Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 199 Untimely

"It seems so, I have to go back and take a good look at it, learn some special skills, and then I will be able to ride the world." A netizen said arrogantly.

"Hey, if you are still riding the horse, you probably won't even be able to get out of Xinshou Village."

"that is"

"Mouth King"

The game company did not disappoint everyone. According to some introductions from the game company, "Mythological Age" is indeed more like the second world than "Freedom Village", but in the game company's press conference, the game company also clearly stated that "Mythology "Era" will use the form of a space gate to connect with "Freedom Village", and players must pass through "Freedom Village" to enter the game.

This is like the map of the game, "The Age of Mythology" is a map of "Freedom Village". However, this map is a bit strong, and this situation may be reversed in the future, but Chen Qiang is not calling at all.

This world-shocking press conference is over. After the press conference, the sales of all types of gaming helmets in the world ushered in a burst of explosion. In particular, Xiaomi's gaming helmets are out of stock. Xiaomi's gaming helmets are the world's first gaming helmets, and they have the highest safety factor. So far, no one has been found to have problems with gaming helmets. But other types of helmets have more or less various problems, and the degree of simulation of these helmets is not as high as that of Xiaomi.

However, there is a very bad thing about Xiaomi's helmet, that is, it is too ugly. In this era of beauty, this is indeed a big mistake. However, it seems that Xiaomi will not change it here, but users will not feel this way after watching it for a while.

Xiaomi also reacted to Chen Qiang about the ugly helmet, but there was no way to change it. Because a large number of gaming helmets have been produced. And when the game helmet was originally produced, the purpose was to wear it comfortably and use the least material, so Xiaolong designed it like this. The production workshop of gaming helmets is unmanned. If you want to change the shape of gaming helmets, you need to make some adjustments to the production line, which is a waste of time. So I just went wrong.

The game company's "Mythology" press conference completely ignited all the suppressed emotions after the completion of the virtual network construction, and this time Ding Sanshi did not give anyone time to prepare, he directly announced at the press conference that "Mythology" will be The public beta will take place three days later. Direct public testing has never happened before in the history of games. Generally, games can only be released after many rounds of insiders.

In the next three days, all the news in the whole world revolved around the game "Era of Mythology". First, the game company announced that all items in the game could be traded, and the item trading website was directly launched that day. The second is that many companies in the world have directly announced their entry into the game and will build cities in it. Players are welcome to settle in. The last and most exciting thing is that all countries on the earth encourage all unemployed people to enter the game to open up wasteland.

The whole world began to go crazy, and no one doubted that the game "Era of Mythology" would become the second world of mankind. For countries all over the world, the appearance of this game has completely solved a big problem for them. This problem is the placement of the unemployed. With the popularization and use of artificial intelligence, all repetitive labor has been replaced by robots, and the world's largest working class is directly facing unemployment.

And this game is also specially created by them to solve this problem. Although this is a bit of a temporary solution, but at least at this stage, it is beneficial to maintaining national stability. Chen Qiang saw this very clearly, and he knew it after he released the Chinese language, so the Star Group never recruited low-end industrial personnel, and all the current production of the Star Group was unmanned.

This was Chen Qiang who had already returned to Xingkong City, but at this moment he was thinking about some problems while pressing the road.

After the game company's press conference, there was a small party in the evening, but Chen Qiang was surprised by the people who came today, because the old horse brought not only those familiar with him. There is also an old man named Han Yuanchao, who also knows about Chen Qiang of the Pearl Group. You must know that the first villa Chen Qiang bought was developed by the Pearl Group.

Chen Qiang, who started out in real estate, had no contact with them, and now the Star Group has its own construction company, so he has no need to contact this person, and he also knows that the current Pearl Group is in charge of his son.

"Chen Qiang, this is Han Yuanchao, the old man of the Han family of Pearl Group. He came here today to thank you." Lao Ma introduced.

"Thank you?" Chen Qiang looked at the nearly ninety-year-old man suspiciously.

"Mr. Chen, the thing is like this. My wife became a vegetable when she was young for some reason. I was also a dead horse as a living horse doctor. I purified the recovery medicine and fed it to him." Han Yuanchao was full of gratitude. Feelings.

"Okay, don't talk about it, your wife is an auspicious person with her own celestial appearance, and this has nothing to do with Xingkong Medicine's rehabilitation medicine." Chen Qiang directly interrupted Han Yuanchao's next words, from the moment he heard the word "purification" He knew what these people were thinking.

"Mr. Chen, I want another batch of recovery medicine." Han Yuanchao finally expressed his thoughts under the eyes of Lao Ma and others who were about to kill.

"Lao Ma, this is your target tonight." Chen Qiang stared at Lao Ma coldly and said, then turned his gaze to everyone present.

"Chen Qiang, this is not our purpose, we just want to get together." Lao Ma smiled reluctantly. Now he even has the heart to kill, he didn't expect Han Yuanchao to be so eager.

"Then am I familiar with Mr. Han?" Chen Qiang's voice became more and more severe.

"Chen Qiang, Mr. Han is also a major shareholder of our game company. Didn't he bring this here for you to meet? After all, we also need allies." Mr. Ren also persuaded.

"No need, I also understand what you mean. Okay, now I've drunk the wine, and I'm leaving." Chen Qiang picked up a glass of wine and drank it down, then left directly.

Under the protection of Zhang Jian and others, Chen Qiang rushed to Starry Sky City overnight. Now only Starry Sky City can make Chen Qiang feel safe.

Now that he has directly broken his face with those big families, Chen Qiang has nothing to fear now. Anyway, there is the game "Era of Mythology" now, so it's good to join the game if you lose your job.

Therefore, Chen Qiang directly accelerated the research and development of the anti-gravity vehicle, and devoted all resources to this project. On the other side, Lao Ma and the others didn't say a word about what happened that day. The game company was also listed in Hong Kong under the operation of these people. After the listing, the game company broke through the trillion-dollar scale in a short time. Ten billion became the richest man in the world.

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