Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 188 The Secret of the Upper Class

"If it weren't for the star group's students being trained for the star group, I think those old men would come over to snatch them. Chen Qiang, there may be some changes in the enrollment of this year's star academy, and I don't know the details here. Prepare yourself mentally first." Secretary Xu said pointedly.

"It seems that our Starry Sky Academy's monopoly has made many people a little unhappy. But Secretary Xu, our Starry Sky Academy's enrollment is targeted, and we didn't steal their students." Chen Qiang called out.

"In the past, 3,000 people were nothing, but this time Starry Sky Academy's limelight really touched the hearts of many people. You know the three questions Mr. Qian asked about Huaguo education before, who are the current principals?" The times have passed, and they have been looking for an opportunity to reform education, and now that they have this opportunity, of course they will not let it go." Secretary Xu and Chen Qiang have a very good relationship, so I still don't want Chen Qiang to ignore these things if he doesn't pay attention. Get into the pit.

"Isn't this bullshit? Starry Sky Academy didn't mess with them. I want to launch Starry Sky Academy to be the person who tested the firepower. I remember that the Ministry of Education has been clamoring for college reform for decades. It hasn't changed much. What? They thought I could shake the Star Academy." Chen Qiang was a little annoyed. He has been struggling carefully, he doesn't want to touch the interests of some people, and now all the products sold by the Star Group are new markets opened up by himself.

"Well, it's not their fault, these people are too impatient." Secretary Xu sighed when he heard Chen Qiang's tone.

"I don't care whether I'm in a hurry or not, it's best not to mess with me. My star group has always been a well water and a river water. If drinking water violates the well water that day, then I don't mind letting that river become a dry river." Chen Qiang There was a fierce look in his tone.

"Okay, that's it for today, you remember to send the design plan." Secretary Xu felt that there was no need for him to chat anymore, so he said.

"Okay, I'll send it to you later." Chen Qiang turned off the virtual projection after finishing speaking. Then he operated the computer in front of him and sent the entire plan designed by Su Jianyun's group to Secretary Xu. After sending it, Chen Qiang also lay quietly on his chair and thought about something.

"Second Elder, this is the design plan of the Starry Sky Group, and I have already printed it out." Secretary Xu said as he placed the material on the mahogany desk in front of him.

"How's Chen Qiang's reaction?" asked the old man who was reviewing the documents on the opposite side.

"It's very intense. He doesn't like others forcing him to do something." Secretary Xu also said directly.

"Some things can't be done if he doesn't want to, he's just too stubborn." The old man picked up a document from his right hand and said while looking at it.

"He has such stubborn strength." Secretary Xu said again.

"Yes, he has this strength. So now you seem to be calm in the country. Okay, send another copy of these documents to the Great Elder, and send another copy to the Academy of Sciences." The old man picked up the A copy of the document brought by Secretary Xu said.

"Okay, I'll do it now." After speaking, Secretary Xu left. The old man opened the document and looked at it carefully, and from time to time made revisions on a map attached at the back.

In a very luxurious courtyard house in the capital, a man in a suit and leather shoes was reporting something to an old man in a Tang suit. Their voices were so small that they couldn’t hear what they were saying even at a distance of three meters. What.

"How's the recovery potion going? Have you researched it?" The old man's voice was full of majesty.

"Dad, according to the research institute of our research institute, the substance that can activate cells and prolong human life span is only available in the batches of rehabilitation medicines before the production increase of Xingkong Pharmaceutical, and the recovery medicines after the production increase do not contain this substance. The researcher of the research institute speculates that Xingkong Pharmaceutical may have developed a substance that can replace that substance. Also, the production of this substance should be very small, so the use of rehabilitation medicine is a last resort. So in After developing a new generation of substitute substances, they were replaced immediately." The man replied respectfully.

"Then is there a way to analyze this substance at the research institute?" The old man's eyes were full of hope.

"Dad, no. Many research institutes all over the world are conducting this experiment, and all of them have failed. The only thing we can do now is to extract this substance from the cell activation solution." The man looked at his father's eyes, biting He gritted his teeth and said.

"Trash, since it can be extracted, let's extract it, and bring it if you make up a bottle." After hearing his son's answer, the old man cursed directly.

"Yes, Father." The man agreed and left. After the man left, the old man stood up and walked into the room, where there was an old woman lying down with a gentle smile on her face.

"Hongli, the life-extending potion is almost ready. You have been lying down for so many years. It's time to wake up. Your physical doctor checked and said that your body's functions have reached the limit. In half a year, you Yes, but I can't bear it." The old man stroked the old woman in front of him very gently, but the tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing.

The old man's name is Han Yuanchao, and he is the largest real estate developer in China. He is a typical representative who started from scratch during the reform and opening up. The Pearl Group he founded is one of the top five companies in China by market capitalization, ranked fifteenth on the list of the world's top 500 companies, and ranked fourth in China.

The current Pearl Group has developed into a comprehensive group, in addition to real estate companies, it also has retail and theater companies. However, recently, the Pearl Group has been selling some high-quality assets to withdraw funds. You must know that the debt ratio of Pearl Group is the lowest among all Huaguo real estate companies.

The sudden sale of high-quality real estate by the Pearl Group made a big impression on the housing prices in Huaguo, so the housing prices in Huaguo fell by an average of 15% during this period of time. Fortunately, after a month of turmoil, Pearl Group stopped selling.

Of course, some well-informed people know that Pearl Group sells high-quality assets in this way to withdraw a large amount of funds, and then buy rehabilitation medicine. They didn't know what the Mingzhu Group was doing by buying such large quantities of healing potions, but this was also a good opportunity to catch up with the big tree of the Han family, so some thoughtful businessmen also bought a few bottles of healing potions to try their luck. But obviously they failed. However, someone succeeded. It was a real estate contractor. He got the right to contract a real estate under the Pearl Group as he wished.

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