So now Chen Qiang is considering whether to give these students a chance to practice. After all, practice brings true knowledge. Moreover, the goal of the current Starry Sky Research Institute is all in aerospace, and there is really no one to do other things. Even when Mu Bing established the branch of human medicine, Chen Qiang didn't dare to let more people go, and only gave Mou Bing a hundred people, so at the Starry Sky Academy, Mou Bing was a student of the School of Bioengineering. Students are the reserve personnel of human medicine personnel.

The meeting is over, but the entire Xingkong Group is busy again, because this time the restructuring has completely broken the previous structure of Xingkong Creatures, so the personnel transfer is very ordinary, especially for the general managers who set up subsidiaries. It's also a big headache because there is no one in the company's position. Although Nuwa has given them a recommendation list, everyone understands that it takes acquaintances to bring the entire company into orbit in just one month. So the first thing they did was call up their old ministries.

"Mr. Lei, look at how Xiaomi's team should be set up." As one of the Eight Great King Kong, Lin Bin has a very close relationship with Lei Jun, but he still has to distinguish between public and private in the company.

"Lin Bin, come now as you usually do. What we have to do is to bring Xiaomi into the rhythm of the Starry Sky Group as soon as possible, and the most important point is that this time Xiaomi's team will not use acquaintances or old subordinates, and all use starry sky creatures The people here can quickly integrate Xiaomi into the whole company. It’s different now, factions are no longer useful, so don’t do those useless efforts.” Lei Jun leaned on the back of the chair and sighed.

"Mr. Lei, didn't you get promoted directly and entered the office directly? This is good news for our other Xiaomi employees." Lin Bin asked a little strangely.

"It's not that simple. If Xiaomi company leaves, I will not be my Xiaomi, but the Xiaomi of Starry Sky Creatures. Chen Qiang can see this very clearly, so he directly transfers me away from Xiaomi. The office is an organization in my opinion. An organization in the form of a cabinet has no direct leadership, so in my opinion, the position of vice president of Star Group is the real one." Lei Jun explained.

"Mr. Lei, this is also very good. After all, Mr. Chen has done a good job. At least Xiaomi has not changed its name." Lin Bin was also a little sad. Because Xiaomi is a company that they worked hard to build, but now it doesn't belong to them, and it's a fake if I don't feel sorry for it.

"Yes, very good. This is the most correct decision I made, otherwise Xiaomi would not be as brilliant as it is now." Xiaomi has completely surpassed Apple in this year's technology rankings, although Apple is also out now. Xiaomi has created its own virtual network terminal equipment, but before that Xiaomi has seized most of the market. The current Xiaomi and Apple are directly reversed. In the past, Apple was the goal pursued by Xiaomi, but now Xiaomi is the goal pursued by Apple.

"Understood, Mr. Lei, I know what to do." During the conversation with Lei Jun, Lin Bin also slowly formed his own team formation plan.

While Lin Bin was talking with Lei Jun, Lin Hao was also reporting some work to Chen Qiang in Chen Qiang's office.

"Mr. Chen, the general situation is like this. With the entry of the national team, many employees from Xingkong Construction have been transferred there. Now Xingkong Construction has a total of 1,600 employees, all of whom are undergraduates and graduates. Educational background above." Lin Haohui reported.

"That's right, Lin Hao, do you know the purpose of my keeping you in the starry sky building?" Chen Qiang asked Lin Hao after praising Lin Hao.

"I don't know." Lin Hao was also very puzzled, because he was the only one who didn't change the company owned by Starry Sky Bio.

"Let's go directly to the transformation of the starry sky building. Your task is to cooperate with the starry sky research institute to develop various construction machinery and make some preparations for future work. Construction may be carried out in space in the future, so the preparation work must be done fully , what you have to do now is to bring the entire construction company's employees to the starry sky security for training. Working in space without a strong body is impossible to work. This process is also a process of elimination. Those who are not determined directly Get rid of it." Chen Qiang said directly without making a fuss.

"Mr. Chen, I'm afraid we can't do this. If you ask us to build a house from the earth, we have absolutely nothing to say. But as long as we leave the earth, we don't have any force. Those things are precision instruments. We are only suitable for rough work." Lin never thought that he would receive such a task, and he knew about the company's shift of focus to space.

"Lin Hao, to be honest, at the beginning of the establishment of Starry Sky Construction, except for you, the general manager, the other employees were basically free from starry sky creatures. But you have to remember that the center of gravity of Starry Sky Group is in space, not on the earth. , so if the starry sky building does not transform, then there is only the danger of being laid off. In this situation, I don’t want to see it. Remember that as long as we enter space, you are an engineering unit. What do you think the purpose of my building the starry sky building is? " Chen Qiang stared at Lin Hao and said.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I will do this engineer, but I have one condition." Lin Hao gritted his teeth and said, now Lin Hao has no way out, and the starry sky creatures have been wandering outside the starry sky group, so this is an opportunity A chance to join the Star Group. And now Lin Hao has no way out, so he can only grit his teeth and move forward.

"What conditions." Seeing that Lin Hao agreed, Chen Qiang relaxed and said.

"The starry sky building can recruit employees in the starry sky academy." Lin Hao said in an unastonishing way.

"No, at least not in this session, I'll find a way for you in the next session." Chen Qiang patted his forehead and said. This group of students from Starry Sky Academy are coveted by many people, and Anderson has already blown wind in Chen Qiang's ear more than once. These student research institutes have spoken harshly, but there is still an endless stream of people making up their minds. So Chen Qiang directly refused.

"Okay, then the next session, I can wait for a year." Lin Hao agreed very simply. Looking at Lin Hao who agreed so simply, Chen Qiang suddenly felt cheated. Looking at the back of Lin Hao leaving, Chen Qiang was thinking about whether to increase the enrollment quota of Star Academy next year.

In one month, the Starry Sky Group was almost as busy as a dog, but with the help of Nuwa, everything was in order, and after the busy month, the Starry Sky Group would have the annual vacation directly, and it was time for the Spring Festival. Every year, Star Group’s Spring Festival holiday lasts for more than three weeks, so new employees who join Star Group are looking forward to it. And what those old employees are most looking forward to is the New Year's gift of Star Group's benefits this year, and the amount of Star Coins in the second half of the year.

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