Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 211 Influence

Originally, the Star Group's inaction made South Korea almost give up, but now the Star Group has started to act, but this time their action is still a bit big. Lei Jun, the vice president of the group, personally put on his clothes and started flying around in the sky every day. Han Yuanchao also started his actions, starting to create obstacles for Lei Jun everywhere, but he didn't even understand the purpose of the conversation between Lei Jun and the governments of various countries, so all his efforts were in vain.

However, he also inquired about some news from his allies, that is, Star Group is planning to launch a new vehicle this time. The level of secrecy of the government department is not very high. After Lei Jun negotiated with several major countries, the matter about the anti-gravity car of the Star Group also slowly surfaced.

"Chen Qiang, the above is very supportive of the anti-gravity car, and according to the data you reported, this car still has great potential to be tapped." Secretary Xu came to Starry Sky City to convey the above information to Chen Qiang mean.

"The anti-gravity module of the anti-gravity car can be sold, and it is sold according to the price. As for how to do it yourself." Chen Qiang didn't go around the corner, and gave the answer directly.

"This is feasible, I will discuss it, and someone will come to contact me later." Secretary Xu also nodded.

"What is the meaning of the country? Is it allowed to sell cars in China?" Chen Qiang also asked impatiently.

"Agreed, but the export will impose a heavier tax." Secretary Xu also replied directly.

"Oh, don't you really think about it carefully? You must know how much impact the listing of anti-gravity vehicles will have on the entire Huaguo real estate enterprises and the automobile industry." Chen Qiang said with interest.

"The Seven Elders held no fewer than ten meetings alone. Huaguo's real estate has been in a bubble for a long time these years. In the first half of the year, Huaguo's real estate registration was not smooth. The listing of anti-gravity vehicles is just an opportunity to rectify the real estate industry." Xu The secretary gave Chen Qiang a hard look and said.

"Will this bring some problems to the country's economic development?" Chen Qiang asked with a smile, but with a hint of seriousness.

"It doesn't matter, there are still labor pains, but the country can afford it." Secretary Xu also replied seriously.

"That's good. I will let go of the anti-gravity module 'Pangu' of the anti-gravity car. Anyway, I don't plan to eat it alone." Chen Qiang has always been very defensive against the intrusion of technology.

"Don't be too happy, all the anti-gravity modules in the future will have to pretend to be 'Beidou' positioning chips, and the flying height of domestic anti-gravity vehicles cannot exceed 3,000 meters." Secretary Xu said the above meaning.

"It's okay, it's better than I imagined. The Star Group will also develop an intelligent system to be installed on the car, and the final control of this system will be handed over to the state." Chen Qiang also expressed some of his preparations.

"Yes, this kind of thing can only be done by the state." Secretary Xu nodded. Secretary Xu still appreciates Chen Qiang's understanding. Without Chen Qiang's last sentence, no country would agree to the entry of anti-gravity vehicles. You must know that the sky is the most vulnerable place for a country's defense. As a kind of aircraft, the anti-gravity car can cause great damage if it is used by criminals.

Moreover, the aircraft has routes, and the planning of routes is originally done by the state. And as long as anti-gravity vehicles are launched, it is estimated that the number of vehicles in the world will reach more than 10 million within a year. This is a big test for the Civil Aviation Administration and radar of each country.

That's a lot of work, even now with the help of intelligent systems. We must know that the number of motor vehicles in China exceeded 500 million last year. Excluding trucks, the number of private cars also exceeded 200 million. This is a huge number, and there is a very bad problem after the anti-gravity car is released, that is, the smart-driven anti-gravity car will eliminate the driver's license, which will make many people no longer use the driver's license to drive, which will greatly improve stimulate the entire motor vehicle market.

Therefore, only the state can do these things, and the Star Group does not have that much energy.

Things about anti-gravity cars have caused great repercussions in the world, and ordinary people are very happy to see these things. But some people are very anxious, such as the world's auto giants and the entire auto industry chain, as well as aviation giants.

The anti-gravity car has a direct conflict of interest with these auto giants, and now the entire world's auto industry is very large, and no country or even the auto industry is a pillar industry. However, Chinese people are very happy to see this matter. Now the entire domestic automobile industry may not be truly a national independent industry. The entire country's automobile industry is still in the assembly stage, and it does not have its own technology at all. Even if it has its own technology, the technology has fallen behind. This is the status quo of Huaguo's auto industry.

Therefore, the anti-gravity car of the Star Group is very popular among the people of China. Another reason is that if there is an anti-gravity car, then there will be no more traffic jams. This is good news for many young people who want to buy a house near their company. So ever since it was reported that Xingkong Group has developed an anti-gravity car, Huaguo's house has been seriously unsalable.

In fact, for this generation of young people who buy houses, they don't like a lively environment, on the contrary they prefer a quieter environment.

However, anti-gravity cars will not have a qualitative impact on Huaguo's housing prices. Because people buy a house to pay attention to the living facilities around the house, such as hospitals and schools. As for the anti-gravity vehicles, they will only have some impact on the current traffic jams in the entire Huaguo, and the housing prices in some commercial gathering places will also have some impact, and there will be no changes in the general direction.

The Huaguo government also knew this, so they seized the time to register the real estate resources of the entire Huaguo during this period of time, and those who concealed and refused to report before have also declared. Because the news that the house is worthless on the Internet is everywhere, they are also anxious. Moreover, after the government's real estate registration, there will be a special website for the sale of houses for publicity, so that these real estate hoarders can at least recover a little bit.

Under the series of strong measures taken by the Huaguo government, housing prices in the entire Huaguo began to drop slowly. In fact, the most difficult thing to deal with in Huaguo is not the real estate companies, but the real estate speculators. Real estate companies are registered with grades, and the government can take them down in minutes, but real estate speculators are self-employed.

There will be these problems in foreign countries, but they are not as serious as Huaguo. Now they are concerned about when the anti-gravity car of Star Group will be released. In their opinion, driving an anti-gravity car to fly in the sky is a cool thing. And foreigners also like to modify cars, and they are already gearing up for this anti-gravity car.

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