Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 189 Starry Sky Academy Will Take the Blame (Monthly Pass 4)

The successful real estate businessman was also very confused, because he just took a bottle of healing potion that he hadn't used for a long time to try his luck, but he didn't expect to get it. This bottle of rehabilitation medicine was bought before Xingkong Pharmaceutical announced the increase in production, because Xingkong Pharmaceutical advertised that the new batch of medicine would be more effective, so he bought new medicine for his mother. So the bottle stayed.

This situation was soon known by many real estate businessmen, so they were all looking for the batch of rehabilitation medicine before increasing production. However, there are very few in Huaguo, because the rehabilitation medicine in Huaguo is strictly controlled, and basically every batch is consumed. At will, they turned their attention to foreign countries, but they were directly intimidated by the price. Because the price of a bottle of pre-increase rehabilitation medicine on the foreign black market has reached 100 million US dollars, which is more than 700 million Chinese dollars.

"No wonder the Pearl Group is selling high-quality assets here. This is too scary." This was the thought of all real estate developers, but then they became interested in this rehabilitation medicine, but more detailed information was disclosed by the upper-level people. Blocked, they get nothing.

"Father, this is the only bottle we have extracted, and we have already spent 50 billion Chinese dollars. And we have also been warned, our big actions during this period have already revealed this news." The man handed Han Yuanchao Dao a black box.

"Hey, I've worked hard for you, child, so let's end here. If your mother still can't wake up, then I can only resign myself to fate." Han Yuanchao said and tears flowed again. He knew that his big action had already caused troubles to the entire upper class society. If he continued to be stubborn like this, then the Mingzhu Group and the Han family would be ruined.

"It's okay, father. I really hope that my mother can wake up." The man couldn't help but think of how his mother became a vegetable in the first place.

"Okay, then let's go in and inject this thing into your mother's body." Han Yuanchao stood up and was supported by the man into the room.

Three days later, the price of rehabilitation medicine in the entire market suddenly increased, reaching an astonishing one billion dollars a bottle. Many people don't understand the reason for the sudden surge in prices, but the really powerful families have got the news that someone has survived this medicine and has become younger.

Longevity is always the goal pursued by successful people, and they use various methods to prolong their own survival time. What they lack now is not money, but time, time to enjoy all this. How many people in this world can really see through life and death?

Although everything outside seems to be turbulent, it has always been in a circle that ordinary people have no way of accessing, or the ultimate goal of those who control this circle is to keep ordinary people from knowing.

But all of this still had nothing to do with Chen Qiang, because at this time Chen Qiang was having friendly discussions with the presidents of several top universities in the country at the Ministry of Education in the capital.

"Mr. Chen, Starry Sky Academy has made a big splash this time. Why don't Starry Sky Academy open up and I will give you 5% of the funds from the Ministry of Education to Starry Sky Academy from Jingcheng University?" said the vice president of Jingcheng University. I don't go to hell who goes to hell like that.

"No." Chen Qiang refused expressionlessly. As for the funds from the Ministry of Education, he did not intend to ask for it from the beginning. Because if the Starry Sky Academy takes the funds from the Ministry of Education, then the Starry Sky Academy will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. Isn't this sending the Starry Sky Academy to the tiger's mouth?

"Mr. Chen, it's not good for the Star Academy to collect all the top students in the country." The president of Tsinghua University said in a bad tone.

"Starry Sky Academy has a certain focus on recruiting students. There are so many people in Huaguo. Does President Hua have to keep an eye on the 3,000 people from Starry Sky Academy?" Chen Qiang asked directly. He will not be polite at all to those who want to push Starry Sky Academy to the fore.

"Mr. Chen, Xingkong Academy is very successful in cultivating students. Could you introduce it to us?" Zhu Linghua, the principal of Zhejiang University, said with a smile.

"Okay, if you want to cultivate such students, you probably need to invest 50 billion Chinese yuan in the school's experiments every year, regardless of the results, and you need a powerful scientific research institution like the Starry Sky Research Institute." Chen Qiang now said to These people have no good feelings at all.

"Mr. Chen, we are also sincerely asking for advice. It's not good for you to perfunctory us like this." Zhu Linghua's expression was a little grim.

"Principal Zhu, I'm not joking. From last year to this year, I have invested a total of 150 billion in the Starry Sky Academy, and the 30,000 Ming researchers of the Starry Sky Academy are all teachers of the Starry Sky Academy. The school can start classes at any time and any place, and my investment is not small." Chen Qiang said playfully.

"Then Mr. Chen, can we form a pair between Zhejiang University and Xingkong Academy, and we will train each other's students." The principal of Tsinghua University said.

"No, the students of Starry Sky Academy are employees of our Starry Sky Group the moment they enroll, so they can be vigorously trained by Starry Sky Group, but how about your students going to Starry Sky Academy, you can train them if you want, everyone One billion dollars, I will help with this." Chen Qiang said the figure that surprised these principals. You must know that the national funding for these schools is less than one billion U.S. dollars a year.

"Mr. Chen, the National University of Science and Technology wants to join the enrollment of Starry Sky Academy this year. I don't know what you want." President Shen of the National University of Science and Technology said at this time.

"I can't decide this. If you enter the self-enrollment system of Starry Sky Academy, how will you explain to the parents of those candidates." Chen Qiang turned his attention to Minister Qin of the Ministry of Education who has been working as a clay bodhisattva.

"Hey, we have some considerations about this. We will recruit an experimental class this year, about 50 people from each school. This time, the 34 colleges and universities present will participate in the recruitment. See if you can arrange it." Minister Qin has a headache, because it's not good for him to be caught between the two sides.

"Joining is fine, but this time the admissions exam can no longer be conducted in the name of Starry Sky Academy. Starry Sky Academy is not being taken advantage of. I can't bear the anger of the parents." Chen Qiang directly suggested.

"Mr. Chen, we are just screening some outstanding students. They still have to take the college entrance examination." Principal Zhe Dazhu said with some shame.

"Oh, then why don't you go directly to the college entrance examination? What's the point of you doing this? Besides, our starry sky academy likes to recruit some strange talents. Even if he is partial, it's okay, as long as he has that talent. You like this What is the purpose of doing it, is it interesting?" Chen Qiang was a little angry, because this was simply playing him like a monkey.

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