Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 175 Blame

After Chen Qiang sent the two away, seeing that Zhao Shichu hadn't left the office, he asked, "Academician Zhao, do you have anything else to do?"

"Mr. Chen, you gave all those metals to CASIC, what should we do?" Zhao Shichu said a little reluctantly.

"Academician Zhao, you brought these three people here. Since you brought them here, you shouldn't have any objections, and you didn't interrupt us when we were talking just now." Chen Qiang said pretending to be surprised.

"Am I embarrassed? After all, I'm still a member of CASIC." Zhao Shichu said here that he felt that there was something wrong with his words, but he just didn't quite understand what the problem was.

"So you pushed me here, but do you know that I have the nerve to refuse? Where did they get the pure metal powder from our Star Group? Don't you know?" Chen Qiang's voice was very soft, but The feeling of repelling people thousands of miles away in the voice is very deep.

At this moment, Zhao Shichu understood what was wrong with him. He had committed a taboo by leaking the company's secrets. Now he is in a state of confusion, because he also understands the secrets of working in the army all these years, but at this critical moment, he lost the chain.

Seeing Zhao Shichu fidgeting, Chen Qiang showed no expression at all. Because he was forcing this academician to express his opinion. You must know that this academician has not obtained the watch and injection of cell activation solution that everyone else in the Starry Sky Academy of Sciences has. This is the only one in the research institute, and with the deepening of the space program, as the person in charge of the Starry Sky Group's space program, Zhao Shichu will definitely come into contact with more technologies unique to the Starry Sky Research Institute. It will be the fuse of Star Group's downfall.

"Mr. Chen, I want to join the Star Group. I will resign over there. There is absolutely no second time for what happened today." After thinking for a while, Zhao Shichu stood up and said with a sigh. After speaking, he turned to leave the office.

"Okay, I'll give you a week. The villa you live in in Starry Sky City has been placed under your name." Chen Qiang's voice was still faint, but there was a tone that could not be rejected.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." There was a trace of fatigue in Zhao Shichu's voice.

Looking at Zhao Shichu's back, Chen Qiang suddenly felt that he was a little too anxious, but thinking of the way that Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation was determined to dominate him today, he completely drove out this idea. After all, his place is not a charity hall. He can take away anything for the country and the people with a few words, even if he pays for it.

"Old Zhao, come out, come and walk with me." When Zhao Shichu left the office building, he was stopped by Kong Ru who had been waiting at the door.

"Okay." Then the two walked towards the nearby garden. This garden is specially used by Chen Qiang for experimenters and office workers to relax. So the repair is very beautiful, and the employees also like to come here to discuss things.

"Old Zhao, how have you been in the company for the past six months? Does it feel different from CASIC?" Kong Ru first broke the quiet atmosphere.

"It's very fulfilling. I think it's the dream of all scientific researchers to conduct research here." Zhao Shichu said without a trace of hiding from this old friend.

"Then do you know that because of the establishment of your Academy of Aerospace Engineering, you have emptied the elites of the other three academies." Kong Ru's voice was a little louder.

"This is an order from Mr. Chen." Zhao Shichu hastily argued.

"Hey, you still don't know much about the operating mechanism of the Starry Sky Research Institute. All the researchers of the Starry Sky Research Institute are free. They will only join a certain branch when they are out of the project. You think that they can go there with just one transfer from you. Well. You should know that when you were transferred, the project application of the Xingkong Research Institute had just been completed, and the various experimental groups had just been established successfully. You thought that you could stop all those projects. Do you know that the Xingkong Research Institute has a tradition of That means that a project has already started, so don’t disturb it, even if the big things can’t be discussed until the experiment is over. That’s what Mr. Chen said in person from one laboratory to another.” Kong Ru was a little angry at Zhao Shichu’s excuse.

"Ah." Zhao Shichu didn't expect this to happen, because when he first started to establish the Academy of Aerospace Engineering, almost no one paid attention to him, but after a while, many people were admitted to the academy unconditionally, which confused him for a while.

"Let me tell you another news, that is, now 60% of the research institutes of the Starry Sky Research Institute are involved in aerospace projects. You may have heard of the intranet of the Starry Sky Research Institute. The person in charge, why can't you enter." Kong Ru led Zhao Shichu forward, but it was strange that there was no one in the garden today.

"I know, that's why I made a choice with Mr. Chen just now. I want to really join the Star Group, and I already plan to quit my job there." Zhao Shichu strengthened his mind and said.

"Old Zhao, don't blame Chen for forcing you. He has already restrained himself. If it was me, I wouldn't allow you to stay for half a year, because you have almost touched the core of the starry sky creature." Kong Ru stopped and stared at Zhao Shichu. road.

"I know, there are things that are forced, and some things that can't be done. Old Kong, please take care of me in the future." Zhao Shichu stretched out his hand.

"Welcome to Star Group." Kong Ru said with a smile, and held Zhao Shichu's hand tightly. They may not know that at the moment they held hands, Chen Qiang showed a smile.

The Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation and the Chinese Academy of Sciences received an email from Zhao Shichu at the same time. The Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation received a resignation letter, while the Chinese Academy of Sciences received a retirement application. Because academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can only work in private companies after retirement, and the company has to go through the review of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. As for the review of the Star Group, I am not worried at all, because this matter is not a matter at all. You must know that the Star Group already has a retired academician.

"Lao Yang, look at Mr. Zhao's resignation letter." In Gao Hong's office, Gao Hong handed a resignation letter to Yang Chengdao.

"It seems that we have annoyed this kid a little bit." Yang Cheng said with a smile.

"Then tell me what to do, it's not easy." Gao Hong said with a worried face.

"Agreed, even if Lao Zhao comes back, the ion engine he researched is a big hole that burns money. It's better to throw it to the Star Group. If they research it, we will just purchase it. After all, the engine they developed needs to be used by rockets, right? " Yang Cheng threw the resignation letter on the table and said with a smile.

"You, Lao Yang, have a solution, so let's do it this way." Gao Hong took the resignation letter and wrote a consent below it, and asked the secretary to take it down and handle it.

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