Super Biotech Empire

Chapter 213 The Broken Brother

For Chen Qiang's country, they are extremely tolerant, even a little spoiled. This also made Chen Qiang very puzzled, but he didn't go into it.

The completion of the project of diverting the Yellow River into the Starry Sky City marks that the Starry Sky City can once again expand the permanent population of the Starry Sky City. So the remaining students of Starry Sky Academy began to bring their parents to celebrate the New Year in Starry Sky City.

As in previous years, the Star Group began to have a holiday the week before the Chinese New Year. As for the working hours, of course it ended after the New Year's Day. Everyone is not surprised by the big money of the Star Group. During the holiday period of the Star Group, all business will stop, and all the staff from the top of the group to the clerks below will enter the vacation mode. This is also the point that all office workers envy the Star Group.

Now that it's a holiday, Chen Qiang directly put down the business of the entire Star Group and started to stay at home with the children. Next year is the third year that Chen Qiang said at the beginning, which means that Xingkong Aerospace will enter the most intense stage. At this stage, Chen Qiang does not think that he will have time to accompany these two children.

But some people don't want Chen Qiang to accompany the children well. That day, Chen Qiang was playing with his two children, but he received a call from Luo Meijia, the manager of the Star Charity Fund, saying that the game company was going to hold a shareholder meeting and distribute dividends. I hope Chen Qiang can go.

"Mr. Luo, just refuse directly. I entrusted you with the full power of this share before, and you can take care of it. As for some commercial matters, you should be more familiar with it than me." Chen Qiang did not expect that Lao Ma and others still did not give up.

"Yes, Mr. Chen." Luo Meijia is very clear about the status of the Star Charity Fund. The Star Charity Fund is a product of Chen Qiang's handling of game companies and green energy companies. Good or bad will not affect the Star Group. So she, the manager, has always been excluded from the Star Group. Up to now, she and Chen Qiang, the president, have only met twice, which is very representative of this problem.

But she wasn't disappointed either. Although the Starry Sky Charity Fund was excluded from the Starry Sky Group, there were no missing benefits. Isn't the purpose of her coming to this company just for the welfare of Star Group? Especially the coconut oil supplied by the Starry Sky Group, which tastes very good, and she used to suffer from insomnia, but it has been cured after eating coconut oil.

So Luo Meijia is very satisfied with her current life. Since the boss has allowed herself to represent the rights to the shares of these two companies, it is enough for her to do these things well.

It was expected that Chen Qiang rejected Lao Ma and others, but after receiving Chen Qiang's clear rejection reply, he couldn't help being a little disappointed. As their company is a star company in Huaguo, they can hear a lot of news. For example, the news of Star Group's anti-gravity car is no secret among top companies in various countries. We must know that in foreign countries, these enterprises have more or less agents in the top management of the country.

They interviewed Chen Qiang this time with the intention of allowing Chen Qiang to open a small door for Huaguo companies like the last time, so that Huaguo companies can take a step ahead of foreign companies, so that domestic companies can have more competitiveness. But obviously their calculations were somewhat wrong.

Chen Qiang is a very vengeful person, and he doesn't have the slightest affection for these people. Since they can acquiesce in South Korea's questioning of themselves like that, they should also be prepared for this step in their relationship with each other. Moreover, Chen Qiang does not believe at all that without the acquiescence of these people, Han Yuanchao would directly fight with the Star Group. Even if they did not help Han Yuanchao, these people must have known about Han Yuanchao's plan, but they still haven't informed him so far. What should friends do?

Since then, Chen Qiang has a new understanding of the bloody book, that is, don't talk about feelings with anyone except your own relatives, because that kind of relationship is very fragile. So after this incident, Chen Qiang gave everyone in the Star Group a salary increase of 30%.

The interest relationship is the most ingenious relationship in the world. Sometimes it is like a plate of loose sand, which will disperse when the wind blows. And sometimes it is like a rock, which is still in its original shape after the vicissitudes of the sea.

It's almost Chinese New Year, and the family is very busy, because there are two little troublemakers this year, the family is extraordinarily lively. Now the old people from the two families come to Chen Qiang's house to stay with the children every day. And the two children also liked to stay with the old man, which made Chen Qiang suddenly free.

At the beginning of the year, Chen Jun really couldn't avoid the inquiries of his family members, so he could only confess that his girlfriend had broken up with him. As for the time to break up, it was the second day after he and Chen Qiang talked about the project. The reason for breaking up was because of obstruction from his girlfriend's family. His girlfriend's family hoped that their child could marry a local, and his girlfriend agreed.

"Chen Jun, it's not a big deal, just get up if you fall down." This is the comfort Chen Qiang, the unreliable older brother, gave to his younger brother.

As for the younger brother's girlfriend, Chen Qiang also conducted an investigation through Xiaolong, a very ordinary family. Both parents are local coconut farmers, and their income is not very high, but it is enough for a year's expenses. For such a family, it is normal for her parents to make such a decision. There is only this one daughter in the family, what should the old couple do if they marry out of town.

Reality is always cruel, it will not give you any time to prepare, maybe it likes this way of giving people pain by surprise.

For this girlfriend, Chen Jun did not give up, and went to Hainan after the company was on holiday. But what he didn't expect was that his girlfriend was already married, and she was a very simple local guy. Chen Jun didn't bother his girlfriend, but quietly left this place and returned to Starry Sky City.

Maybe the way every man matures is to be lovelorn. Chen Jun has stabilized a lot since then, and he began to put all his energy on the next work. No, after the holiday, I spend all my time in the study room except for eating.

"Xiaojun, come out to eat." Now the only one who can call Chen Jun is Chen Qiang.

"Oh, come here after reading this point." Chen Jun said without raising his head.

"Hurry up." Chen Qiang could only advise.


Chen Jun came down very late, basically the lunch was almost over. But for Chen Jun now, these are not a problem. He picked up a bowl of rice and mixed it with the leftover soup, and then gobbled it up. Mental work consumes the most energy. I wonder if you have this kind of situation. After reading a book carefully, you will feel a little hungry in your stomach.

"Chen Jun, don't go to see it this afternoon, play a game with me today." Chen Qiang did not leave the dining table, but said while putting the leftover dishes into Chen Jun's bowl.

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