Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 180 The Problem of Price

The long-awaited price has finally come out. A total of thirty-seven types of rehabilitation medicines have been announced on the Starry Sky official website, each of which is different. Among them, the highest price is blood cancer, which reaches 180,000 Chinese yuan; the lowest price is AIDS, which is only 80,000 Chinese yuan. This span is very large, and many people do not understand why such a situation occurs.

Moreover, the prices of these medicines are still so high, and they have not met Chen Qiang's promise to make them affordable for everyone. Everyone didn't quite believe this fact, because it was so different from what they thought. But they had to accept this fact, because it was already a certainty on the Star Group official website.

"Resist star creatures, resist high drug prices." Such a public opinion gradually appeared on the Internet, and it became more and more violent.

"It's a shame that I still like Xingkong Group so much. I'm not a vampire like those capitalists, and I've been black forever." In Xingkong Group's post bar, there are many such posts.

"Upstairs, please be more rational. What does Star Group's high drug price have to do with you? Didn't the country increase the reimbursement rate again, reaching 90%? If you still can't afford this price, then you You can apply for 100% of the country." A very sensible netizen posted.

"Some people just have nothing to do. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is all a conspiracy by those Western countries. We still have some people who are foolish to be pioneers."

"The upstairs is right. Those who attacked Star Group's high drug prices are a bunch of idiots and traitors."

"Upstairs is a bit on the line, and they are just fascinated by their eyes."

"It looks like a bunch of idiots to me."

There are still discerning people among the netizens. Under the suppression of these netizens, this public opinion has been gradually suppressed, and fewer and fewer people participated in this public opinion. All of a sudden, the goal of the West was aborted. This was the first time that Huaguo netizens used their own strength to resist those unfavorable remarks. The next day, Huaguo's official media, the People's Daily, specifically praised this action.

At this time, two pieces of good news reached Huaguo. The first one was that Mu Bing was nominated for the Nobel Prize, and this year's competitors are relatively weak, so there is still great hope for Mu Bing to win the award. The second one is that Chen Qiang appeared on the cover of Time Magazine, and under his frontal photo was written such a sentence-a person who changed the earth.

Time magazine has always been an important factor to show a person's influence in the world, and Chen Qiang received an interview invitation from Time Magazine two years ago, but he declined. The reason why he agreed to an interview with Time Magazine this time is that he will use this platform in the future to express the reason why Star Group sets the price of medicine so high, and to give some eye drops to those who fan the flames.

The following is part of the Time magazine interview.

"Mr. Chen, as the most legendary figure in the world, what do you think of these contradictions between the East and the West?"

"Ma'am, first of all there are differences between Eastern and Western cultures, as well as different ideologies. This is like Japan, a neighboring country of Huaguo, who has been leaving Asia and entering Europe, which has led to mottled and unstable cultures. It's a country like that now."

"Does Mr. Chen have some prejudice against Japan?"

"Maybe, after all, a country that doesn't even seem to admit the mistakes it made before, he won't end well."

"Mr. Chen, what do you think about racial discrimination?"

"What do we think about this issue? I can only say that this is a great obstacle to the development of human history, but it does exist."

"Then, Mr. Chen, can you tell us about the cost of the rehabilitation medicine?"

"There is nothing wrong with this. Many pharmaceutical companies in the world should be able to roughly estimate that the research and development cost of rehabilitation drugs has reached 80 billion Chinese yuan, which is almost more than 10 billion U.S. dollars. As for the current output is not very high, Basically, there are only about 100,000 bottles per day, and the cost of each bottle is about 80,000 Chinese yuan."

"According to Mr. Chen, then you are selling recovery potions at a loss."

"Actually, I can't say that. Some medicines are indeed losing money. For example, the AIDS recovery medicine is indeed at cost price, and a part of the tax may be added. However, on average, I can earn about one bottle of these medicines. Five hundred Huayuan, or about sixty dollars."

"Does your government also tax recovery medicine?"

"Taxation is the foundation of a country, and all of these taxes are used by the Chinese government for medical care."

"That is to say, your government has passed on the cost of rehabilitation medicine for the entire Hua country to the people of the world."

"This can't be said like this. It is the right of every country to collect taxes. Can you guarantee that your country will not tax the recovery medicines of the Star Group? I think any country in the world will collect taxes on rehabilitation medicines."

"Then this will soon make the already high price of rehabilitation medicine even higher."

"There is no way for this. We are a commercial company. Although we are trying our best to reduce the cost, it is already the extreme. If we lower the price, it will inevitably affect the effect of the rehabilitation medicine. Therefore, for the lives of all patients, we It cannot be lowered."

"Mr. Chen, as far as I know, Huaguo withdrew from the medical insurance reimbursement measures a few days before Xingkong Bio announced the price. Then, Mr. Chen, whether this is a means for you and the Huaguo government to attack Western countries."

"Ma'am, you have to be responsible for your words. If the whole western world thinks this way, I will stop supplying recovery medicine to western countries. I don't want me to help all patients with small profits but quick sales, and finally raise a group of white-eyed wolves." Well, the medicines that suppress the disease in Western countries are not hundreds of percent profitable, and they only delay the disease. The recovery medicine of the Star Group can be cured directly. Is the price higher than this level? And you in the West are not If you want to claim high benefits, then let the insurance company and the country include rehabilitation medicine in the reimbursement list, I think many ordinary people are happy to see it.”

The interview was full of gunpowder, but Chen Qiang's goal was achieved. After the release of the new issue of Time Magazine, everyone couldn't help but be shocked by the scale of this interview, but this scene is exactly what the public likes to see. As a result, the sales volume of this issue of Time magazine has reached hundreds of millions, which surprised Time Warner, and they are also considering whether to continue this interview method in the future.

But they quickly rejected this idea. After all, everyone interviewed is not Chen Qiang, who can answer any questions, and they are not as easy-talking as Chen Qiang. I can't find a second one anymore.

Thanks to 'Under the Sea' for the reward.

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