Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 198 Excellent Game

As the world's first game that fully supports virtual networks, "Age of Mythology" is sure to be a hit, and of course it will be of great benefit to enter in advance. Moreover, this game has established a game item trading system in the early days of the game, so the commercial value of this game is very high, and this game is supported by various countries to suppress the Star Group, so the vitality of this game will be extremely strong. So everyone here is very interested in this game.

Ding Sanshi did not expect that Chen Qiang would help him. Although he has a lot of shares in the game company, he has no way to deal with the pressure from so many shareholders, so he has already prepared to release some god-level construction villages Ling's plan. Although this somewhat undermines the fairness of the game, some work in the game will require the help of these people, so he has to disrupt the balance of the game.

However, Chen Qiang's attitude completely solved the biggest problem of the entire game. The words of fair competition directly blocked the idea of ​​these big families wanting to gain some benefits for themselves through the game company.

"Also, everyone can't use artificial intelligence to cheat. The Star Group will keep an eye on you. Since it's a competition, it's fair." Chen Qiang said with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, you are taking too much control like this." A family representative said very dissatisfied.

"Oh? Then you can leave. As for sending back the shares of the game company, it seems that it was a mistake for your family to send you here." Under Chen Qiang's indifferent expression, this person was directly escorted out by the security guards.

"Everyone, since everyone is planing food in the same pot, you must abide by the rules. The rules of this game are fair, so please abide by it. After the game is launched, the game company will prepare to go public. I will give a percentage here. Fifth, do you feel satisfied?" Chen Qiang said with a smile again.



Those who are satisfied are those Western consortiums, and those who are not satisfied are people in Huaguo, mainly Lao Ma and others.

"Oh, is it because I got a little less? How about I get 10%? If you want to buy it on the spot, you can bring it in cash." Chen Qiang was a little surprised.

"Mr. Chen, it's not that there are fewer, but more. You are the pinnacle of the game company now. I know you have always wanted to get rid of the game company, but the game company can't do without you." Ding Sanshi's voice was loud, and he couldn't stop Tell it to Chen Qiang, or to those people from the Western consortium.

When Ding Sanshi said this, everyone present suddenly realized that the game company can have no one, but they just can't live without Chen Qiang. Star Group's technical strength is really too strong, and now the world has a great sense of trust in Chen Qiang. As long as Chen Qiang participates in things, basically there is nothing that does not make money. For example, the green energy company only has the right to sell green plants in the desert, but because of Chen Qiang's participation, the stock price has never fallen, and the current valuation has exceeded 150 billion US dollars.

And for these consortiums in the West, the most profitable ones are listed companies. So after saying this, everyone changed their minds. Although they hoped to get more shares to improve their voice in the game company, they still dare not touch Chen Qiang's shares.

"Let's go with five percent. I can give another five percent to the company's employees." Chen Qiang said after thinking for a while.

"Mr. Chen, we have already decided to show off the shares of the company's employees. The total is 10%. After all, the game company's biggest wealth is now them." Lao Ma directly blocked Chen Qiang's next words.

"Do you have to tie me to the carriage of the game company? Actually, I don't have the slightest interest in games." Chen Qiang said helplessly.

"It's not that I want to tie you to the game company, but all the employees of the game company want to tie you to this carriage. If you leave, the game company will be disbanded." The old horse also said helplessly.

Chen Qiang didn't know what these people thought. If the game company went public with 100% of the shares in Chen Qiang's hands, the stock price of the entire game company would be twice as high as if it hadn't. But Chen Qiang didn't want to make games from the beginning, and now there are so many countries behind this game company, so the 20% stake in his hand is very abrupt. He is now sure that the shares in the hands of these people at the scene will never exceed 3%, and of course the majority of the shares released will be taken away by various countries.

The shareholder meeting ended without a problem, and the afternoon press conference was held on time. This time the game company made a big splash, because the game company has been silent since the last release of "Liberty Village", which made many hardcore gamers hate iron and steel, because during this year Among them, many game companies in the world have released their own virtual games.

And as a master of all outstanding talents in China and even in the world, the game company has been silent for a year, and there is not even a single news during this period, and reporters have refused to interview. So this time the game company's press conference attracted a lot of attention. Basically, anyone who likes to play games is watching the game company's press conference.

"Hi everyone, welcome to the game company's new product launch conference. This should be a cross-generational development of the game industry. Our game company has gone through a year, and more than 200,000 people have participated in game development before and after. This game—"The Age of Mythology". This is a real second-world game, where you can gallop freely, you can lead troops to fight in order to fulfill your dream of fighting in the battlefield, and you can also find A quiet place where I go to drink tea and play the piano every day. This is a second world that everyone dreams of.” Ding Sanshi’s introduction was very vivid, and following his introduction, the big screen behind him continued to The game screen is displayed.

"There are many ways to play the game. You can explore or cultivate. In this game, only you can't think of it, and no one can't do it. The environment of the game is a unified continent, which will be divided into many countries. , the division of this country is calculated based on the land of each country in the real world multiplied by ten. Players from each country will be born in their own country when they are born. Each country will choose a section of the country's best A history of cold weapons is used as the background of the game, for example, Huaguo chose the Three Kingdoms era." Ding Sanshi introduced some situations of the game in detail.

"Ah, isn't this some of the settings of those virtual game novels in Qidian novels? The game company actually made it. It's awesome." Netizens discussed intensely.

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