Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 183 New Enrollment

Also, in this information society, every country understands the importance of owning its own chips. In the past, chips have been monopolized by a few countries in the West. Now the emergence of smart chips has directly caused chaos in the entire chip industry in the world. This is an opportunity to participate.

As a result, almost all powerful countries have ordered a chip production line from the Star Group, and some countries have more than one. However, this time the production line sold by the Star Group has an output of 500,000 pieces per year, which is also the result of a detailed investigation by the Star Group.

This time, the Star Group directly earned about 100 billion in a short period of time, but it was only a one-time income. All the senior executives of the Star Group understood, so when they sold the production lines, they followed the previous sales to the United States. The price comes, even though the production capacity of those lines is 8 million pieces.

In fact, there is also Chen Qiang's careful thinking here. The production capacity of 8 million pieces cannot be fully utilized. If this capacity is fully utilized, the production line will be shut down for about three months. Because there is time for the reproduction and maturation of microorganisms, the production capacity of 8 million pieces is calculated on an annual basis, so the time for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms is calculated.

According to Xiaomi's statistics, those production lines in the United States have been in full production, and now they are almost shutting down. I don't know if they have developed a method for cultivating and propagating microbes on chips.

You must know that among all the smart devices now, Huaguo has always been dominated by Xiaomi, while Western countries have divided the world. Therefore, the contribution of those production lines in the United States can be said to be great.

After discussing the matter with TSMC, Chen Qiang got into the human medical laboratory again and started his scientific research life. Time passed day by day, and the progress of the human body medicine branch could be said to be rapid after Chen Qiang joined. It took less than one and a half months to complete the research and development of a new substance, which can perfectly replace the cell activation solution.

After the successful development of this substance, Chen Qiang directly used it in the rehabilitation medicine, and Xingkong Pharmaceutical also announced to increase the production of the rehabilitation medicine, reaching 5 million bottles per day. As soon as the news came out, the drug dealers hoarding health medicines were the first to suffer. No one wanted the 100% price reduction of rehabilitation medicines in foreign markets. It seemed that these medicines were about to fall into their hands.

But at this time, a group of people were silently collecting the recovery potions that were released before the production increase, and Chen Qiang also discovered this situation.

"Mr. Chen, we have sold a total of 6 million bottles of rehabilitation medicine so far, of which 3 million bottles have been used in China, and about 2 million bottles of the 3 million bottles abroad have been used, and about 1 million bottles have been used. The bottle was left outside." Li Qian reported to Chen Qianghui.

"Can Xingkong Medicine secretly purchase the previous batch of rehabilitation medicine?" Chen Qiang asked with a frown.

"There is no way around this. Xingkong Pharmaceutical has no strength abroad, and Xingkong Group is too conspicuous. As long as we move, someone will find out." Li Qian also said very rationally. She knew about the addition of cell activation solution to the rehabilitation medicine, otherwise Chen Qiang would not have placed Li Qian in the position of Xingkong Medicine.

"As far as I know, there are already a group of people in the market buying these medicines. Well, you should pay more attention here. As for the three million bottles that have not been delivered in the warehouse, they will be directly intercepted, and they will be shipped with new ones in the future. This batch." Chen Qiang felt his head hurt.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll make arrangements now." Li Qian left the office after receiving Chen Qiang's instructions.

And Chen Qiang was leaning on the back of the chair and thinking: "One million bottles, on average, there are about one hundred bottles of cell activating drugs. With the current filtration technology, we can get about thirty bottles, plus I added A part of the suppressed substances will have a greatly reduced effect."

Chen Qiang has been thinking about the consequences of cell activating drugs being spilled out, but after thinking about it himself, he found that the risk is actually not that great. After all, the cell activation solution he used to produce the rehabilitation medicine is the lowest kind, and he also added a substance that inhibits the components of the cell activation solution in the recovery medicine, this substance is suitable for the combination of the cell activation solution of. In the solution containing the healing agent, this substance does not react with the cell activation solution, but when the components of the cell activation solution are extracted, this substance will directly deteriorate the cell activation solution.

While someone might find a way to isolate the substance, by the time they do, there may be no experimental material left. He has no choice but to let the cell activation fluid flow out, and he will not commit such a thing a second time.

With the large increase in production of Xingkong Medicine, the thirst for rehabilitation medicines around the world has gradually decreased, and the contradictions in Western countries have also decreased. The treatment volume of 45 million bottles per course of treatment is already a lot. , at least now it has covered all severe patients, and will cover moderate patients in half a year. This is a statistic from Xingkong Pharmaceutical. In three years, 50% of cancer patients in the world will be cured , there will be 90% of AIDS patients will disappear and be cured.

To put it in a very harsh language, it means killing and not burying. This is Chen Qiang's current state. He provoked the source of the recovery potion, but he didn't think about how to completely end him. This is also a point that many senior executives of the Starry Sky Group criticized. If it weren't for the Star Group being a private company, then Chen Qiang, the boss, would be dispensable.

Of course, for everyone in the Star Group, it is already very common for the boss Chen Qiang to disappear and leave early and arrive late. But their reverence for this boss has not changed at all.

It is already April, and the new year's enrollment of Star Academy is about to start. No, Chen Qiang was caught by the teacher Kong Ru and held an admissions meeting. There were only seven participants in the admissions meeting, the four deans, Chen Qiang and Kong Ru, and the last one was Lin Hao from Xingkong Construction. Of course, this one was called by Chen Qiang to defend him from the bullet.

"Hey, today's admissions meeting is starting now, and you all have to share your opinions." Chen Qiang coughed as he sat on the table.

At this time, Lin Hao, who couldn't bear it for a long time, said: "Starry Sky Construction is short of people, especially after Mr. Chen gave Starry Sky Construction a new task, we are short of this kind of compound talents. "

"Lin Hao, in recent years, Starry Sky Academy has a quota of 3,000 students each time, and our research institute is not enough. If we divide it up with you, how much will we have left? Let's talk about giving you some talents, so will we give it to other branches? Ah." While arguing with Lin Hao, Zeng Long secretly glanced at Chen Qiang.

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