Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 171 An International Event

It's a holiday, and all Star employees are on holiday. In the envy of all colleagues, they went home directly to celebrate the New Year. Because of Chen Qiang, this year's game company and green energy company are also on holiday very early. After all, Chen Qiang holds a certain amount of shares in these two companies, and he still has a high voice in these two companies. It was close to Starry Sky City, so they had a holiday in advance. However, they didn't take a one-month vacation like Chen Qiang did. They took an extra week at most, which made all the other Huaguo employees very envious.

This year's Starry Sky City is lively, with 100,000 people celebrating the New Year together, which is much better than last year. Moreover, Chen Qiang was not at home during the Chinese New Year last year, and he spent the New Year in the United States. Sometimes some things will never come according to your wishes, and Chen Qiang has been looking for a balance between family and career. Although he has not found it yet, what he is doing now is much better than other entrepreneurs, after all, he spends a lot more time with his children.

"Dad, I'll eat..." A little boy stumbled towards Chen Qiang and opened his hands, asking for the freshly peeled banana in his father's hand.

"This is for my sister, you can't eat it." Chen Qiang directly stuffed the banana into the hand of the daughter sitting next to him. And the little girl got the banana and giggled. Looking at his aggrieved son, Chen Qiang could only peel off another one for his son. Boys should be raised poorly, and girls should be raised rich. This is the experience he got from his ancestors, and Chen Qiang still agrees. Because the two children who are already one year old have already shown some personalities. The daughter likes to be quiet and always plays alone quietly, while the son is very naughty. He runs around and bites every day.

"Oh, Chen Qiang, you are bullying your son again. I don't think this son should have been born. You treat your daughter better than me." Seeing this scene, Mu Bing couldn't help but eat.

"Didn't I peel it for my son? That kid is too skinny. It's the same skin now, and it will be even worse in the future. Look at the banana I peeled for him. He didn't eat it. He took a bite and threw it on the table. "Chen Qiang took a bite of the banana his son had bitten and argued.

"That's my grandson too. You weren't as naughty when you were young, and I didn't raise you up." This is Chen's mother who is frying pancakes in the kitchen and said directly to expose Chen Qiang.

"Mom, I was very obedient when I was a child, okay?" Chen Qiang said forcefully.

"Then why don't you talk about the embarrassing things you did in those years." Mother Chen threatened directly.

"Mom, aren't you making pancakes? If you don't mind, let me have a taste." Chen Qiang shouted directly, he just wanted to end this topic as soon as possible, so he changed the subject.

"Get it yourself, brat." Chen's mother also knew what Chen Qiang meant. Because Chen Qiang doesn't like pancakes very much, he likes scallion pancakes.

"Okay." Chen Qiang stood up and went straight to the kitchen. After a while, he came out with a thick golden pancake. The best pancake is round on the outside and square on the inside. Obviously, Chen's mother's skills have not yet reached this level. But it looks pretty good.

"Come on, try it, this is a must for Chinese New Year." Chen Qiang took two paper towels and broke the pancake in half, and handed it to Mou Bing who was playing with his son. Because the oil cake was just out of the pan, there was still some oil on it that hadn't dried, so Chen Qiang used toilet paper to pad it to prevent the oil from getting on his hands.

Chen Qiang took the other half and took a bite. Although he hadn't eaten pancakes for a long time, he found that he still didn't like the taste. So he took a bite and put it down, but seeing that his daughter wanted to eat, Chen Qiang took out another toilet paper, broke off a small piece and handed it to her. It seems that my daughter likes to eat oil cakes very much. If Chen Qiang hadn't stopped her, she might have eaten the tissue paper to prevent the oil from getting on her hands.

"Hey, girl, you can't eat this. Here, I'll give you some more." Chen Qiang quickly broke off some paper towels and handed them to her. After a while, half of the half pancake went directly into the girl's stomach. Chen Qiang saw that it was almost done, so he stopped feeding again. Although the girl still looked at him with tears in her eyes, Chen Qiang was still determined. Just when he couldn't hold back the eager eyes of his daughter, Mu Bing took the child away.

This made Chen Qiang feel relieved. He finds himself unfit to be a strict father because his heart cannot be hardened on his own children. It seems that from now on, he can only sing a good face at home. As for the red face, he will have to have his mother, Mu Bing.

The days of harmony and happiness always pass quickly, and the time is already entering 2024 from 2023. Starry Sky City has also invested heavily in this New Year's Eve, and the fireworks show alone is worth 15 million Chinese yuan. And on this day, all the glowing plants in Starry Sky City will glow red, which suddenly makes that Starry Sky City enter the red ocean. This change also frightened the country that was also paying attention to Starry Sky City all the time in space, because the light of Youlan suddenly turned red in an instant. The lights in Star City are not LED lights, but the light emitted by individual plants, so this change has scared many countries.

Therefore, Secretary Xu even called to inquire about the situation, and after Chen Qiang's slobber, he let Xingkong City go. For those satellites in space that are always paying attention to Starry Sky City, Chen Qiang has long known that if Chen Qiang needs them, he can directly paralyze them within five minutes. But Chen Qiang thought about it and let it go. After the Starry Sky Tower was officially opened, even if the world's most advanced satellites were used, it would be impossible to capture the true face of Starry Sky City. Even in some key facilities of Starry Sky City, these satellites cannot be photographed. To be precise, what was photographed should be fake, not real.

During this Spring Festival, a major international event also took place, that is, the International Space Station, which has been in operation for nearly 25 years, officially entered the atmosphere to self-destruct. The decommissioning of the International Space Station also marks the overall backwardness of Western countries in the field of space, which is good news for China.

However, there is an episode that the US Space Exploration Technology Corporation announced its own space station, which will take about ten years to complete. Chen Qiang knew at a glance that this was a trick of the U.S. government, and they diverted all their attention. Although the Space Exploration Technology Company led by Musk now has high-orbit high-transportation capabilities and reusable space rockets, a space station’s It is not enough to build just owning rockets. You must know that the International Space Station took more than ten countries and hundreds of thousands of engineers and scientists to build successfully. Chen Qiang did not believe that this old American horse had such strength.

As for the United States, Huaguo, which now has the only space station, has always been aloof. Although their negotiations to join the Huaguo space station plan began a long time ago, they are still on paper and on the negotiation table. You must know that Russia, which is also a major aerospace country, joined China's space station program as early as 2018.

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