Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 212 The First Lake in Star City

However, Star Group does not have a definite time. And even Mr. Lei, who has been negotiating with the governments of various countries, returned to Starry Sky City. When everyone couldn't wait to get the anti-gravity car, it was Star Group's sudden appearance, and netizens were stunned. But when they saw that the Chinese New Year would be half a month away, they were relieved.

But before the Spring Festival, Star City has a bigger thing to do, that is, the project of diverting the Yellow River into Star City has been completed.

"Secretary Xu, why are you here again?" Chen Qiang picked up the plane at the airport, and the first person who saw the plane getting off the plane was Secretary Xu, and complained directly.

"Oh, why can't I come, white-eyed wolf." Secretary Xu scolded directly with a smile.

Then many people got off the plane, among them were two Chen Qiang had seen on TV, they were the third and fourth elders of the country.

"It's an honor for the two elders to come to Starry Sky City. Welcome." Chen Qiang hurried over to greet the two elders.

"I've wanted to come to Mr. Chen's Starry Sky City for a long time, today you have to take me around." The third elder said kindly.

"Naturally, please come to the two elders." Chen Qiang pointed to the driveway that had already been prepared.

The water diversion ceremony for the project of diverting the Yellow River into the Starry Sky was held today, so Chen Qiang did not arrange the two elders in the hotel at the Starry Sky Airport, but brought them directly to the Starry Sky City.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the ceremony officially began. The ceremony was very grand, but there were not many reporters. Only Huaguo National TV station recorded the whole process. It's not that other media don't come, but that the Star Group doesn't allow them to interview. The national TV station also relied on the face of the two elders to conduct interviews. All the media have long been accustomed to this kind of arrogance of the Star Group.

"Leaders, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Welcome to the water diversion launching ceremony of the Starry Sky City Diversion Project. The Yellow River into the Starry Sky Project started last year as a student design project of the Starry Sky Academy, and construction began in October this year. It took three months, with a total length of 650 kilometers and a cost of 85.3 billion Chinese yuan. The successful construction of this project will completely solve the water problem of the entire Starry Sky City." Chen Qiang's father was the first to come to the stage to carry out report.

After Chen Qiang's father finished his report, he stepped down. At this time, the host asked the third elder to speak. This has been arranged long ago, and water conservancy is one of the affairs in charge of Huaguo by the three elders, which is very appropriate.

"Hi everyone, to be honest, I was very shocked today. I only saw the current ALS in the report before, this time I came to the green grass. I used to jump in the team in this place, so this place I am still very familiar with the house," the third elder expressed his emotion.

"Secretary Xu, did the third elder really check the team here?" Chen Qiang turned his head and asked.

"Really, I'm still the secretary of ALSYQ." Secretary Xu replied flatly.

At this moment, Chen Qiang also understood the reason why the third elder was so warm to him. After all, this is the place where he once ruled. The third elder must be very happy to see the green grass of ALS now.

"We are planning a water transmission line from the east to the west of Huaguo. Our goal is to turn the entire desert of Huaguo into an oasis." Just as Chen Qiang was distracted, he suddenly heard the third elder say this.

Chen Qiang turned his head to the right again and stared at Secretary Xu, wanting to know the authenticity of this matter.

"It's true. The higher-ups have been re-planning the route since you handed in your plan. Your students' plan is a bit simple. It is estimated that the project will be approved after the Chinese New Year, and the special funds for construction will also be made in next year's budget. "Secretary Xu continued to speak lightly.

"It seems that your purpose of coming to Starry Sky City is not pure." Chen Qiang turned his head and said silently in his heart.

After the third elder finished speaking, the final part of the ceremony will begin. Under the joint promotion of Chen Qiang, the third elder and the fourth elder, the water from 600 kilometers away is poured into the Starry Sky City, which has already been built. in the lake. Although it can't be seen now, it will become a real lake in half a month.

After the ceremony, Chen Qiang brought a group of people from the government to the meeting room of the Star Group. He knew that these two came with a mission this time.

"Chen Qiang, you also know that we are here today with a mission. So let's start now." Secretary Xu took the lead to break the deadlock.

"Okay." Although Chen Qiang didn't know what the two elders were here for this time, he knew that he had no choice now.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Chen. We are here today mainly to discuss with you the issue of water diversion lines, and we want to hear your opinion." The third elder also said with a smile.

"My opinion? Elder, are you right? I haven't dabbled in this area at all." Chen Qiang said in surprise.

"You don't have experience, but your construction company has it. We came here this time mainly to let you undertake this construction project." The third elder said directly.

"Aren't there many construction companies in the country, why choose our Xingkong Construction?" Chen Qiang couldn't help frowning.

"This is mainly to test whether you have any experience in doing it, and you, Mr. Chen, have already become famous all over the world for eating alone. This time, the country plans to complete this project in one year, so this requires your kind of tools. .” said the third elder.

"Elder, you're blaming me for this. I won't be alone in this regard. You ask the national building to send people over to participate in technical training. We will provide you with a batch of equipment for free, but the elder will give us Starry Sky There is also a branch line connected to the city." Chen Qiang said a little aggrieved, but his eyes showed shrewdness.

"Oh? How do you know that we won't pass the main line through Starry Sky City." The third elder said with some surprise.

"Elder, it's very simple, because if we use the machinery of our Star Group, the country will definitely build a straight line, and the destination of the country must be the Taklimakan Desert, and our Star City is not on this line at all." Chen Qiang said own judgment.

"Not bad, but you made a mistake this time. The main line will pass through Starry Sky City, which is just one of the main lines." The third elder said with a smile.

"Ah." Chen Qiang had no choice but to accept the country's strength. The conversation was very pleasant, and the two sides reached an agreement in a short while. Xingkong Construction will provide technical training, and some special equipment in this project will be purchased from Xingkong Group. This is a huge project, and the required machinery is also massive. If all of them are provided by Starry Sky Group for free, although Starry Sky Group will not have any major problems, it will definitely make Starry Sky Group feel pain.

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