complete. These students are really outstanding for being able to learn so much in such a short period of time.

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