Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 179 Price (Monthly Pass 2)

The students of Starry Sky Academy who reacted are now all frowning, because they have no clue how to do this homework so far, and they haven't figured out how to do it.

Fortunately, they have teachers. Under the guidance of the teacher, they also gradually understood the project application process and methods of the Starry Sky Academy, so various battles of attracting and robbing people in the Starry Sky Academy were staged all the time. Although everyone is excellent, the captains of these teams need the most suitable person.

"He Miao, who do you think we need to find? We only have five people now. I heard that there are hundreds of people in other groups." A member of He Miao's group worried.

"Let's go, let's go to another school. The recruitment of our school has ended." He Miao smiled and led five people to the School of Aerospace Engineering.

"This project doesn't need talents from the Aerospace Academy." Another team member asked doubtfully.

"This project is an exam question for the entire Starry Sky Academy, which means that everyone can participate, which means that every employee of the academy will have his own position in this project, so creating a four-school department The student’s project team is the right way.” He Miao explained that these people who were not very stupid understood, so the five went to other colleges to recruit team members.

However, since He Miao can think of it, others can think of it, so in a short period of time, eight cross-school project teams have been formed. Although other project teams have gradually understood the purpose of this topic, but now All Stars The college's talents have been allocated, so even if they find out now, it won't help. The best way now is to cooperate with several different project teams, but as the favored children of heaven, they don't accept anyone, so they finally reached a cross-school project There are only ten groups in the group.

But since the project is open this time, it doesn't really matter whether it spans across colleges or not, as long as they come up with a suitable plan. So these students also started their own design work while studying. How can such a large project be completed by these students who are new to the major. They encountered difficulties at the beginning of the design. They found that to design a complete plan, it is enough to need a major, which also involves the knowledge of nearly 18 disciplines such as civil engineering, so the library became their home. , and even sometimes they eat and live in it.

Star Academy also knew the importance of this design, and opened up a special place in the library for these students to work, and those teachers also answered the students' questions in detail. There are also some experiments, and the Star Academy is also fully supporting them, whether it is materials or funds. It can be said that this project is a large-scale military training operation of Starry Sky Research Institute and Starry Sky Academy, and the target is this group of students. Of course, the intelligence inside the starry sky is also recording and commenting on the work of these people at any time, which will be the only criterion for whether they stay in the starry sky.

Time passed bit by bit, and the group of people from Starry Sky Academy slowly entered the right track of design. After all, behind them were tens of thousands of researchers from Starry Sky Academy. In fact, it is a relatively difficult project to hand over this project to the Starry Sky Research Institute.

When Chen Qiang was checking the design ideas of these students that day, a news came from Xingkong Hospital that made him put down his work and came to Xingkong Hospital. Here they watched the first cancer patient who was cured by the rehabilitation medicine undergo a re-examination. If the result of this re-examination is no problem, the General Administration can issue a marketing certificate.

Everyone is waiting quietly, the anxiety and expectation in their eyes are so clearly visible. The results of the review came out, and the doctor who presided over the review was Georg Wittig. The German said in his strict words: "There is no problem with the re-examination."

At this moment, whether it was a patient, a doctor, or a scientific researcher like Mu Bing, they all jumped up happily, and Chen Qiang was also very happy. But he knew that this moment belonged to those scientific researchers, so he just smiled and applauded beside him.

"Ms. Mou, congratulations, you will become the greatest person in the world because you have overcome cancer." Georg Wittig walked to Mu Bing and congratulated him.

"George, this is not my victory, it belongs to the whole team." Mu Bing replied with a smile. Then he turned around and rushed towards Chen Qiang, and said in Chen Qiang's ear with a voice that only the two of them could hear: "This victory also belongs to you."

"Then congratulations, this year's Nobel Prize winner." Chen Qiang congratulated. As for what Mu Bing said, it’s fine if you hear it yourself. As for other people, it’s better not to know.

On this day, the National Pharmaceutical website also officially updated the latest list of new drugs on the market, among which rehabilitation drugs ranked first. This news made all the media rush to report, because this news directly announced that cancer will no longer be a nightmare for human beings.

But for ordinary people, they are more concerned about the price of the drug. Because no matter how good the drug is, it won't help if they can't afford it. However, the National Social Security Bureau also issued a notice soon, that is, rehabilitation drugs will be included in the social medical security system, and the reimbursement rate will reach 70%.

As soon as this announcement came out, the people of Huaguo congratulated, while those foreign netizens could only say a few words with sour water. After all, their country has not issued relevant policies.

While people all over the world were guessing the price of the rehabilitation medicine, Chen Qiang was drinking tea and chatting with Secretary Xu in his office.

"Chen Qiang, you know the country's intentions, right? With your personality, you will definitely sell such things at a low price, even at a loss." Secretary Xu took a sip of tea and looked at the starry sky city road below.

"I understand, but I said earlier that every ordinary person should be able to use the healing potion." Chen Qiang was also very conflicted, after all, he had already made a promise, and it would not be good not to keep it.

"How much does the recovery potion cost, to be honest." Secretary Xu stood up and walked to the window and said.

"The price of each bottle is about 100,000 Chinese yuan. This is the price including the research and development expenses. If the research and development expenses are not included, the cost of light materials is about 40,000 yuan. I plan to buy 50,000 yuan." Chen Qiang said truthfully.

"What about the output?" Secretary Xu continued to ask.

"Not too high, up to 100,000 vials per day, depending on the number of drug-cultured cells, it can be increased to 1,000,000 vials per day in half a year." Chen Qiang continued to reply.

"Then if you buy it so cheaply, if you sell it more expensively, all the country's taxes on Xingkong Medicine will be subsidized to the people, so you can rest assured that every person in Huaxia can afford the medicine." Secretary Xu Persuading people is a good hand.

"Then how much do you think is appropriate to buy?" Chen Qiang asked.

"According to one hundred thousand, isn't the price of each drug different." Secretary Xu picked up the teacup and said.

Thanks for the monthly tickets of 'Mu Nianshi' and 'Book Friends 2017071320526039'.

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