Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 182 The long-awaited TSMC

It is also a last resort to use the cell activation solution as the buffer solvent of the drug and the activator of the carrier, because Chen Qiang gave too little time to the branch of human medicine, so he made such a decision. In order to conceal the true function of the cell activation liquid in the rehabilitation medicine, Chen Qiang and Mou Bing added a lot of masking substances to the rehabilitation medicine, but as long as a research institution increases the intensity of separation and research, it will be a matter of time before the cell activation liquid is isolated.

Therefore, Chen Qiang has been staying in the medical branch of Starry Sky Research Institute for a while, and together with Mu Bing, he is developing a substance that can replace the cell activation solution. Because the cell activation solution can never increase its production, the production and concentration of the cell activation solution now accounts for 10% of Starry Sky City's electricity, and after the production of rehabilitation medicine, this number directly soared to 20%.

So Chen Qiang has been staying in the Institute of Human Medicine Research for a while. But today he didn't go to the research institute, but came to the meeting room of the Star Group. Because here was someone he had been waiting for, and had been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Zhang, welcome." Chen Qiang entered the meeting room and saw a hale and hearty old man talking happily with Lei Jun, so he walked over and said with a smile.

"Mr. Chen is a busy man, so I would like to interrupt you today and look at Haihan." Zhang Zhongmou is now in his nineties, and when he saw Chen Qiang, he stood up and shook hands with Chen Qiang.

"Where is it, it is our honor that Mr. Zhang can come to our Starry Sky Group, and it is full of glory." Chen Qiang also said modestly, now he can handle these things with ease, and he is not as awkward and inadaptable as he was at the beginning.

"Mr. Chen also knows the purpose of my visit today, but I don't know what your thoughts are." Zhang Zhongmou looked anxious.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, I'm not ready yet." Chen Qiang patted Zhang Zhongmou and said.

"It's okay, I'm too anxious." Zhang Zhongmou also found that he was a little anxious. So he quickly changed his mood and smiled.

In a short while, the negotiating team of Star Group was ready. And this conference room has officially become the negotiation venue between Star Group and TSMC.

"Mr. Chen, you must know the purpose of my visit today. I don't know how you plan to sell chip equipment." Zhang Zhongmou said directly into the topic.

"Mr. Zhang, it's very simple. You pay for the first delivery. Each set of equipment is worth one billion dollars, and the output is about five million pieces. How many sets do you need?" Chen Qiang also got into the mood directly.

"Mr. Chen, you know that TSMC can't afford that much money. As far as I know, the Star Group provides some units in Huaguo with technological transformation plans. I don't know if TSMC is eligible for the same plan. " Zhang Zhongmou frowned and said.

"I can't do this. Mr. Zhang also knows that the sale of this set of equipment is a one-time thing, and the output of each set of equipment must reach at least one million pieces. As far as I know, your TSMC's chip production volume last year was no more than one hundred pieces. It looks like ten thousand pieces." Chen Qiang always had a faint smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen, we at TSMC don't need equipment with an output of millions of pieces. We just want Star Group to upgrade all TSMC's production lines to the point where they can produce only chips." Zhang Zhongmou's attitude is very low. .

"This is not easy to handle. If it is modified according to what you said, then we need to miniaturize some core equipment, and the cost is not small." Chen Qiang is still calm.

"Mr. Chen, as far as I know, each production line sold by Xingkong Group to the United States is worth one billion U.S. dollars. TSMC is willing to pay two billion U.S. dollars to ask Xingkong Group to upgrade our equipment this time." Zhang Zhongmou directly reported a number.

"Too little, TSMC's production line is very large, and the money is not enough to rebuild all of them." Chen Qiang shook his head.

"Mr. Chen, we only transform the production line below 20 nanometers, and 2 billion is enough. If Mr. Chen thinks it is still relatively small, then we can increase it to 2.5 billion U.S. dollars." Zhang Zhongmou directly increased the quotation by 500 million U.S. dollars , In fact, he also knows that this is the only one, because the production line in the United States has received it for a year, but they have not cracked a trace of technology until now.

"Three billion U.S. dollars, no bargaining, and this is still the cost of technological transformation. As for the purchase cost of equipment, you need to bear it." Chen Qiang said a price that was beyond Zhang Zhongmou's expectations. Before that, he had already raised a hundred billion dollars just to reach this agreement with Chen Qiang.

According to the news from the United States, the chip production equipment of Xingkong Group is upgraded on the existing basis, which means that in the future, the production line only needs to change the basic equipment. The elimination rate of the company's equipment will be greatly reduced.

You must know that TSMC now needs more than 50 billion US dollars in funding for each chip improvement to update the production line. If an agreement is reached with Star Group this time, then this amount of money will be greatly reduced. After all, this is the era of smart chips. Although there is still a certain market for traditional chips, it is foreseeable that they will be replaced sooner or later.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, three billion dollars will be credited to your account when I get back. As for the cost of the equipment, TSMC will be fully responsible." If you don't agree at this time, you would be a fool, and Zhang Zhongmou's voice was full of excitement.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, the contract will be ready in a while." Chen Qiang also said with a smile. Chen Qiang also understood the joy of this old man Zhang. You must know that TSMC can be a listed company, so his capital flow is open. So he already knew about TSMC raising 10 billion U.S. dollars. Chen Qiang actually had some considerations for why he asked for 10 billion U.S. dollars. Although this is a unique business, if he asks the price too high, it will hinder the promotion of smart chips, which is not good news for the virtual network, so after various considerations, he still gave up the principle of high price.

After the contract was checked by the lawyers of both parties, Chen Qiang signed the contract with Chen Jianren, the boss of TSMC. Why not Zhang Zhongmou, because this old man has retired a long time ago, and now he is just a director of TSMC. Then why Zhang Zhongmou came to talk about this cooperation? It is because Zhang Zhongmou does not have the full power of TSMC legally, but in reality Zhang Zhongmou's influence on TSMC is unmatched by anyone.

On the second day, both Star Group and TSMC announced the news one after another. This news did not cause much sensation in China, but it caused great repercussions abroad, because TSMC's move gave a lot of hope to many companies that have already designed smart chips. You must know that there are only a few companies in Huaguo and the United States that have smart chip production lines in the world, and these companies have another thing that is not to do foundry. Ali's factory, which is the only OEM, has a full monthly production plan, and most companies don't have a turn at all.

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