Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 176 The Shield of Star City (Monthly Pass 1)

And two days later, Zhao Shichu also got the reply email, and looked at the reply email Zhao Shichu also breathed a sigh of relief. His wife also moved in yesterday, along with his unmarried youngest daughter. After getting the reply email, he immediately printed a copy and went to the Starry Sky Research Institute to register his identity. Accompanied by Kong Ru, he completed all the tasks in less than half an hour. Holding the card with his own DNA, he couldn't help but sigh. At this moment, he finally became an employee of the Star Group.

"Old Zhao, your little daughter came here together. You can ask her what she wants to do. If you really can't think of it, then go to school and teach students. They have all got their ID cards." After completing the formalities, Kong Ru asked. .

"It's been done a long time ago. The Xingkong City administrative agency came to handle it yesterday. As for the daughter's matter, I'll go back and ask her." Zhao Shichu said as he hurriedly walked out.

"Okay, log in to the company's website with your job number after you go back, and you will get the information you want." Kong Ru shouted loudly.

"Understood." The voice was already a little sparse.

Back home, Zhao Shichu first asked about his youngest daughter, and the answer he got was that he wanted to teach, so the next day people from the school came to collect information and conduct investigations. Now the entire Star City is an information-based office, so you can find many things through the public website of Star City, and there is another prerequisite that you need to get the information card issued by Star City.

Academician Zhao spent a few days studying the internal website of the Starry Sky Research Institute in his study. Because his rank is relatively high, he has seen a lot of information. Looking at the technologies requested one by one, he was a little dazzled. And here he also saw a lot of technologies about ion engines, some of which have been completed, while some technologies have not been completed and are under development. At this moment, he was very glad that he chose Xingkong Group in the first place. The birth of these technologies made him see the hope of developing an ion engine in his lifetime.

And he also tried to publish a difficult problem in the process of his research on ion engines, which was quickly accepted, but it was quickly completed, and a reply was written under this reply: "This is the basic Question, just check the online database, you can't be new here, it sucks."

Zhao Shichu blushed a little, because this was a problem that had been bothering him all the time, but it was solved in less than a minute by an ordinary researcher of the Starry Sky Research Institute. But he also learned to spoof something new, that is, the network database. He quickly found the entrance to this database, which was very troublesome to enter, not only to enter his job number but also to perform face verification.

After a lot of tossing, Zhao Shichu finally entered the database. Looking at the dense data, he was a little shocked. This is not the most shocking thing. What shocked him the most was that the information in these databases is all cutting-edge technology tracked internationally, but it is organized into books for everyone to consult here.

He entered the words 'ion engine' in the search bar and clicked to search. There were more than 300 query results in total, and he clicked on one at random. The content in it fascinated him, because these materials had given the ion engine a research and development direction and also summarized and summarized the ion engine. At this moment, he felt like he was looking at the future.

While Zhao Shichu was wandering in the world of materials, Chen Qiang brought Mou Bing, Anderson, and his father to the top room of Starry Sky City. This is a room full of technology. The screen is turned on, but there is no display.

"Bringing you here today is to let you get in touch with the future defense measures of Starry Sky City. Xiaolong, open the protective cover." Chen Qiang ordered directly.

Following Chen Qiang's order, the three of Mou Bing could clearly feel that the whole electricity was passing through the wall net of the room where they were.

"Energy storage is complete, do you want to release it?" A line of green words will be displayed on the big screen.

"Yes." With a sound of zero, many indicator needles under the big screen lit up, and the big screen showed the status of the power release. As time slowly passed, a power grid covering a thousand square kilometers of Starry Sky City was gradually formed, and this power grid was silent. Mu Bing even looked at the sky in front of the window and it was the same as usual.

"Chen Qiang, who are you?" Father Chen asked after being silent for a long time.

"The world is too unsafe, take some protective measures." Chen Qiang said lightly, but to Chen's father, there was a kind of domineering in it.

"Dad, Chen Qiang has always been very patriotic. This is really a precautionary device." Mu Bing also came to persuade him, after all, anyone who is not a fool can understand the meaning of this scene. But this was an ideological shock to Father Chen, an official.

"Then how strong is your net?" Father Chen asked again.

"Nuclear bomb attacks can also be survived, but the demand for electric energy is relatively large. The current power reserve of Starry Sky City can only last for two days at most. If there is a large-scale attack, it may only last for one day." Chen Qiang explained road.

"Hey, Chen Qiang, you have to understand that if there is a surplus, there will be a loss." Father Chen left after saying this. He already knew about this matter, and there is no point in staying any longer. After all, this is his son. .

"Chen Qiang, is dad okay?" Mu Bing said worriedly.

"It's okay, he will figure it out." Chen Qiang said after looking at the place where his father left for a long time.

"Boss, why did you ask me to come here today?" Anderson asked at this moment. After all, this is a secret of Star City, and he knew it was inappropriate because the name of Star City was Chen.

"The moment you entered this room, you have already been recognized by this system, which means that you can also open this protective cover, so now I entrust you with the safety of Starry Sky City." Chen Qiang walked to the A red button was pressed on the console, and the entire protective cover ended immediately.

"Hey, Lao Niu, why did you stop flying today." A ground crew at the airport chatted with a pilot.

"You stinky boy, it's not good to give you a rest. Why do I ask so many questions." The old cow patted the head of a ground crew boy and said.

"I'm just curious." The young man muttered. As for Lao Niu, he has been paying attention to the changes in the entire sky. Because the clouds just now in the sky suddenly disappeared.

In the NASA control center in the United States, a satellite monitoring the creatures in the sky suddenly malfunctioned and the screen was completely black, but it returned to normal after a while, and the satellites of other countries were the same without exception. However, these countries have concealed this matter without exception.

I'm a little late, sorry. Now book friends have voted for a total of ten monthly tickets, so five chapters are guaranteed, and ten chapters are possible. Finally, I would like to thank all the book friends for their support.

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